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Being a Recluse in a Healthy way

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Being a Recluse in a Healthy way

Most people find it daunting to transition from being a recluse to living a social life. If they do, they do it in an unhealthy way. The good news is that there are several techniques on how to stop being a recluse without causing any more trouble.

For one to be sequestered, there must be some cause or reasons. Among the reasons making people be cloistered include mystical religious outlook, hiding away as a result of criminal acts, survival by self-sufficiency, and personal philosophy. We are all social beings, and it may be challenging to be withdrawn from the rest.

In this article, we shall enlighten you on some of the healthy ways to stop being a recluse. Continue reading to find out more.

Identify the Reasons Why You Are a Recluse

There must be something that drove you to live a secluded life. The first step to stop being a recluse is to find out what made you the person you are. Some things make people seclude themselves from the world and society.

If, for example, you are reclusive to avoid paying for a crime you committed, then it will be wrong to continue living that secluded life. If you are secluded because of religious reasons, then it will be hard to stop. Imagine you have been a hermit for years, and one day you just change the whole story? How will people view you? We are not saying you can’t stop being a hermit, but the process will be challenging.

Other causes of reclusion include posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, intellectual disability, autism, apathy, social anxiety disorder, and many more.

Find a Job in a Public Place

Working alone may be the leading cause of you being a hermit. What if you can work with others? Find any job that involves many people. You can’t work with people from morning to evening and expect to go home in the same way you came.

Also, keep changing your working locations. You might find different experiences when working in different environments. You will get a chance to meet new people and exchange different ideas. You will see the need to be around people than being alone.

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Make Use of Technology

While it may be easy to be a recluse, it is hard to live without technology. Life will be difficult for you when you choose to be a recluse without any whereabouts of technology. Through technology, the world has been made a global village.

Even if you want to stay secluded from society and the public at large, you still need to be informed of what is happening in those environments. Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are the best when it comes to living a reclusive life. With social media, you might find new people, new friends that aren’t from your society. You might organize a meeting with someone you met online.

Spend SomeTime With Your Relatives

Relatives are the closest people that can quickly help you overcome the challenge of being a recluse. Find time for them. Speak to them more often. Have dinner together. Listen to their stories, even if you won’t utter a word.

Slowly by slowly, you will find yourself taking part in their conversations.  You will love the idea of having dinner together rather than alone in your room. You will see how happy it feels to be around people.

Make Some Friends

Finding friends may be challenging, especially if you are an introvert, as well as a recluse. You may start by making friends from your relative’s friends. How is this possible? Let’s take an example of your cousin’s friend visiting him/her. You will have an opportunity to meet and interact with them. Exchange contacts, if necessary.

Another alternative to making friends is through social media services. A true friend will never give you time to be a recluse. They are always checking on you, calling you, having those chats, going out, how will you seclude yourself from all these activities?

The idea here is to be in very close proximity to others.

Relocate From Your Apartment

The reason you may be living a reclusive life maybe you don’t have close neighbors, or you hate your village people. Other than being alone and secluding yourself from those people, the best option may be to relocate and find a new home.

You will have a chance to start a new life away from your past and your society. If you are a misanthrope and have difficulty tolerating human society, you might seek refuge at another place.

Your new neighbors might be the solution to your problem.

Identify and Explore Your Talents

Among the ways to make connections with people is by identifying your talents and exploring them. If you have a football talent, go out on the streets and find a football team. Join the group and start making friends. You will avoid being a hermit not because of the team but because of your talent.

While exploring your talent, you will have a chance to meet very many people. Many will ask you to know your place so that they can visit you someday. Give them your address. Make your home know by many people.

If you are a talented musician, join a local music club. It will feel nervous, especially for the first time, but you will overcome it once you break your silence. You will love spending time with other people of different talents. You will learn more things from other people. You can’t explore your ability when you are a hermit. It is challenging to play and enjoy football on your own. You need some company. You need a team with similar interests as yours.

Control Your Emotions

Your emotions could be the leading cause of you being a recluse. If you don’t work on your emotions, you are likely to live a reclusive life forever. It is hard to live with human beings when you are too emotional. We all have feelings, but the difference is how you handle them.

Immediately after triggering negative feelings, you are likely to make harsh decisions that may affect you for the rest of your life.  Some people decide to become reclusive because they have been wronged by someone from their family. They do not realize that they are the victims and are more affected.

If you learn to control your emotions, you will never find any other reason to be reclusive. Among the ways to control your emotions is to avoid reacting right away. Also, avoid the things that trigger your feelings.

Avoid Online Shopping

Today you can make an order online, and it is delivered to you right at your doorstep. While it is helpful, it may encourage you to live a reclusive life. You won’t find time to go shopping at the supermarket or shops. This, however, does not mean you should avoid online shopping altogether. The point here is you should try to balance between online shopping and the use of brick and mortar shopping.

Take a walk on the streets. Go for window shopping even if you do not have money to buy something.  Go and fit in those clothes before you decide to buy them. You are likely to interact with the salespersons while shopping for your products. You will see the need to live a social life with other people.

This is unlike online shopping, where you have little or no interaction with humans. It makes you think that you don’t need people.


Traveling to places you’ve never gone to might help you to stop being a recluse. You will get to enjoy your experiences and meet a lot of people. You will learn to interact with people from different countries, even when you don’t speak the same language.

Seek Professional Support

Overcoming psychological factors such as emotional trauma, autism, schizotypal personality disorder, among others, may be difficult for you. They might be the main reason why you are a recluse. If you don’t find a solution to these problems, you will remain to be a recluse forever.

Therapists are the best people to go to whenever you are faced with such challenges. They will make you remove all the pain and bitterness from your heart. They will give you advice on how to live with other people. They will make you see the importance of living a social life. They can read your mind and offer you the best solution.


Living a reclusive life is very difficult and challenging. We all need each other for survival. That’s why we were created and placed on earth. Why conclude on living alone? Why cut all communications with people? Why seclude yourself from your society? Why become a recluse?

If you are still a recluse, then you have no idea what you are missing. There are a lot of experiences out there that can only be enjoyed by someone living a social life. Stop being a hermit.


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