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Brain Implant

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Brain Implant

Background Information

Brain implant is a new technology that will enhance intellectual abilities. Those who will need this technology will have a neurosurgeon place a small electronic chip in their brain. The device will improve mental functions like memory, computation skills, and language abilities, among others. Neurosurgeons will determine the best location to place the chip in the human head. These health professionals will have another role of removing the device if it experiences malfunctions. The cost-intensive process of installing the equipment may discourage most middle and low-income earners from accessing the technology. However, such limitations may not hinder an effective implementation and adoption of the novel technology.


Although the brain implant may not be accessible to all people due to social and financial factors, people with interest in enhancing their brain functions can venture into the technology to realize benefits like memory enhancement, improved vision, unique cognitive skills, restoration of speech, and increased social satisfaction.

Premise 1

Brain implant enhances once memory. Scientists and researchers have discovered the “possibility of restoring and enhancing” one’s consciousness (Faber par. 3). A microchip implanted in the brain can help people to recall their memories with high precision levels. Besides, a chip can enhance human memory capacity. Findings by MIT scientists released in 2015 revealed that chips could allow one to retain large volumes of information (Faber par. 3). Such potentials will benefit those interested in using brain implants since they will have unique abilities to recall important information. The technology will help users as they age since it may prevent memory loss.

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Premise 2

Brain implants will help people to improve their visual abilities. Harvard Medical School reveals the potential of having as brain implants that “can restore vision for the blind” (Faber par. 4). The development of such technologies implies that microchips placed in the brain can enhance vision. Those who embrace such technologies can protect their eyes from different problems like long- and short-sightedness (Faber par. 4). Using a brain implant will ensure that people have healthy eyes throughout their lives. The benefits of using a brain microchip will reduce the likelihood of wearing optical glasses.


Premise 3

A brain implant will improve the cognitive abilities of the users. The microchips developed in recent years can “stimulate the human mind to improve abilities to learn new information” (Faber par. 4). Using such chips in a brain implant can allow people to acquire knowledge with ease. Some of the unique abilities may include an enhanced ability to search for information. Scientists consider brain implants that can supplement the human mind through smart drugs (Faber par. 4). The option helps to improve one’s cognitive potential. Supplying effective brain supplements lead to improved development, which may enhance learning potentials among aging persons. Brain implants have the potential to enhance cognitive abilities.

Premise 4

Brain implants can restore speech. Scientists show the possibility of having microchips that can enhance one’s speaking abilities (Pandarinath and Ali 466). Such developments will benefit the deaf people in regaining their speech abilities. A customized brain implant can allow restoring the functionality of different speech organs. A brain implant can synthesize speech through neural signals that control lips, tongue, larynx, and movements made by the jaws (Pandarinath and Ali 466). People with defects in these organs can benefit through restored talking abilities. The device may help those who might lose their speaking abilities due to sickness. A brain implant can introduce a novel way to restore speaking abilities.

Premise 5

A brain implant can increase the level of social satisfaction. Brain implants can allow people to make unique developments (Partho 13). The unmatched abilities among users can enable them to gain significant social influence. The process leads to a greater sense of satisfaction.

Counter-Argument 1

Social beliefs may pose a significant barrier to the development of brain implants. Most people may consider having an implant as a violation of human values associated with wealthy people. Such thoughts may discourage more people from middle and low-income earners from finding new technology. Negative perceptions towards the new technology may not have a significant impact on the use of the device. Those who learn their benefits will adopt them.

Counter-Argument 2

Brain implants will require high installation costs. An interested person will have to seek services from neurosurgeons. The high price associated with such services will hinder the low and middle-wage earners from adopting the device. However, this limitation will not affect the popularity of brain implants since the interested members who can afford it will realize the benefits.














Works Cited

Faber, Kevin. “2nd JTBD Summit – Europe 2020.” innovation management, 23 Mar. 2018, Accessed 7 Apr. 2020.

Pandarinath, Chethan, and Yahia H. Ali. “Brain Implants That Let You Speak Your Mind.” Nature, vol. 568, no. 7753, Apr. 2019, pp. 466–467, 10.1038/d41586-019-01181-y.

Partho, Sengupta. “Artificial Intelligence, Brain Implants, and Our Future.” Proquest.Com, 2019, Accessed 7 Apr. 2020.




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