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Big on Arts and Entertainment? 4 Jobs to Consider in Korea

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Big on Arts and Entertainment? 4 Jobs to Consider in Korea

South Korea, the 12th largest economy in the world, has undoubtedly done well for itself.

This vibrant economy is aptly supported by numerous industries, and young people in the country have a myriad of professions to choose from.

If you are at crossroads trying to make a career choice and would like to find something in arts and entertainment, you will indeed be spoilt for choice.

Here are four suggestions to consider.

  1. Teach the Arts

Students on all levels go to school to study art-related subjects and to specialize.

These can be music, painting, clothing design, and so on.

If you love the arts and have a passion for nurturing young minds, teaching can give you a long, satisfying career.

To get started on this, think about the level of teaching you would like, then work towards attaining the right qualifications for it. You also have the option to start teaching at a lower level, then study as you work towards higher levels.

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  1. Painting

Are you a genius with some paint and a brush? If so, this is a career you should seriously consider.

South Korea has taken painting and murals to a new high with complete mural villages and streets whose walls are covered in brightly colored works of art.

As a painter, you can create paintings for sale in residences and hotels. You can do murals and street art as well.

Before looking for clients actively, be sure to create a portfolio to show off your skills and what you are able to accomplish on canvas.

  1. Professional Dancer

If you have the moves to keep people glued, dancing is a viable art form to consider.

With some formal training or self-training, you can work for other artists as a backup dancer, you can teach dance, and if you are looking for something incredibly exciting and adventurous, you can try adult dancing.

With a vibrant adult entertainment in the country, stripper jobs are not difficult to find.

An entry-level position, at one to three years of experience, fetches slightly above 17,000,000 South Korean won.

  1. Make People Beautiful

Makeup artistry has grown significantly.

Once a preserve of film starts and top-rated musicians, women today appreciate the look and feel that comes with getting their makeup professionally done.

Once you are able to build a name for yourself, women will seek your services when they have a date or other special occasions where they want to look their best.

To get there, though, you will need to learn as much as possible about the different skin types and the products that work best for them.

Aside from doing people’s makeup, you can also look into having a blog or VLOG to teach women how to do their own makeup at a fee.  You can monetize this further by posting ads and even getting into agreements to sell makeup for top brands.

All in All

These are just a few careers to consider in arts and entertainment. Consider these as well as other art forms you can monetize.

Whichever one you settle on, the goal is to work hard, remain consistent, and be on the lookout for growth options.



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