Sports and gender             The UNESCO international charter on physical education and sport affirms that “the practice physical education and sport is a fundamental right for all.” Gender has been an important category of analysis in the understanding of sports. The concept of gender has in the past been used when determining the inclusion or exclusion of women in sports. These views seek to reflect the biological difference between the two genders claiming that men are inherently strong, aggressive and competitive making them better suited to sports as compared to women. In recent days, the participation of transgender athletes among their gender identities has been widely questioned among various sports organizations and institutions. The thesis of this paper is to answer the question of whether transgender athletes should be allowed to compete against female athletes in sports. There have been several concerns raised on transgender female individuals’ participation in sports alongside their gender entity (Bal, 2011). Several critics have argued that transgender female individuals have an athletic sporting advantage acquired from the presence of testosterone hormones in their bodies (Jones…

Why should you study in the UK? The United Kingdom (UK) boasts world-famous institutions that help international students to pursue higher degree courses in law and finance, business, medicine, science, arts, and engineering. The country is reputed for having the best education system that aids aspirants to achieve their coveted goals and become top-notch professionals successfully. More than 6 lakhs students come to the UK every year to pursue a variety of higher degree programs that no other country in Europe offers. The globally renowned universities provide comprehensive facilities to international students. The best part about the universities in the UK is the flexible education system. Students have the liberty to combine courses and study various subjects that helps them to foster their career effectively. About the United Kingdom (UK) The United Kingdom is a sovereign and one of the world’s most developed countries. The country is famous for having a high-income economy. The country is extremely popular among travelers for having numerous picturesque places. The capital city of the United Kingdom is London. Multiple ethnic groups contribute to the…

Development Psychology Each developmental stage in life brings about exciting experiences. By nature, humans will continue to evolve and adapt to their immediate surroundings, and child development is no different. The development of children is categorized into infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, and emerging adulthood. Each of these stages brings into perspective various complexities in physical, social, and cognitive dimensions (Black et al., 2017). Although some developments occur naturally, others are nurtured; both set the foundation for our lives and how we reason, interact, and act on issues. Just like any other child, I went through these developmental phases. The first two years were the ones of my dramatic growth and changes. As a newborn, the person who immensely influenced my development was my mother. At this stage, I had a keen sense of hearing but poor vision. My mother would frequently talk to me as if we were in a proper conversation. From this, I learned the art of speaking and listening, although more listening as opposed to talking. Each day my mother tucked me to sleep, she…

Valve Swot analysis Valve is an international corporation that focuses most of its energy into the development, innovation, publishing, marketing and the sale of video game packages, mobile and online interactive games. Valve can produce and distribute games that are compatible with several platforms such as X Box 360, Sony PlayStation 4, Nintendo. The Company also provides a version that is played on PC. The developers of the Company have ventured into the distribution of games for handheld devices for PSP, Apple iPod, Smartphones as well as Nintendo DS. The Company has expanded its operations to 35 countries across the globe. Weaknesses There are instances where Valve us forced to downsize meaning that almost 17% of its workforce were to be laid off; also the Company closed down nearly 9 of its video producing studios. Because of market forces, the Company had to lay off their Head of casual entertainment four months after she joined the workforce. The second weakness of Valve Company is that the type of software they develop is dependent on the platforms which they are played…

  Current legal issues of concern in technology Current legal issues of concern in technology include; elements of contracting, payment systems, digital signatures, privacy concerns, intellectual property, business torts, and criminal liability, including hacking, computer trespass, and fraud. Some of the ethical issues include privacy, system abuse, and ethical practices in technology. All these help users to make sound ethical choices and resolve legal and moral issues that arise in technology Questions of ethics and legality are very essential in many industries. Practitioners in various sectors have legal and ethical oversight to control how their professions function. Information technology, by contrast, has no overarching standardization in place. According to (Dudley, Braman, & Vincenti, 2012), some of the most pressing constitutional and legal issues confronting technology today are as follows; Privacy Typically, everyone has their personal information spread out across the digital world. We usually have a notion that our data is secure. However, such information, which generally includes things like emails and private accounts, can easily be accessed by unauthorized and unintended sources or users. For example, there is a…

Why should you study in Canada? Every year, hundreds and thousands of students travel to Canada to pursue higher studies. Aspirants prefer Canada due to the presence of an excellent education system which is reputed worldwide and affordable course fee. Among the Indian students, Canada has always been the go-to place for pursuing professional degree courses. Apart from the education system, the country is renowned for providing comprehensive facilities to international students. After completion of the degree course, the students can get several opportunities to start their careers on a high note by working with premier organizations based on the field of study. The country offers students with immigration facilities and post-study work.   About Canada Canada is the second-largest country in the world by total area. The country is extremely famous among travellers for possessing multiple tourist attraction spots, which are exquisite and scenic. Ottawa is the capital of Canada. The quality of life in Canada enhances the global popularity of the country. It is considered to be one of the top-ten study destinations worldwide. Due to the high-class…

Aspects of Interpersonal Communication in the Film “The Break-up” Communication is central to the existence and survival of human beings, mainly in their relationships. It involves the act of creating and sharing thoughts, opinions, and feelings amid people as they try to reach a common ground. Essentially knowing how to communicate to a specific audience is significant in helping to sharpen critical thinking skills and reading the verbal and nonverbal cues. Lack of communication in a relationship that goes on for a while will most probably result in huge confrontations. In many human relationships, conflict is inevitable. Nonetheless, the conflict itself is not the problem; how the issue is handled may either bring people together or separate them further. A strong interpersonal communication existing between individuals may lead to friendship, love, and marriage. The success of such a relationship depends on passion, intimacy, and commitment, which may rely on effective communication. The Breakup movie shows a breakdown of communication is the cause of failed relationships. Though Brook and Greg love each other, their ego and need to outdo each other…

That time I Loved you  When I was six, my family moved out of the small house in Main Street of the town to a mansion in a brand new subdivision. The location was so new that there was mud in place of grass. Thus, with the help of my siblings, we planted several vegetable and flower patches in an attempt to brighten the area. After a month, landscapers came to lay the sod whereby they plunked it on top of our pansies, and in no time, pea pods, supported by popsicle sticks, grew during the summer. Afterward, I understood something about subdivision life that I could never wrap my mind around until I read That Time I Loved You by Carrianne Leung. The setting of the book is during Scarborough’s suburban development in 1970. For instance, the comparable houses that were described as ‘three Two storeys and a bungalow, repeated as a pattern and arranged carefully on the streets’ (AUTHOR). Thus, the place specified in the book had to define great things and terrible things. However, there had to,…

Literature review:The effect of gender and the nature of social conformity Gender is the role we are socialized to by society in terms of being male or female. It is crucial to note that gender affects not only our attitudes and beliefs about us and others but also about how we behave when we relate to other people. Indeed, this has been an area under intense research for years, and there appears to be a link between gender and how we change our attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors to fit with people we most identify with. For example, men are more likely to agree with male behavior to be perceived as part of the group and have a sense of belonging. This is because they feel pressured to appreciate that fellow men have a high status in society and should behave and think in a certain manner. However, the effect on our conformity in the social sphere varies from one person to another. Various researchers have delved into this field and found interesting perspectives about how gender affects the conformity of…

EDUCATION OF TRANSGENDER IN INDIA Introduction Education is the key to enhance the competitiveness of any country in the global field. The Indian Constitution provides equal opportunity to every citizen for their fullest development, irrespective of caste, religion, gender, etc. These human rights include the right to social security, democracy, equality,  freedom of thought and expression, etc. One of the essential reasons that have given to the people of India is the right to gender identity. Choosing one’s gender identity is also a significant right that falls under the amendment of Article 21. The supreme court of India stated that “The gender to which a person belongs is to be determined by the person concerned.” In India, there are three genders- male, female, and Transgender. On April 24, 2015, Rajya Sabha had passed Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2014. In section 2(t) of the activities mentioned above, the term transgender defined as ‘transgender person’ means a person whose sense of gender does not match with the gender assigned to that person at birth and includes trans-men and trans-women, gender-queers,…

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