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Annotated bibliography on father children incest

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Annotated bibliography on father children incest


The essay presents an annotated bibliography of father children incest and discusses various elements of the subject. This includes multiple contributing factors, the outcome results. It also highlights multiple effects the act has on children. The paper also highlights various research studies which concern the topic and various achievements. It discusses factors that contribute to father children incest and other related information.

Pullman, L. E., Sawatsky, M. L., Babchishin, K. M., McPhail, I. V., & Seto, M. C. (2017).            Differences between biological and sociolegal incest offenders: A meta-analysis.           Aggression and violent behavior, 34, 228-237. Retrieved from

In general analysis, this publication majorly discusses meta-analysis investigation of differences that exist between biological plus sociologic incest criminals. This publication expresses that sociolegal incest criminals have more of antisocial traits such as self-regulation challenges. The incest criminals in biological contest exhibit psychopathology such as mental health challenges. This publication express that there is a crucial theoretical difference that exists between biological pulls sociolegal incest criminals as this aspect is not commonly recognized in medical research and associated empirical studies. This publication provides meta-analysis which examines the scope of biological plus incest criminals are different on several theoretical and medical related fields (Pullman et al 2017). The meta-analysis research provides a comparison of 4192 biological incest criminals to 2322 sociolegal incest criminals which was which covered 27 samples the was conducted between 1984 to 2012 with the median year being 1993. The sociolegal incest criminals had more of tendencies which are antisocial where some of the victims had drug and alcohol-related problems as compared to biological incest criminals. The biological incest criminals were more identified with psychopathological issues such as repression as compared to the other counterparts.

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The research studies indicated that the difference was minor in magnitude. Opposing their expectations, there was no distinctive difference between the classes on atypical incest interest which quantitative range between -0.09-0.11 even though the sociolegal incest criminals have a high prevalence of sexual control problems.

Seto, M. C., Babchishin, K. M., Pullman, L. E., & McPhail, I. V. (2015). The puzzle of     interfamilial child sexual abuse: A meta-analysis comparing interfamilial and   extra familial offenders with child victims. Clinical psychology review, 39, 42-57.       Retrieved from

This clinical psychology meta-analysis explores the comparison between interfamilial plus extra familial sex wrongdoers. The interfamilial criminals were lesser on tendencies of antisocial plus sexual unconventionality. The interfamilial criminals where individuals who have to experience difficulty childhood which was traumatizing. The psychopathology of the classes under research was similar; the interfamilial incest is a critical social plus health challenges. The explanations behind sexual offenses on children exhibit antisocial trends and atypical sexual desire which do not substantially explain the circumstances surrounding interfamilial offenses (Seto, Babchishin, Pullman & McPhail, 2015) the samples which were examined entailed seventy-eight independent samples the entailed 6605 interfamilial criminals in comparison to the 10573 extra familial criminals in the study which was conducted between 1978 to 2013 where the median year was 2000. The interfamilial criminals were substantially minor on varieties that have antisocial behavior which entail the presence of juvenile record, offenses history, alcoholism, substance abuse, impulsivity, and psychopathy; plus atypical sexual influences such as pedophilia, an extreme preoccupation with sex and other related paraphernalia

Mills, A. (2018). Appropriate or anathema? The representation of incest in children’s l       literature. In Incest in contemporary literature. Manchester University Press. Retrieved      from   

This publication illustrates the extreme silence posted on incest in young children in society. The literature provides analysis of Crew plus Stott images on the novel ‘in my father’s room’ in the context of a bluebird story with a focus on perceptions of other people and self-image (Mills, 2018). In this story, there is the presence of texts that can disturb somebody who is portraying parental love to his female child, which is revealed in a secret tale opposing the story related to secrecy in bluebirds, murder, and several sex partners.

The Cultural influences which are associated with father child incest exist in several contexts according to research studies. Some cultural aspects which promote exposure of nudity influence the occurrence of father child. Cultural practices such as early marriages, activities that enables parent to spend time close to their children. In some cases women who should be satisfying their husband sexually may be absent or engaging in prostitution, this condition put female children left behind by exposed to incest. Death of female parents leaves behind the children exposed to risk, and factors may make them vulnerable to abuse.

Rose, S. (2018). Syndromes, false or repressed memories?. In Memory in Dispute (pp. 120-           125). Routledge. Retrieved from              9477195-10

This publication by Steven rose offers an audience with a deceptively simple explanation of how human memory functions. The author presents a critical, skeptical definition of syndromes which is influenced by mental disorders where individuals go contrary to rules and regulations. Some cases of father-daughter incest result from mental disorders that exist in the parent. The publication also explores the works of Loftus plus Ofshe through review and analysis (Rose, 2018). The increase of pseudo-medical categories is explored in this literature and their various contributions to the father-child incest. Human memory functions in multiple ways to control human actions and other related elements. Abnormal psychology of the human mind is an influencing factor that hugely affects human actions. The presence of mental defects mainly exists among parent who abuses their children.

Oliver, Y. L. (2016). Love After Incest. How Does Father/Daughter Incest Impact Survivors’      Attachment and Later Developing Romantic Love Relationships and How Can the Therapeutic Relationship Assist in Helping Survivors Heal From Maladaptive Love         Patterns? A Hermeneutic Literature Review (Doctoral dissertation, Auckland        University of Technology). Retrieved from

This literature criticizes and combines the ideologies on father-daughter incest and the therapeutic associations and various ways a survivor can be assisted to recover fully. The publication expounds that there are studies that exist which illustrate therapeutic associations with victims of sex abuse and the impacts it causes in their lives. Father daughter incest result to conditions that will jeopardize the victim’s chance of developing healthy sexual relationships when they are grownups (Oliver, 2016). The survivors of father incest usually are much traumatized and should be handled with a lot of care. It is important to indulge professionals that will take appropriate steps to ensure that the victim so takes through counsel and is prepared to deal with all essential challenges associated with the subject.

Communities which have strong moral grounds, ethical influences and religion exhibits minimal cases of father child incest. Even cases of other forms of child abuse are minimum. The ethical structure developed through cultural activities determines the mind state of individuals in the society and personal traits. Communities which embrace uses of drugs such as marijuana or alcohol exhibits high records of father child incest than other where such cultural activities are not present. Education of an important component of civilization, in the areas where it is prevailing cases of father incest is less those regions where most individuals in the society are illiterate. Educations create awareness about various ethical aspects of society that guide mentality and character.

FOROUZAN, E., Beauregard, E., & LECLERC, B. (2014). Offending pathways of         interfamilial child sexual offenders. In Pathways to Sexual Aggression (pp. 170-192).            Routledge. Retrieved from          3762615-18

This literature discusses the theoretical methodologies which have been developed to define incest in various contexts. The approaches include the feminist theory about incest, family structures approach, multi-factorial methodology and ecological models. These approaches have received substantial assistance from medical practice plus empirical researches (FOROUZAN, Beauregard & LECLERC, 2014). The three approaches highlighted above provide various aspects of the prevalence of father-child incest, factors that determine relationships that exist between father and daughter. The document discusses various models of parental associations and their effects on the child environment and interactions with the natural environment in various aspects (FOROUZAN, Beauregard & LECLERC, 2014). The three important theories discussed in the document assist in understanding various outcomes of father-child incest. It suggests multiple avenues which can be used to eliminate threats which are associated with parents-children relationships.

Katz, C., & Hamama, L. (2017). From my own brother in my own home: children’s           experiences and perceptions following alleged sibling incest. Journal of interpersonal            violence, 32(23), 3648-3668. Retrieved from

Incest that exists among siblings has been given little attention when discussing prevalence rates of the subject. The publication highlights research where children who have been victim narrate their experiences plus perceptions after incest occurrence. The age of the kids involved in this research study are between the age of six to twelve years and entailed seventeen girls plus three boys (Katz, & Hamama, 2017). The thematic analysis which was carried out on the interview plus perceptions substantially reflected ecological structure in three categories which are family level where young ones narrated the occurrence and the level of disclosure; child level where the victims discussed their behavior when they were subject to abuse; and sibling level where the victims highlights their siblings character traits plus the grooming procedures.

Griffee, K., Swindell, S., O’Keefe, S. L., Stroebel, S. S., Beard, K. W., Kuo, S. Y., &       Stroupe, W. (2016). Etiological risk factors for sibling incest: Data from an         anonymous computer-assisted self-interview. Sexual Abuse, 28(7), 620-659.           Retrieved from

This article presents a retrospective research study results obtained from 1821 females plus 1064 males with single or more siblings. The research methodology incorporated computer-based self-interview where results were used to determine the risk factors that influence sibling incest. Considering reduction of predictive power, the factors associated with risk which have been identified through multiple logistic regression evaluation entails issues such as sharing of sleeping place, level of family nudity, father-child incest, the absence of maternal love and sharing bathrooms with other siblings. The results concurred to the theory that several families who experienced sibling incest were the cumulative outcome of 4 kinds of parental behaviors (Griffee et al, 2016). The four parental behaviors include factors which limit external hindrances to sexual behaviors which include encouragement of co-sleeping and co-bathing of siblings. Some factors reinvigorated nudity among children in nuclear family setting and parents exposing their genitals to children. Other factors resulted in siblings depending on each other for affection in cases where maternal affection is absent. The fourth category of factors that erotize little children such as sex abuse (Griffee et al, 2016). The 38 out of 137 sibling incest participants were involved in coerced sibling incest and to reduce predictive power coerced sibling incest risk factors identified through multiple logistic regression evaluation entailed co-sleeping. Some of the young children had also winded their parents fighting and exposed to nudity of family members.’

Mathews, B. (2019). The Context of Child Sexual Abuse, and Points of Departure. In New          International Frontiers in Child Sexual Abuse (pp. 3-40). Springer, Cham. Retrieved       from

This publication discusses the subject of childhood sexual abuse plus highlighting of various aspects of the subject. The literature describes the concepts associated with childhood sexual abuse. It highlights the prevalence of childhood sexual abuses in various communities around the globe. It discusses vital epidemiological aspects that relate to evidence of age, the relationship between the victims, gender, the frequency of the abuse, factors contributing to the sexual offense plus other theories which are associated with the subject. Substantially, the publication evaluates the prevalent non-disclosure of childhood sexual abuse by boys plus girls. This chapter also provides an explanation based on civilizes society, institutions (Mathews, 2019). Individuals, organizations and broader social structures plus the ethics oriented duty of the state to hinder and pinpoint children sexual abuse and provide strategies for solving such cases after the occurrence. The ethical obligations are concurring to political plus public health philosophy, human respect, and capabilities methodology.

The trends and nature of abuses children was exposed to be categorized to identify prevalent factors. Most children, who come from backgrounds where parents were violent, had marital problems, abusing drugs or drinking reported high number of sexually related abuse. There were also other factors such as death of parent, neglect from caregivers and poverty levels.

Diamond, M. J. (2018). When fathering fails: violence, narcissism, and the father function in        ancient tales and clinical analysis. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic      Association, 66(1), 7-40. Retrieved from   

This publication focuses on the symbolic meaning and the actual process of parenting such as aspects developed from the triadic matrix. There are various problems which are associated with parenting especially in the case where the parent has internal problems which drive the parent to assist in solving myths behind the scene. There are narratives they express the paternal fantasies and their effects on the lives of the child (Diamond, 2018). There are presences of literature which are used to spread knowledge against parental incest of young children. It discusses various parental factors that present in incest plus how to identifying abused children and dealing with their respective cases. The environment which the parent exposes a child in important towards their various outcomes in the society.


The paper represents annotated bibliography of publications which are associated with father children incest. Various factors determine the prevalence of parental abuse. The factors include mental conditions of the parents, the structure of relationship that exists between siblings. The environment which parents and children are essential towards their wellbeing. Various factors and consequences of the father-child incest have been discussed in the essay above. Cultural influences such as religion and education are key factors in determining the rate of father child incest. Researches discussed above have identified several factors and other related aspect that concern father child incest.




Diamond, M. J. (2018). When fathering fails: violence, narcissism, and the father function in        ancient tales and clinical analysis. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic      Association, 66(1), 7-40. Retrieved from   

FOROUZAN, E., Beauregard, E., & LECLERC, B. (2014). Offending pathways of         interfamilial child sexual offenders. In Pathways to Sexual Aggression (pp. 170-192).            Routledge. Retrieved from          3762615-18

Griffee, K., Swindell, S., O’Keefe, S. L., Stroebel, S. S., Beard, K. W., Kuo, S. Y., &       Stroupe, W. (2016). Etiological risk factors for sibling incest: Data from an         anonymous computer-assisted self-interview. Sexual Abuse, 28(7), 620-659.           Retrieved from

Katz, C., & Hamama, L. (2017). From my own brother in my own home: children’s           experiences and perceptions following alleged sibling incest. Journal of interpersonal            violence, 32(23), 3648-3668. Retrieved from

Mathews, B. (2019). The Context of Child Sexual Abuse and Points of Departure. In New           International Frontiers in Child Sexual Abuse (pp. 3-40). Springer, Cham. Retrieved       from

Mills, A. (2018). Appropriate or anathema? The representation of incest in children’s         literature. In Incest in contemporary literature. Manchester University Press.          Retrieved from   

Oliver, Y. L. (2016). Love After Incest. How Does Father/Daughter Incest Impact Survivors’      Attachment and Later Developing Romantic Love Relationships and How Can the Therapeutic Relationship Assist in Helping Survivors Heal From Maladaptive Love         Patterns? A Hermeneutic Literature Review (Doctoral dissertation, Auckland        University of Technology). Retrieved from

Pullman, L. E., Sawatsky, M. L., Babchishin, K. M., McPhail, I. V., & Seto, M. C. (2017).            Differences between biological and sociologic incest offenders: A meta-analysis.           Aggression and violent behavior, 34, 228-237. Retrieved from

Rose, S. (2018). Syndromes, false or repressed memories? In Memory in Dispute (pp. 120-            125). Routledge. Retrieved from              9477195-10

Seto, M. C., Babchishin, K. M., Pullman, L. E., & McPhail, I. V. (2015). The puzzle of     interfamilial child sexual abuse: A meta-analysis comparing interfamilial and   extra familial offenders with child victims. Clinical psychology review, 39, 42-57.       Retrieved from  


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