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Case Study Part 1 – Analyzing Data Guide

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Case Study Part 1 – Analyzing Data Guide


Words Read Correctly Per Minute (wcpm, the median score):

Data for Scenario 1Data for Scenario 2Data for Scenario 3


Miscue Analysis Chart – Analyze The Last Column Based On The Student’s Errors.

Correct WordStudent Pronunciatio

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Highlight the area that is incorrect.

Analysis (Vowels, Consonants, Beginning, Middle, End Sounds, etc.)
Ex. HousesHouseEnding, vowel sound
CommentsCommandersEnding sound
ComradesCommandersEnding sound
DiscussionsDiscussesEnding sound
ConcerningCanearingMiddle, and vowel sounds
AnTheCosonant, beginning sounds
IntricateIndercatorEnd sound
WishedWishesEnd sound
ToItBeginning sound
CrackerCrackEnding sound

The Miscue Analysis Chart is vital in evaluating student reading and pronaunciation errors and determining the guidelines on how to help the students improve. Adminsterimg the word reading test is instrumental for educators to monitor the progress of the learners and device mechanisms to promote the process of learning. Reading is basic for the learners, and it influence the entire academic journey of the student. The Miscue chart analysis table above help the educator to understand the student’s area of weakness in reading and word pronauncuation. Analysis of the type of errors the student is making can be critical for aid educators in aligning the student towards the right direction. The teacher depends on the analysis to identify the type of errors students are making to use the data amend instructional approach to aalign to student reading interventions.

The analysis helps to identify different types of reading errors among learners. Some of the types include the vowel sound reading errors in certain  words. For instance in this assessment the vowel sound reading errors types include in the word house and conearing (concerning). Consonant sound error, ending, beginning, and middle sound type of errors that students makes, this help the educator to locate the errors and select the best interventions to adopt in handling the student.

Looking at the 3 graphs, answer the following questions.


  1. What part of the data indicates the student is below grade level expectations in reading in all 3 scenarios of the graphs?

The Words Read Correctly Per Minute (WCPM) indicates that the student is below grade level expectations in the three readings scenarios captured on the graphs. The WCPM shows the reading fluency of the student computed by subtracting the errors from the total words read. It communicates the students level of fluency in reading words or a passage.

  1. Which graph signifies Ethan is making normal reading progress? Why?

Graph 2, indicates that  Ethan is making normal progress because according to the graph, there are four points above the goal baseline. The graph is aligned with normal improvement as it indicates the number of words Ethan could read within a munate. The four points above the baseline goal is not consecutive,thus, cannot be not considered exceeding expectations. The graph caoptures a typical student normal; improvement across the test results, many study progress of reading curve improves significantly in a similar way.


  1. Which graph signifies Ethan is exceeding expectations for reading progress? Why?

Graph 3 shows that Ethan is exceeding expectation acconding to the data presented in the graph. The student, Ethan, is performing extraordinarily above normal performance. the graph indicates that all thye WCPM points are above the baseline, meaning he was perfroming better in reading than expected. Four points are consecutively above the baseline, it means that Ethan is exceedingly attaining the reading goals across the week. Also throughout the weeks Ethan’s points have been above the baseline.


  1. Which graph signifies Ethan is below expectations and interventions need to be changed? Why?

Graph 1 indicates that Ethan is performing below expectation and intyervention is needed to emeliorate the situation. The student has performed poorly in reading, the graph indicates that more than four points are below the base line with other points far way below the baseline. The reasons behind the poor reding perfromsnce is different, for instance, it could be because Ethan have lost interest in reading. the interventions that is needed should come from both sides, in school by Ethan’s teachers and at home by both parents to cultivate Ethan’s interest in reading. Encouraging Ethan to practice reading using novels and reading books works magic in improving the reading profinciecy, fluency, spead, and accuracy of word pronaunciation.

From this point forward, you will only use the graph where Ethan was below expectations. Answer the questions below using this graph, the case study, and the miscue analysis.

  1. What were any strengths that you can identify from the student’s reading information (case study, miscue analysis, and graphs)?

The case study indicates the strength of Ethan is in his age, he is still young and with the rught guideline he has greater chance of improving. The teachers are willing to help by encouraging to read small passages starting from 1,000 to 1,200 words to help him gaining the stability and fluency in reading. The first graph shows that Ethan was underperforming in reading according to the Words read correctly per minute as many points were belore the reading goal line. It was the first, the start, it was bad but there was hope of improving (Hosp, & Hosp, 2003) The second graph graduated from below expectation  to normal improvement with about four points above his reading goal line. It was a si8gnficant improvement considering the performance caotured from the first graph. however, things turned around in the third graph. Ethan performed extraordinarily excellent, with all points falling above his reading goal line. Ethan had strength and potential of improvement and if the motivation, encouragement, and support continues, he shows the pontential of becoming the most fluent reader within a short while.

  1. How would you briefly summarize the student’s reading weaknesses based on the information of the student?

Ethans weakness in reading is depicted in the case study, graphs and chart data. In the case study, the mother indicates that Ethan is unable to read properly. The issue troubles her aqnd cites his lack of ninterest in reading novels and books as the reason for the poor reading. According to the mother in the case study, ‘explained that if he had to read just 2 pages and answer questions at night, it could take him, at times, up to 2 hours to complete the task’. The student seem to have the problem in heaqring and reading the initial and ending sounds of words. Fort intsnace, the Miscue analysis chart captures a significant number of words with incorrect pronaunciation at the end of the words. Also, in the case study, Ethan struggled to in  identifying parts of the word.

From the graphs, there is sufficient data showing the weakness of the student in terms of performance. inconsistencies in the reading abilities are captured in the first graph with Words correct per minute (WCPM) reach as low as 68 which is below the goal or base line on the graph. The second graph depicts almost similar inconsistency with silight improvement. The third graph the student abiolity is at 79 WCPM at which is below the base line. There is some kind of significant improvement in the third graph. The flacuation in the three graphs communicates the lack of reading ability fluency in the studentbwhich is a mojor weakness.

Ethan Reading Performance Graphs

Graph 1

Graph 2

Graph 3






Hosp, M. K., & Hosp, J. L. (2003). Curriculum-based measurement for reading, spelling, and math: How to do it and why. Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth, 48(1), 10-17.


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