Book Review



Students will choose a book from the list of options. You will read the book, keeping in mind the learning objectives for the course. In a written paper, you will provide a summary and critique of the book, discussing how it addresses the guiding questions for the course and discussing how it affected your thinking about schools.



A feature of a good book review is the reviewer’s ability to write concisely so that a comprehensive evaluation of the book can be obtained from a brief reading. So, do not write more, write more concisely — find creative ways to communicate your critical evaluation of the book in a short essay.  Book reviews are typically less than 1000 words (roughly 2-3 pages) in length.


The purpose of a book review is not to summarize the book, rather to evaluate the author’s purpose, thesis, contentions, and methods of analysis. The review will serve to evaluate the author’s claims and will be a commentary on the book’s contribution to our understanding of important issues in education.


Basic Structure of a book review:


Summary of Content

Analysis and Evaluation of the book



Resources for writing book reviews:


 Outstanding – 3Acceptable-2Needs Improvement-1Unsatisfactory-0
IntroductionTitle and author listed. Introduction is attention-getting and provides relevant information. Discusses genre and details. Star ranking designated. Strong catchphrase.Title and author listed. Includes genre and details. Star ranking designated. Solid catchphrase is designated and/or catchphrase.Title and author are not immediately mentioned, but are eventually provided. Missing or random star ranking and/or catchphrase.


Title and/or author is omitted. Missing star designation and catchphrase.


SummarySummary consists of a discussion of major themes, ideas, and characters providing exemplary ideas from the work. It includes very strong opinions and new ideas using your own words. Summary does not give away too much.


Summary consists of a discussion of major themes, ideas, and/or characters with some opinion and new ideas from the work. Summary does not give away key events, but may lack detail.Summary consists of a discussion of major themes, ideas or character. There is little opinion or mention of new ideas. Summary reveals ending of novel (too much) and/or lacks details.


Summary is mostly an outline of the book and does not discuss opinion or new ideas. Summary reveals too much, in general, or entirely lacks an overview.


CritiqueCritique consists of thoughts, responses and reaction to the novel. The student reviewer reacts to the themes, the author’s aims or intent, the subject of the book, how well it is written and overall success or failure of the book.Critique consists of thoughts, responses and reaction to the novel. The student reviewer may discuss only two aspects, for example, themes and writer’s style. There is not a thorough review of various aspects.


Critique consists of thoughts, responses and reaction to the novel. The student may discuss only one aspect of the novel, such as themes. This review just states, ‘Well, I liked it.” or ‘Well, I hated it.” It lacks a critical eye.Critique consists of a basic opinion based on personal feeling of “I liked it” or “I hated it” and is not considered a critique because it does not focus on themes, author’s intent, or writer’s style.
Organization & VoiceStructure of the paper flows and is easily read because of smooth transitions from paragraph to paragraph. The sequence of topics is in logical order. There is a clear cut introduction, body, and conclusion. Your creative voice is strong.Structure of the paper flows and is easily read, but 1 or 2 transitions may be faulty or missing. There is some illogical order in sequence of topics. There is a clear cut introduction, body and conclusion. Your voice is solid.


Structure of the paper does NOT follow a logical order. The writing or ideas may “jump” around; it is not cohesive. there is not a clear introduction, or conclusion. Review lacks your voice.Structure of the paper does NOT follow a logical order. There are no transitional phrases that make it easy to read the paper…OR… review is just a copying of the text. No voice at all.
Mechanics & LanguageUses complete sentences and a variety of sentence types. Vibrant, effective vocabulary included.Uses complete sentences and a variety of sentence types. Word choice is effective.There are 1-2 incomplete sentences or fragments. There are also run-on sentences. Basic word choice.


There are more than 2 incomplete sentences or fragments. There
are more than 2 run-ons. Dull words.





Book List



Adequate Yearly Progress by Roxanna Elden (Novel)


Justice on Both Sides: Transforming Education Through Restorative Justice by Maisha Winn


Start Where You Are, but Don’t Stay There: Understanding Diversity, Opportunity Gaps, and Teaching in Today’s Classroom by Richard Milner IV


Transformative Schooling: Towards Racial Equity in Education by Vajra Watson


Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed by James C. Scott


Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World by Adam Grant


Troublemakers: Lessons in Freedom from Young Children at School by Carla Shalaby


The Power of Their Ideas by Deborah Meier


Other People’s Children: Cultural Conflict in The Classroom by Lisa Delpit


Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequity and Threatens Democracy by Cathy O’Neil


The Teacher Wars: A History of America’s Most Embattled Profession by Dana Goldstein


Made in America by Laurie Olsen


The Short Bus: A Journey Beyond Normal by Jonathan Mooney


(Un)Normalizing Education: Addressing Homophobia in Higher Education and K-12 Schools by Joseph R. Jones


The New Childhood: Raising Kids to Thrive in a Connected World by Jordan Shapiro


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What is a book review?

A book review is a written criticism of a book. It’s not just an academic review; it’s also a personal account that offers the author’s opinion and interpretation of the book.

A book review is usually positioned as an objective and impartial evaluation of the text to inform and enlighten readers about what they might read next.

A book review describes the content, structure, and target audience of a published work. It provides a basic overview of what the reader can expect from reading the book.

A book review is like a summary of a book’s content and structure. It gives an idea about what readers can expect from reading or listening to it. It details the main themes and characters in the book and what makes it unique and special for readers.

Book reviews are written by experts who have read many books in their respective fields themselves. They write about what they found interesting, powerful, or unique about each story that they read.

Book review template

In most cases, they do not include any facts about the author or their biography. A review usually includes an introductory paragraph that provides context for the topic and some summary statistics on how well it met those objectives.

The book review format is a way to describe the content and structure of a book. It outlines the organization, word count, and components that make up a book review.

1. The introduction begins with a brief description of the book’s contents, usually between 150-500 words in length.

2. The body section is usually between 500-1000 words in length and includes detailed discussions on the text’s main ideas, themes, or characters.

3. In closing, restate your opinion about the text as well as indicate whether you would recommend it to others using one of these three possible endings:

a) I liked it!

b) I didn’t like it!

c) It was good/bad/interesting/boring!

There are different formats for book reviews. Most publishers suggest readers use the Listicles review format, but this doesn’t suit all types of texts.

A review of a book is typically published as an article on the publisher or magazine that published the book. The review often includes quotes from people involved with publishing and reviewing books, especially authors and critics who reviewed it and more general reactions to the text’s content.

How to write a book review: step-by-step

When you follow this step-by-step guide, you will learn how to write a book review. It is a common task that many people struggle with because they don’t know how to start it. This step-by-step guide will help you with the writing process and focus on what is important – giving your honest opinion about the book.

1. Write down your reactions to the book

2. Give your opinion of the plot

3. Rate your rating of the author’s quality

4. Share some examples from the text

5. Explain why you liked or disliked certain parts of the book

As a reader, it’s your job to review the book you read, whether it was written by an author you like or not. So let us help you write a great book review by providing step-by-step instructions on how to write one.

The purpose of writing a book review is to provide people with an overview of what they can expect when reading the book they are reviewing. Give them an idea of how the story unfolds and if it’s worth their time or not.

Reviewing a book can be difficult. It is not just about giving your opinion about the book, but about offering detailed information about the book’s writing, content, characters, and more. It is important that you do not just tell the reader what you think of the book because that will only confuse them. This article will dig into the steps of how to write a book review step-by-step.

There is a lot of information on the internet about how to write a book review. But, if you want to know what it takes to write a good one, here is the step-by-step guide for you.

The first step: research the author and the book

The second step: create an outline that includes your opinion on whether or not you liked it

The third step: create an introduction that explains why you decided to read this particular book

The fourth step: make sure that your summary has some facts about the book

Writing a book review: A step-by-step guide for writing an in-depth review of any book. It is divided into 8 steps:

Step 1: Define what type of book review: comprehensive, positive, negative, or mixed

Step 2: Determine the tone and approach

Step 3: Write the title

Step 4: Begin the introduction

Step 5: Clarify whether you are reviewing a fiction or non-fiction book

Step 6: Identify the main idea

Step 7: Summarize your thoughts on the main idea in one paragraph

Step 8: Provide your evaluation of it

Book review writing tips

The following are some tips that will help you write a successful book review.

1) Make sure that you understand the author’s intent with his/her work and what he/she wants to achieve with it.

2) The same goes for you: make sure that what you intend to say does not contradict what they want to say in their work.

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