Case study: carter racing The case study involves a scenario of a racing team “carter racing” that has previously been in the racing field for a while. Still, the previous results, ratings, and car failures have been recently threatening their capability of them making more exceptional Performance in the forthcoming events despite the presence of events sponsors who have identified the uniqueness and the potential that the team has(Assa). This has been prevalent by the mixed reactions that has been realized from the team’s responses towards the Performance of their cars and the possibility of the cars underperforming due to the variance in the gaskets Performance and the air temperatures expectations which have been the main excuses of the breakages that the riders have presented as the failure in the previous racing BJ, one of the managing crew of the carter, is found in a thick and thin scenario. Where he has no clue on the decision to make on whether to make participation in the forthcoming race where the outcomes from the questionnaires presented to the riders show a…

Effects of divorce on children In the above research topic, the researcher is attempting to discover the effects that divorce has on children. The rationale for the topic is that there is an increase in divorce rates in society, and the couples who are divorcing are young couples leaving behind children younger than ten years or teenagers. The questions to include that will help in the successful completion of the research study include What are the negative and positive effects of divorce on children? Should parents avoid divorce until the children are over eighteen years? What are some of the reasons that lead parents into divorce? Peer-Reviewed article Oren, D., & Hadomi, E. (2020). Let’s Talk Divorce-An Innovative Way of Dealing with the Long-Term Effects of Divorce through Parent-Child Relationships. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 61(2), 148-167. In the above peer-reviewed article, the authors state that divorce has negative effects on children. Among the effects highlighted is that divorce causes cognitive development issues, especially if the children are young. Their academic performance in school will deteriorate. Behavioral effects are also…

Promoting Diversity in a Restaurant or Food Service Establishment The restaurant marketplace has become more competitive, and the need to make a few changes to make the restaurant strengthen diversity improves the profitability of the restaurants. A diverse business involves where the workforce includes people from different socio-economic and cultural backgrounds. There are many advantages associated with diversity, such as the promotion of positivity in the workplace, fosters innovation, attracting new customers, and the creation of a competitive advantage over the competitors. The minority populations in the world continue to expand, and the ability of restaurants/foodservice establishments to grow with diversity creates the potential to bring in new customers. Embracing diversity in a restaurant creates an increased customer base and thus a rise in profits. Measures that should be taken to promote diversity in the restaurant workplace include diversity training, implementation of diversity-friendly policies, making diversity-conscious decisions, Diversity training should be performed in the workplace since, more often, judgment is mostly influenced by life experiences and socialization. Training on bias and diversity creates awareness of unconscious attitudes and help people…

evere acute respiratory According to Bourouiba (2020), COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new strain of severe acute respiratory coronavirus 2. COVID is an acronym for Corona Virus Disease. The disease broke out in late 2019 and was initially referred to as “2019 novel coronavirus”. The virus belongs to a family of viruses as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). This report, through personal interviewing on friends and family, will highlight how COVID-19 has changed the job, school, family, and social lives across the world and the solutions being adopted to neutralize the impact of the virus. Personal interviews were performed through phone calls, email messages, and in-person interviews. According to the friends interviewed, the community members have been advised to work remotely, and use cashless online purchase transactions. This has come along with challenges to balance between home and work environment. Moreover, the friends I interviewed argued that families had lost self-concentration, and cases of domestic violence and depression have shot up (Bourouiba, 2020). Besides, most people are living in fear of the unknown, and my family members seem…

Computers and Information Systems Impact Quality of Life Computers and information systems revolution has permeated every aspect of life in contemporary society. Nowadays, operations are performed electronically from healthcare, banking, communication, transactions, and learning, to name a few. Mainly, this implies that computers have changed how people perform their daily tasks and duties while information systems have converted the world into a global village. In response, organizations are embracing lean organizational structures, and people are using electronic gadgets more to communicate and carry out other tasks in their personal lives such as meetings, communicating with spouses and children as well as planning events such as creating a family budget. In light of these arguments, discussion on the impact of computer and information systems on the quality of life will suffice towards fathoming how such technology has influenced human life. One of the impacts of computer information systems on the quality of life is replacement in the workplace. Nowadays, organizations are automating most of the routine and repetitive jobs due to the emergence of robotics and artificial intelligence capabilities. As a…

Influence of India and Philippine’s Ways of Living India is a major country that has impacted the ways of living and different cultures to Philippine people. Firstly the Indian cultural practice has influenced the Philippine people through the Indianized Kingdom of the Hindu Majapahit and the Buddhist Srivijaya. These effects and influences have extended in the Philistines to the west, east Africa in the west, and via maritime. Moreover, it also spread through the caravan route to Russia on the northern side.. Embracing the trade fare between both countries, we see iron fields found in the Philippines was a sample point of the existence of trade between Tamil Nadu in South India and the Philippines islands during the recent centuries. Away from business and cultural living, we also have a different life that related between both countries such as the watersheds of the Indian regionalism were also very evident in Southeast Asia, which was mainly the Philippines.

  The Impact of Fast Fashion on the Environment Introduction. This section introduces the learners to the effects of fast fashion on the environment.  As a result, it elaborates on the major research questions by giving a brief description of every chapter. Background of the study On January 6th 2017, Canada was declared as the second state in the globe to declare biodiversity and climate emergency. This reaction was propelled after the Rebellion and the extinction Climate revolution, which took place in April 2019, London. The United Nations report stated that the physical environment was in extreme danger than it used to be in any other time in history.  As a result, millions of animals have lost their lives while there is a rapid extinction of plant species. Research Problem and Aims of the Research A thorough review of past pieces of literature on Fast Fashion and Environmental Impacts depicts some gaps in the study of ecological sustainability of the key retailers and consumption performance in Canada. Therefore, this article aims at filling the major gaps based on the previous…

Report on the processes around the land registry Case study: Ruiru land Registry Following your request on the need to research on the processes evolving the land registration process, here is a piece of detailed information on the above stated. If land falls under the ruiru land registry, the whole process begins by seeking land board consent. The following is required at this level: Current search Three applications letters fully signed Copy of title deed and Owners documents (KRA pin and identity card) An application fee of 1000 is required at this stage. Alternatively, one can opt to go for a specific board consent where they backdate the land board meeting date to suit your needs. Although expensive, as one has to part with 10000ksh, it’s a good option where the task at hand is urgently required. After acquiring the consent, draw the mutations forms and submit them to a licensed surveyor for his/her stamp and a signature. Carry with you the consent forms, copy of land search, Rim, tracing attached to the mutation. At this stage, a licensed surveyor…

The HIPAA safe harbour provision The HIPAA safe harbour provision is a part of the HIPAA safety rules. These rules limit the probable uses of protected health information. It is a model of identifying protected health information. This model is known as De-identification of protected information regarding health. The removal of information that can be used to identify a patient is known as De-identification. This is generally used with other pieces of data accessed from the patient. As long as the information is private health information, its accessibility is limited by the privacy rule. The HIPAA safe-harbor de-identification requires the deletion or removal of specific things that can be used to identify a patient. It is important to note that once the de-identification process has taken place, the remaining information is no longer considered as PHI. Specific and private information has already been eliminated. The HIPAA safe harbour provision necessitates the de-identification of data. It is essential to note that data elements can be used in combination or individual component to help identify a person. It is necessary to identify…

The Case of Anna O. The story of Anna O. remains to be one of the most studied case studies in the corridors of psychology. Initially reported by Joseph Breuer and Sigmund Freud in their book, ‘Studies on Hysteria,’ provides initial evidence for the importance of psychoanalytic treatment to individuals suffering from mental problems (Jarrett 2015). While Anna enjoyed a healthy life throughout her childhood and teenhood, her tribulations started early in her adulthood. At the age of twenty-one, she developed a series of physical and psychological disturbances that required further analysis by highly qualified psychologists (Jarrett 2015). Indeed, abnormalities in mental processes can be a significant cause of concern for anyone that has enjoyed a healthy life most of the time since birth. Consistently, Anna’s new developments were genuinely something that needed a specialist response. Anna’s psychological complications were a mixture of multiple abnormalities. She suffered from loss of sensation, rigid paralysis, a series of mental troubles, disturbed eye movements, and restricted vision power (Jarrett 2015). In addition to these initial symptoms, Anna later developed other problems. She experienced…

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