AUTHENTIC LEADER RESPONSES Clement Efobi, I support your argument that authentic leaders possess morally sound characters that are portrayed in their characters. It is not every day that we find trustworthy and morally upright leaders. The consistency between their moral reasoning and moral action promotes a sense of awareness and transparency within an organization (Shaw, 2016). Authentic leaders should put into consideration the needs and suggestions of the subordinates to create a safe work environment and nature a good understanding. I am intrigued by your leadership qualities and have learned something from you. Being a democratic leader fosters excellent communication within an institution, and it promotes openness. It is easier to implement quality improvement initiative strategies when workers are working collaboratively and are well aware of the needed improvement. Authentic leaders need to think critically, both in problem-solving and decision making. This will help meet the needs of the employees and also the clients or patients. If you understand your workers well, know their expectations, and give them a conducive and safe work environment, it would be correct to say…

Literature Review:  Preventive Medicine and Healthy Living for Senior Citizens             Previous studies exhibit that preventive medicine and health lifestyle go hand in hand. According to research, preventive medicine can be regular testing, vaccination or immunization or even the advice of a doctor. Most researchers have shown that preventive medicine aids senior citizens in preventing the occurrence of some diseases and also the management of their health (Tricoli et al. 2017). According to Latimer and Mott (2015), regular tests, measurement of body weight and blood pressure, advice on diets, immunization of adults and children promotes a healthy living lifestyle. Regular Family physicians should consider these preventive services as a proper approach to healthy living for old aged people. Most studies explain that family physicians must control the eating preferences of the old aged citizen to prolong their life expectancy (Vadaparampil et al., 2014). Similarly, research concludes that preventive care for patients should be based on the ages. Research has found significant evidence that preventive medicine and health living for senior citizens are mandatory for developed and developing countries. Preventive medicine Preventive…

Best tutors in Manchester for learning Bikram yoga Have you been looking for Bikram Yoga in Manchester? Bikram yoga has got so many notable health benefits. It is also referred to as hot yogayoga because of its nature. It is never too late to start practicing Bikram Yoga. Whether you are an expert or a beginner, Superprof has your trainer. The trainers pass you through any stage of your choice. What is Bikram Yoga Most people in Manchester know about yoga but not Bikram yoga. Bikram is technically a traditional branch of yogayoga, which combines posses and breathing. Each class is done under similar conditions of 26 posses, that takes place in a 105 degrees Fahrenheit and 40% humidity. Unlike other types of yogayoga, it must be taught by a certified instructor due to the conditions. The heat and tough postures require persistence and perseverance. People searching for Yoga in Manchester should know that it is slightly different from the normal hot yogayoga in the sense that it is done in a hotter environment. The poses in normal hot yogayoga…

Bikram Yoga in Glasgow Are you looking for Bikram Yoga? Do you need to stay fit? Well, you are in the right place. Bikram Yoga will help you enhance your health and lifestyle. Bikram, which is sometimes referred to as hot yoga style, is a whole different one, unlike the others. It is never too late to practice Bikram yoga. Actually, in Superprof, there are classes for all groups, including children, students, intermediate, and experts. Additionally, there are coaches to pass you through any stage you want. What is Bikram Yoga Technically, Bikram is a version of ‘Hatha’, a traditional branch of Yoga that combines postures and breathing. Every class features the same 26 set poses, takes place in a 105 degrees Fahrenheit (40°C) and the humidity is set to roughly 40% and is taught by a Bikram-certified instructor. But the heat and tough postures can provide different challenges than a traditional yoga practice. Bikram Yoga is slightly different from normal hot Yoga in the sense that it is performed in a slightly hotter environment, plus the poses in normal…

Blood Doping Blood doping as a practice is common among the sportspeople and individuals engaged in strenuous physical activities that require sufficient oxygen flow in their blood to sustain them during the whole period. It is, therefore, a practice through which a person uses drugs to multiply the number of red blood cells in the body to produce enough oxygen in the muscles. It has been a common trend among the athletes, which never stops for almost now half a century. However, blood doping is not encouraged, and athletes who tested positive for blood doping are usually burned from the field for specific periods or medals won stripped off. Either way, blood doping is a common practice in modern society because it does not require a lot of specialization; performed easily, but produces tremendous results. Blood doping is not new in society but often takes place since it is hard to detect a person who has undergone blood doping. There also exists no ‘direct tests’ for blood doping (Lundby, Robach & Saltin, 2012). The current testing procedure for blood doping…

Britain Political events since 1945 1945 was marked by the end of World War two that had lasted for over six years. Like other superpower countries, Britain has been as well involved in the war proceedings. After the war ended, all countries involved in the war started political rebuilding. In Britain, political rebuilding involved several political events. The discussion below gives a highlight of five major political events that took place in the UK and their importance since 1945 to the present. Labour and Welfare State (1945-51) After the war ended, the labour party won that year’s election with a landslide with Clement Attlee becoming the Prime Minister. Due to the destruction caused by the war, a welfare state was created under the National Insurance Act of 1946 (Hennessy & Harrison, 2019). Under this Act, people had to pay flat national insurance and pension rates. The major program created under this Act was the National Health Service. The importance of this political event is that it enhances quick nationalization of vital sectors like economy, banks, and railways that were declining.…

Why Reforms Fail When it comes to change the police, most efforts fall short, which is contrary to what people may believe. This chapter shows sources of resistance when it comes to policing. Some of these resistances are not only from unions but also external. Proposed plans are usually done with politician’s support brought about by public outcries. Summarize are the obstacles hindering changes in police organizations that vary from the top to the bottom in terms of bureaucratic interests and different classifications of police resisting the changes. Resistance by mid-level and top managers Resistance by the mid-level managers has led to community-policing projects failure in various cities. This is because of the changes that would come with these decentralization schemes, and it leads to resistance, for instance, the reduction of the management layers. An example is when Chicago abolished the Captain rank; a lieutenant equated it to feeling like being “kicked in the teeth.” Being control in the field is a priority for these leaders. While managers seek to tighten bureaucratic hold on field officers, the reforms are seeing…

Pet Owner Challenges That You Can Transform Into Opportunities Pet owners undergo many challenges that make them reconsider their decision to have a pet. As a pet store owner, creating solutions to these problems puts you ahead of your competitors while making you the go-to-store for pet parents in your region.   Pet owner challenges include dealing with fur shedding, finding the right information on pet food, how they can take care of their pets while they are away from home, and many more.   Pet owners also have a problem dealing with Breed-Specific Legislation (BSL). They don’t know which types of breeds are prohibited in a particular area. Working closely with potential pet parents to educate them on the legalities surrounding breeds can transform them into loyal customers.   Let’s learn the pet owner challenges you can solve to improve your pet store business.   Fur shedding Dogs shed dead or damaged fur to make room for new and healthy fur to grow. The degree with which a dog sheds its hair depends on the type of breed, health…

Literature review on Regular Family physicians Previous studies exhibit that preventive medicine and health lifestyle go hand in hand. According to research, preventive medicine can be regular testing, vaccination or immunization or even the advice of a doctor. Most researchers have shown that preventive medicine aids senior citizens in preventing the occurrence of some diseases and also the management of their health (Tricoli et al. 2017). According to Latimer and Mott (2015), regular tests, measurement of body weight and blood pressure, advice on diets, immunization of adults and children promotes a healthy living lifestyle. Regular Family physicians should consider these preventive services as a proper approach to healthy living for old aged people. Most studies explain that family physicians must control the eating preferences of the old aged citizen to prolong their life expectancy (Vadaparampil et al., 2014). Similarly, research concludes that preventive care for patients should be based on the ages. Research has found significant evidence that preventive medicine and health living for senior citizens are mandatory for developed and developing countries. Preventive medicine Preventive medicine can is categorized…

Human Health mixed with Video Games[WU1] “When it comes to video games, one fact is indisputable: They are more popular than ever.” (Warnick, 1) [WU2] With this in mind, we can see how important [WU3] video games make an impact on lives today. Form medical diagnoses to mental and physical health, there can be many ways how video games are in the health of humans today. From ADHD medical diagnoses using virtual reality experiment, to how video games affect mental health such as aggression, and how video games can affect physical health in a good way such as exercising, [WU4] video games can really make an impact on human health. [WU5] Medical diagnostics have been advancing with new technology, but diagnosing someone using video games with ADHD can be new to a lot of people. ADHD stands for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, which is most common in children. This disorder causes lots of symptoms, including not being able to focus[WU6] , excessive moving, and acts that occur without thought. As said in Devon Frye’s Article The Future of Focus, “Computerized devices…

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