analyzing a case of marriage annulment of the seventeenth century (Van Deusen, “Wife of My Soul and Heart, and All My Solace”)
For this week’s activity, you must analyze a case of marriage annulment of the seventeenth century (Van Deusen, “Wife of My Soul and Heart, and All My Solace”). The petitioner or plaintiff was an Indian woman, who filed the case before the ecclesiastical court because the Church was the institution that supervise and control marriages. Considered a sacrament, marriages, as baptisms and deaths, were administered and recorded by the church. Church had great influence on people’s life, beyond the care of their spiritual needs. How does Ysabel and Diego’s marriage annulment reflect the impact that the Church, and specifically the priests had over people’s lives?[unique_solution]
For this week’s activity, you must analyze a case of marriage annulment of the seventeenth century (Van Deusen, “Wife of My Soul and Heart, and All My Solace”). The petitioner or plaintiff was an Indian woman, who filed the case before the ecclesiastical court because the Church was the institution that supervise and control marriages. Considered a sacrament, marriages, as baptisms and deaths, were administered and recorded by the church. Church had great influence on people’s life, beyond the care of their spiritual needs. How does Ysabel and Diego’s marriage annulment reflect the impact that the Church, and specifically the priests had over people’s lives?