East coast supermarket Name Institution Due date       As the sole community provider, the market offers grocery products to the local community and the surrounding area of an approximate of 5000 citizens. This refers to the pillar of the community as the viability is dependent on the success of the local market. Without a strong pillar such as the market, the community may alter and deteriorate; thus, a healthy community is dependent on the success of its businesses. The market requires funding that would assist in continuous development efforts and also provide an opportunity that would promote growth in the community. The business should be erupted within the and has received a limited supply upgrade to support the need for the energy-efficient building .the funding would provide the first steps for improving and expanding the services and enhancing the continuing success of the markets in this community. Before February 2, 2020, the annual sales of the market tops $500000 with the net incomes that approximate to $15000.this makes the community…

Compare and contrast Kelsey in “Boobs” to Ginger in Ginger Snaps. How does each girl as a werewolf embody negative cultural stereotypes about women? How might the trope of the werewolf in each narrative be used to represent female freedom and power? It’s clear that gender roles and stereotypes are engrained in children’s lives from a young age, but it’s also clear that young people are struggling to fit in with society’s expectations of them. Women are culturally viewed as weak and powerless. Adolescence is treated differently between boys and girls. While the male protagonists emerge from adolescence with adult senses of self that are grounded in the expectation that they will eventually have a great deal of autonomy, the female protagonists face a more complicated situation. Females must fight against cultural and institutional expectations, which deprive them of the agency. Ginger Snaps mirrors the status quo of contemporary culture where the patriarchal notion of the female monster who is a threat and who must be destroyed is reinforced. “Boobs” (1989) works to subvert the traditional paradigm. Unlike Ginger, Kelsey,…

The Power of Omni-Channel Marketing in 2020 for Retail As customer experience (CX) evolve into one of the most essential aspect of every business, companies are slowly turning to omni-channel marketing as a crucial part of CX. The concept has gained prominence since 2019 as more businesses put efforts to remain at the top of the competition in meeting the ever-changing demands of the modern customer. Gone are the days when a customer was left with only one choice to make between in-store purchases and online shopping. Today, businesses can combine all the interaction points of a customer into a single integrated customer experience, thanks to the omni-channel marketing strategy. This article highlights the impact of the omni-channel marketing concept on the retail industry.   Understanding Omni-Channel Marketing The world of digital marketing is never short of buzzwords, and the omni-channel concept is a trending one in the turn of a new century. Omni-channel marketing refers to the creation of the presence of a brand across multiple offline and online channels in efforts to render an integrated customer experience. Some…


MIS essay

MIS essay Student’s name Institutional affiliation     MIS Essay The computer era encompasses the introduction of elements or components in the information system category. MIS (management information system) deals with the collection and analysis of data or information in a given organization. Information system management entails five significant components, which are hardware, software, database, network and people. The computer hardware is a physical technology responsible for information matters.  The hardware has variable sizes ranging from the smallest as seen in mobile phones to largest that fill up a building or a room. More so, the hardware can entail peripheral devices which work alongside computers. These are keyboards, external disk drives, as well as routers (Gray et al. 2016). The computer software helps the hardware to understand its purpose and achieve its functionality. It can be either system software or application software. The operating system is an example of the system software and responsible for managing how the hardware operates. Application software handles specified tasks such as the spreadsheet, documentation or designing web pages. The network is essential in providing…

The legal material in the Torah             Torah refers to the first five books of the Holy Bible. Another name for it is the Pentateuch (Levine, 1965). In many circumstances, it refers to the stories in all the twenty-four books starting from Genesis to Chronicles. Torah is made of the Jewish peoplehood origin. It means that it has aspects of the call by God, the tribulations they underwent and the covenant they made with God. The covenant refers to the following of the set of moral and religious requirements and civil laws. Oral Torah has interpretations that have been handed over from generation to generation in the rabbinic tradition. The content was given to Moses at Mount Sinai while another one at the Tabernacle. The content involves the beginning of the creation of the world to the origin of the Israelites up to their exit from Egypt and getting the Torah at Mount Sinai. In the end, there is the death of Moses before the Israelites entered Canaan, which was the Promised Land. The Ten Commandments are part of this…

How is the Tesla Autonomous driving technology going right now, and when can we see the real autonomous driving taxi platform? The autonomous driving technology contains software that is needed for real autonomous driving technology in every circumstance. The independent driving platform is designed to enable the car owner to make extra cash while sleeping. The self-driven car allows the driver to get in the self-driven platform and describe the destination. The driver has to instruct the vehicle for the final destination. Failure to provide the target to the car looks at the daily itinerary to find the regular route. Lack of information within the calendar will cause the vehicle to go directly home. Tesla identifies the optimal path by navigating urban streets and manages complex streets using traffic lights, stop signals, and roundabouts. The future use of the autonomous platform is without supervision and achieves reliability compared to human drivers. In 2020 there will be the introduction of autonomous driving taxis that enables the car to operate during night hours when the owner is asleep. In 2020 millions of…

The Adam Walsh Act and its effectiveness in enhancing public safety Introduction The Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act is a Federal law that was signed into law in 2006 by President George W. Bush to protect children against sex offenders. The Act came into effect 25 years after a six-year-old boy Adam Walsh was abducted at Sears Mall only to be found dead in a drainage Canal. The Act requires that sex offenders be divided into three tiers based on the seriousness of the crime committed. Furthermore, the law requires the establishment of a national sex offender registry and website that has the data of all sex offenders within US borders. The purpose of this paper is to critically analyze the implementation of the Adam Walsh Act and recommend viable solutions to enhance public safety against sex offenders. In this paper, I argue that the AWA implementation has failed to enhance public safety against sexual offenders, and it is time that it is reviewed. Background The problem with the AWA has been its implementation. There has been a…

Concept Paper: Education in a Digital World Introduction Traditional instruments of education have always been centered on sources such as schools, print media, and teachers. As such, leaners got hold of information sources by the process of enrolling with libraries, teachers, and schools. Before the digital era, information access was hampered with respect to today’s context. Contemporary society has the urge to know the information when and how it happens, as the world is geared towards a knowledge society rather than an information society. As such, education is given the highest priority as well as brainpower to becoming a valuable asset of an organization. Furthermore, advances in digital technology have opened up many ways to boost learning in the modern world. Ideally, technology has opened up many avenues in the field of education. As such, technological advances have made access to information less tiresome, and as such, ICT has become a more integral part of human life.   Purpose This paper will explain the concept behind the process of generation, creation, as well as the acquisition of knowledge through technology.…

COMMUNICATION MODELS Meta description Communication skills are a prerequisite for a healthy relationship at work or in social cycles. Language advocates classify communication as a “soft skill” or interpersonal competence. Communication models overview A model of communication offers a visual representation of a concept that makes it easier to understand such concepts. Many scientists accept that the role of the communication model is to address the problem of clarity. Therefore, a model should explicitly answer the question: “who says what to who and why?” Our words and actions convey messages, emotions, and knowledge. For example: To say, “I’m tired,” or yawn both mean you’re tired. “Ouch” or grimacing declare that you have just experienced discomfort. We don’t give communication a second thought, once we learn to speak, write, and use a machine. We exchange messages back and forth. Communication should, however, execute what language theorists intend or what they call a communication model.   What are the communication models? A model refers to a visual display which describes various parts of a process.  The communication process starts with the correspondence…

When it gets hot outside, the level of crime increases. Most of the time, when it is hot in most places, it is summertime. Activities associated with summer are engaging in swimming, barbeque outing with friends and relatives, eating cold watermelon, and for students, it is a holiday, therefore no attending schools. During summer, crimes in cities and states tend to increase rapidly. The reason being that most of the teenagers are left unsupervised and engaged by their parents who go to work. Such negligence is the perfect opportunity for traffickers, drug dealers, and gang members to recruit. The unengaged teenagers end up falling prey to those gangs seeking to belong. Hot temperature also results in impatience, temper increasing, makes people uncomfortable and irritable, and creates a gush of violent crimes (Maxfield & Babbie, 2019. The statement is vague since it does not clearly explain the relationship between high temperature and levels of crime increasing. The phrase does not show who accurately conducts the crimes or the types of crimes that are common during the summer. To expound on the…

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