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Cannabis Product Safety: What Does the Research Say?

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Cannabis Product Safety: What Does the Research Say?

Since the passing of the Farm Bill 2018, interest in cannabis products has skyrocketed. The products have become some of the top recommendations for helping with conditions such as arthritis, insomnia, migraine and acne. If you are a trader, your concern is ensuring to only stock the highest quality and safe cannabis products. So, are cannabis products safe?

A Brief Note about Cannabis Products

Before looking at what research says about cannabis products, it is essential to start by understanding what they are. Cannabis products are therapeutic products such as CBD oil that are derived from cannabis plants. They contain one, several or a full spectrum of phytocannabinoids found in a hemp plant. Some common cannabis products include CBD oil, full-spectrum hemp oil, and cannabis gels.

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Following the passing of the Farm Bill 2018, one of the requirements that every cannabis products out there should meet is not exceeding THC, the psychotic content, beyond 0.3%. This means that the products you stock should not make your target clients high.

What Does Research Say about Cannabis Safety?

Today, researchers appear in agreement that the main concern of cannabis products is THC. If a product contains high levels of THC, the cannabinoid binds with CB1 receptors in a human brain resulting in euphoria. It is because of this that the law limits only allows very small amounts of THC.

In one of the studies done by Bergamaschi et al., the researchers looked at the safety profile of CBD (cannabidiol) and established that a person’s physiological parameters are not induced. Further, they indicated that the psychomotor and physiological functions are not impacted negatively.

During the third Congress of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN), a group of researchers showcased their report on cannabinoids and their use in migraine prevention. The study concluded that CBD-THC combination is safe and helps to reduce migraine attacks by 40.4%. Further, it helps to reduce pain intensity by about 43.5%.

The Best Way to Ensure You Stock Safe Cannabis Products

Now that you know what the research says about cannabis products safety, the next step is identifying the safe products. One of the best methods of identifying the safest cannabis products is subjecting samples to third party testing laboratories. These are independent organizations that help to test the content of the products.

Although testing your products in a 3rd party laboratory is not a requirement in law, it has become the surest way to ascertain the following:

  • The cannabis products you stock have the phytocannabinoids as advertised or indicated on the packaging.
  • The products do not have pesticides or heavy metals such as arsenic and lead.
  • The products are free from bio-contaminants such as moulds and fungi.
  • The cannabis products you order do not have harmful organic solvents.
  • Because of the large number of manufacturers and dealers, a third-party test can help you to identify and work with only the suppliers who are committed to safety and delivering high customer value.

When it comes to safety, no effort should be spared to ensure that only the best cannabis products are stocked in your store. Therefore, make sure to work with the best third-party laboratory for fast analysis of samples.


Four Must-Have Things to Success as a Cannabis Product Seller

Are you new in the cannabis industry and have been wondering about the best method to become successful. The growing demand was amplified by the 2018 Farm Bill that opened the doors to free trade of cannabis products. But because the legislation is still new, the industry is facing serious challenges because some players are primarily focused on optimizing profits and not quality.

In one of the studies, researchers established that some suppliers provide false information to trick clients into buying their products. For example, some cannabis products have cannabinoids levels that are fewer than what is advertised. To succeed as a cannabis product seller, here are the four must-have things.

Reliable Supplier

This is perhaps the most crucial component when starting a cannabis business. A reliable supplier should be highly committed to quality and go to any length to ensure that only high-quality hemp products are supplied to clients. So, how do you know if a cannabis product seller is reliable?

  • Check the supplier’s website to see his mission and vision
  • Look at what past clients have to say about the supplier
  • Test the products he supplies to determine if they are of high quality

A Good Third-Party Laboratory Testing Services Provider

This is perhaps the biggest premise that you need to catapult your business to success. As we highlighted at the start of this post, you cannot simply trust the information written on the cannabis product packaging or ad. For example, if you order CBD Oil to stock in your store, it is important to move a step further and test whether they have the compounds as advertised. This is where third-party laboratory testing come in.

3rd party laboratories are independent organizations that do not have an affiliation to any party in the cannabis production and supply chain. They help to test cannabis products to confirm the cannabinoids profile so that you can stock the best products. But they do not stop there. The labs can also test your sample to establish if your product has the following harmful products:

  • Heavy metals.
  • Bio-contaminants.
  • Organic solvents.

Simply put, working with a good third party lab is the best way to know if your products are of high quality.

Reliable Customer Support

If you want to be successful in the cannabis niche, you need to have the best customer support. This is crucial to help disseminate the right information to your clients. For example, most people keep asking one question: ‘Will cannabis products make one get high?’ You need to provide the right information and demonstrate various products that have no or very low THC levels. With a good customer support system, you are sure of building raving fans.

A Good Marketing System

In addition to installing a good customer support system, it is also crucial to run a robust marketing system for your cannabis business. Your marketing system should target the right people to increase sales. For example, you can ask clients to turn to CBD for chronic pain, help with menstrual cramp pains, or arthritis. Cannabis products can also be marketed to address problems such as migraines, insomnia and anxiety.

To succeed in the cannabis industry, you need to start by stocking the right products by ensuring they are tested by a third-party laboratory. Then, run a robust marketing campaign to reach the right target audience.


Five Tips to Building a Successful Business Model for in the Hemp Industry

The fast growing hemp products industry has attracted a lot of players. Well, this is a great thing because it adds diversity and allows customers additional choices. The competition is very tight and new traders might wonder: ‘What is the best way to succeed in the hemp industry?’ Well, you do not need to worry anymore; here are the best tips to help you build a successful business model in the hemp industry. 

Identify the Right Suppliers

The biggest challenge in the hemp industry today is getting good suppliers. Notably, some manufacturers and suppliers have entered the industry with the goal of making optimal revenue from the growing demand. You should avoid such suppliers because they are likely to sell you poor quality hemp products. If your clients note this, they are likely to walk away and buy from your competitor.

Stock the Best Hemp Products

The primary goal for any trader in the hemp industry is ensuring to only stock the highest quality products. These are the products that are made using the best plants and do not contain harmful contaminants. Further, the products should have met the legal threshold for consumption, including having no more than 0.3% of THC, the psychotic compound in a hemp plant.

Maintain Good Customer Relations

Like any other business, it is important to ensure that you maintain good customer relations to succeed in the cannabis industry. Some of the clients coming to you are likely to seek further help about the content, possible side effects, and other cannabis product related information. Therefore, you should provide the right information so that clients can make the right decisions. This is one of the best ways to build a huge customer base and steadily grow your customer base, sales, and become successful in the hemp niche.

Operate within the Precincts of law

Well, one of the main requirements for establishing a business is ensuring you follow the right legal channels. Today, most states have their own licensing procedures and requirements for all types of businesses. Therefore, make sure to check and follow them to operate legally in their jurisdictions. Further, you should ensure to carefully follow the Farm Bill 2018 that opened the door to the fast growth of the cannabis industry. In particular, you should ensure to only stock safe cannabis products with THC not exceeding 0.3%.

Always Test Your Hemp Products

This is one of the biggest pillars of your success. If you get it right, your business is destined for huge success. As more traders, especially suppliers and manufacturers enter the market, it is becoming very hard to establish good and bad cannabis products by simply reading following the ads. Studies have found some hemp products that contain various compounds in lower quantities that are indicated on adverts. The best way to know if a product is okay is subjecting samples for testing by a third-party lab. Here is what the laboratories do:

  • Check the cannabinoid profile of your sample.
  • Test for the presence of heavy metals and organic solvents.
  • Establish if the product contains bio-contaminants.
  • Determine if the cannabis product has THC levels within the legally allowed limits.

As more players get into the cannabis industry, you need to be smart. Your goal should be ensuring you always target giving customers the best. Therefore, make sure to have your hemp products testes by the best 3rd party lab to guarantee your clients of the best results, and safety.


Cannabis Lab Testing: Answers to Common Questions

Cannabis lab testing has become the hemp industry driver because traders are able to confirm the components of the products they sell. Instead of simply ordering for supplies and risking stocking low-quality cannabis products, simply subject it to third-party lab test. To help you understand more about 3rd party lab testing, here are the answers to the common questions.

What is Third-Party Laboratory Testing?

This is a process of evaluating the content of a product in a laboratory. In many cases, the cannabis product is dissolved in a solvent so that all the constituents are released. Then, these components are tested, and their quantities determined.

The tests are done by independent laboratories. This means that they are not affiliated to any party in the cannabis supply chain. So, you can expect unbiased results because they do not have interest in the performance of a manufacturer or supplier.

Is 3rd Party Lab Test a Requirement in Law?

Third party lab testing is not a requirement in law. But it has become an important step for businesses in the cannabis niche to help differentiate the good products from the poor ones. Therefore, do not hesitate to seek the help of a third party lab because it might be the only solution to help you stand out in the market.

What is Tested in a Third Party Laboratory?

The laboratories are advanced and use the latest technologies when testing cannabis products. Indeed, they can test virtually all the components in a product sample. However, the labs focus on a few items that define the quality of a cannabis product such as hemp oil. The main item tested in the laboratory is the cannabinoid profile. This is an evaluation of the phytocannabinoids, such as CBD and THC, in a cannabis product. In addition to checking the quality and quantity of different cannabinoids, the labs also check for the presence of these contaminants:

  • Bio-contaminants.
  • Heavy metals.
  • Industrial solvents.

What Hemp Products can Be Tested in a Third Party Lab?

All the hemp products can be tested in a third-party laboratory. From hemp oil to CB Oil, every cannabis product can be checked to confirm whether the details provided on the label are true.

What Technologies are Used in a Third Party Laboratory?

To guarantee accurate results, third party labs use state-of-the-art equipment and technologies. They are reliable and deliver results fast so that you do not keep your clients waiting. Some of these technologies include High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), gas chromatography, Mass Spectronomy (MS) Test, and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy Testing.

Do I have to Test Every Item that I stock in my Cannabis Shop?

No, you don’t. The purpose of third party labs is to help you to know the right components in a product supplied to you. The best way to do this is by picking a sample or several and have tested in the laboratory. The results will indicate what other cannabis products in that batch contain.

To enjoy better results, make sure to go for the third party laboratory that has demonstrated commitment to quality.



Challenges in the Hemp Industry and how to Overcome them

The hemp industry is one of the fastest-growing niches today. After the passing of the Farm Bill 2018, more players are now able to join an extensive network of selling cannabis products. If you are new to the industry, it is important to understand the different challenges that will face you along the way. We will also tell you the best solutions to address them and thrive in the industry.

The Legislation is Relatively New

For years, cannabis has been associated with its dangerous psychotic effects. This is why it was a regulated plant until the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill. While this is a great leap in the right direction, it is worth noting that the law is still relatively new and researchers are still studying the plant. For example, the main thing in Farm Bill 2018 is the requirement for all hemp products to have no more than 0.3%. This has opened the doors for abuse, especially by manufacturers. For example, some manufacturers have been including very low levels of cannabinoids in their products.

Unreliable Suppliers

If you are a trader in the hemp industry, you will realize that some suppliers are very unreliable. To increase their sales, they give the wrong information so that traders can buy their products. For example, studies have shown that some of the hemp products do not have cannabinoids as advertised. This means that if you stock such products, your clients will not get the anticipated therapeutic effect.

Low-Quality Hemp Products

The growing demand for hemp products, such as hemp oil and CBD oil, has resulted in a rush by both farmers and manufacturers to grow and process the plant. To hasten the process, they resort to agrochemicals and pesticides. The effects of is the production of low-quality hemp products.

If the hemp product contains harmful chemicals such as pesticides and lead, there is a danger of negative effects on the consumers. For example, some pesticides and heavy metals are associated with cancer.  

Contaminated hemp Products 

The process of producing hemp products from a hemp plant is complex. From the farm to the manufacturing units, the danger of contamination looms. For example, bio-contaminants such as moulds and bacteria can get into the plant in the field. If the manufacturer uses organic solvents such as benzene, there is a danger of remnants being found in the hemp product.

Third Party Hemp Testing: The Ultimate Solution to the Problems in the Industry

From poor quality to uncommitted suppliers, you can easily tell then by subjecting your products to a 3rd party cannabis test. These are independent laboratories that help businesses to analyze the constituents on a hemp product.

The laboratories are not associated with any party in the hemp production chain. Therefore, they do not have an interest in the operations or success of any entity. For them, the primary target is providing the cannabinoid quantities in a sample so that your buyers are assured of what they are buying. Also, they indicate the presence of other contaminants, such as pesticides, heavy metals, pathogens, and organic solvents.

Using the report from a third-party testing laboratory, you will be able to know if the content of a product is as indicated on the packaging. This will also help you to know whether the supplier is reliable by counterchecking the quality of the product. Well, do not just work with any supplier or stock what they supply, subject them to further testing for quality assurance.


Third Party Hemp testing: Separating Facts from Fiction

The cannabis industry has been undergoing rapid growth in the last few years, especially after the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill and legalization of cannabis growing in different states. But this growth comes with many challenges, especially for traders. Some of these challenges include key misconceptions about third-party lab testing for cannabis products. Here, we separate these myths from facts.

Myth: Third Party Laboratories are run by Cannabis Product Manufacturers

This statement is wrong. Third party laboratories are not run by manufacturers. Instead, third party laboratories are independent organizations that are not affiliated to any party in the hemp production chain. The main reason for this model is to ensure that they give unbiased results because they do not have any interest in one or more party.                                                                 

Myth: Testing a Cannabis Product Takes a lot of Time

This information is wrong. The essence of subjecting cannabis products such as hemp oil or CBD oil is to help traders stock the best products. Therefore, this information has to be availed quickly so that a trader’s clients do not get empty shelves. To deliver results faster, the laboratories use the latest technologies, including High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy Testing and Mass Spectronomy (MS) Test.

Misconception: You Need to Test Every Product in Your Store

This is a misconception. In order to know the quality of your cannabis products, there is no need to subject all of them to lab testing. Instead, you only need to pick a sample and consider it as a representative. The reasoning behind this principle is that the same batches contain similar ingredients#.

When placing your order, it is advisable to ask the supplier for a few packets of the cannabis product of interest. Then, subject it to third party testing to know the cannabinoid profile and whether it contains harmful components. If the sample is high quality, you can go ahead and order for an entire batch to stock your store.

Myth: Third-Party Lab Testing is a Requirement in Law

Third-party lab testing is not a requirement in law. The law only indicates that cannabis products should not have more than 0.3% THC. The need for third-party lab testing is voluntary and comes as a result of two considerations. One, some suppliers and manufacturers give wrong information about the constituents of their cannabis products. Two, some cannabis products come with harmful compounds. The best way to know about the components of a cannabis product and establish whether it contains harmful components is through an independent laboratory.

Misconception: It is Impossible to Get High-Quality Cannabis Products Without using Third Party Lab Testing

This argument is a misconception. Indeed, there are quite many products that are of high quality out there. The main reason for using third-party labs is to help you get the assurance that the items you buy are of high quality. Indeed, if you find a supplier who always supplies high-quality cannabis products, you should stick with him to guarantee your clients better results.



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