Georges Braque   Georges Braque was a major 20th-century french painter, collagist, printmaker and sculptor. His most important contributions to art history was in his role with fauvism in 1905, and the role he played in the developing cubism. Braque’s work between 1908 and 1912 was closely associated with his colleague Pablo Picasso. Their cubist works were hard to tell apart for many years, because of Braques shy nature he was a little overshadowed by the fame and infamy of Picasso.   Early life Georges Braque was born on May 13th, 1882 in Argenteuil, Val-d’Oise. He grew up in Le Havre and studied to be a house painter and decorator. He also studied artistic painting during evenings at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. In Paris, he apprenticed with a decorator until he earned his decorating certificate in 1902. After he claimed his certificate, he attended the Academie Humbert, which was also in Paris, he remained there to paint until 1904. This was where he met Marie Laurencin and Francis Picabia.   Fauvism Braque’s earliest works were impressionistic, but after seeing the…

The Essay Outline Why Outline? Just because you have composed a thesis statement doesn’t mean that you are ready to start writing your essay. Outlining your ideas will help you see the structure of your main points and sub-points clearly. Outlining will also help you check the logic and completeness of what you will be writing, revealing any gaps, repetition, or illogical steps in the development of your essay. Outlining your essay will also help you manage your time more efficiently – you can break down the outline into manageable sections – and then assign yourself reasonable time to write the first draft of each section. Remember, the introduction can be very time consuming – leave it until the end – it is much easier to write the introduction when you have finished the first draft Before you Outline Planning / Outlining is Step 5 of The Writing Process. This is the last step before you begin to write your essay. As you develop your outline, keep in mind the length of the assignment.  How many words / pages do…

Why There Is  Shame in Actors Having Day Jobs     Geffory Owens says “There is no job that’s better than another job,” he continued. “It might pay better, it might have better benefits, it might look better on a resume and on paper, but actually it’s not better “ In the light of this comment, it discusses that Acting is a job just like any other, which is why actors have been particularly vocal in the ensuing aftermath of the Owens incident. Many established actors from film, television, and theater have spoken up to share their experiences—past and present—with day jobs and to hopefully remove the stigma surrounding them. Actors have long been part of the gig economy. Roles and benefits come and go unpredictably. Side jobs with flexible hours are a fact of life. The performers I know have been office managers, S.A.T. tutors, dog-walkers, P.R. assistants, financial advisers, and, of course, waiters. One actor friend is learning calligraphy so she can start her own business. A comedian I know used to wait tables at a restaurant back…

Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal       This Work Plan is a proposal for the Community Teaching Work Plan on Primary Prevention/ Health Promotion that majorly focuses on adolescent health. Planning Before Teaching: Name and Credentials of Teacher:   Estimated Time Teaching Will Last: 35-45 minutes Location of Teaching: Community School. Supplies, Material, Equipment Needed: Refreshments, Screen, Projector, Paper handouts, Notebooks, and Laptop. Estimated Cost: $50 Community and Target Aggregate: Adolescents aged between 10-17years and Young adults aged between 18-25 years. Topic: Primary Prevention/ Health Promotion: Stopping Drug Abuse and Promoting Mental Health.   Identification of Focus for Community Teaching (Topic Selection): Primary Prevention/ Health Promotion. With a focal point on Stopping substance use and promoting mental well-being for the youths. Epidemiological Rationale for Topic (Statistics Related to Topic): According to the World Health Organization, several countries are struggling with the psychoactive drug abuse effects. Based on the statistics, at least a total of 3.3 million people loses their lives annually due to the hazardous use of alcohol. The organization further estimates that each individual in the world aged 15 years…

Elvis Presley Biography Elvis Presley was both an actor and musician who is said to have risen to fame during the mid-1950s. The fame was influenced by the TV, radio as well as the silver screen. Elvis Presley is considered one of the most significant names, especially in the history of rock ‘n’ roll. The origin of Elvis Presley is described that he came from very humble beginnings and was brought up to eventually become to secure his name among the biggest and most recognized names in the history of rock ‘n’ roll. During the years of the mid-1950s, Elvis Presley managed to appear on the television, radio, and also on the silver screen. On August 16, 1977, when he was at the age of 42, Elvis Presley passed on. His death was attributable to heart failure and also linked to his strong addiction to drugs. Regardless of the passing on of Elvis Presley, he still remains to be recognized as one among the considerably well-known music icons across the world. Presley already displayed a flamboyant personality, where he had…

Problematic Media Tropes Introduction Tropes are approaches employed by artists in their work that transport audience to richer experiences in both sensory and experience aspects. They are commonly used as bridges between the ideal world and the world created by the film, novel or poetry. There exist good tropes and harmful ones, but their application is the determinant of the end effect they have on the public (Nadarajah). In the current media industry, there are specific tropes that require deterrence for the greater good of the public implication the industry sustains. For instance, the magical black character trope is number one on the abolishment list. The Magical Black Character Commonly referred to as the Magical Negro in artistic terms, this trope has elicited racism in the United States media industry up to date. The Magical Negro is a supporting character who aids a white protagonist (Nadarajah). The cast is viewed as a superhero, in possession of mystical powers and exceptional skills that help in shaping the character and life of the white counterpart (Nadarajah). The term came into being in…

song for my father analysis One song performed in the concert is titled song for my father. It is comprised of 24-bar AAb as the basis for its construction. The time for the song is 4/4 time. The composition for the song took place in F minor. The song features Bass Ostinato, and it also contains four chords in its structure. Some of the chords included in the song include Fm9 – Eb9-Ed9. For the piece of the song, it uses eighth notes, which are even. The piece does not swing eighths. The original recording of the song features Silver, whose role dis on the piano. Joe Henderson plays his role of the tenor saxophone, Carmell Jones plays the trumpet. The other artists included in the original recording of the song are Teddy Smith, who plays bass, and Roger Humphries is on the drums. The combination works perfectly to produce a piece of appealing Jazz music. The song was released in an album that shared the same name. The opening vamp of the song introduces the author’s central theme of…

The distance between the various continents across the Atlantic ocean meant The distance between the various continents across the Atlantic ocean meant that people across these continents rarely interacted. People would also nurture different animals and plants, and these facilitate there own unique microbes and pathogens across the continents. The trans-Atlantic trade would bring Europeans to the other continents. They did bring with them diseases, gun powder, and Christianity. They would take back silver to Europe, and it would end the cash crisis. They would also bring back new stimulants such as sugar, tobacco, and chocolate from the Americas and, by doing so, started the slave trade that was needed to keep up the new consumer appetites. There were also tensions in Europe that were propagated by religious tensions between Protestants and Catholics. The monarch and wealthy landowners were also in constant loggerheads. Intellectuals and artists would struggle to document these new world orders. The discovery of the Canary Islands by the Portuguese would start a sailing revolution. Europeans would now start exploring the world, and this enhanced the slave…

Impact of Literature in Society Introduction                                                                                        American literature was produced during the time of British colonization of American land in the early 17th century. The first writings evolved in five distinct stages which are, the Colonial and early national period, the Romantic era, Realism and naturalism, the modernist period and the contemporary period (Giles). In each time, the writings impacted the society in several ways both politically and socially.  The period of romanticism was characterized by the free expression of feelings by writers and artists, originality of work and the importance of nature. Thesis Statement Romanticism was partly a revolt against aristocratic, social and political norms of the age of enlightenment and a reaction against the scientific rationalization of nature and was saturated mostly in art, music and literature. Social and Political Impact of the Romanticism Literature Era on America In the early 1830s, American writings focused on romance which saw rapid expansion and growth in the U.S that fueled intuition, imagination and individuality. After the revolutionary war that saw America achieve its independence, citizens became anxious to develop their…

 Mexican architects/artist Write a 1500-word biography of one of the following three Mexican architects/artists: – Luis Barragán – Frida Kahlo – Juan O’Gorman (I chose Luis Barragán.. but you can do other person if you would like to. And my thesis was like Barragan is the most successful architect mastered in space and light with emotion. Please start with a THESIS statement for the first sentence of the essay! And support them with evidences.) (Below is the ′rubric′! Please refer and mention the five images you′re using in text and carefully write the captions as it′s part of the rubric.) It should contain: 1. An overview of their life/career; 2. A desсrіption of their most important works; 3. An assessment of their significance, in Mexico, and internationally [unique_solution]4. A bibliography with 5 academic articles and/or books, in chronological order 5. Four images of their work plus one portrait. Make a caption for each of the five images. For all assignments, use the Chicago Manual of Style for shortened citations (in the notes) and bibliographical entries (in the references). See: Notes and…

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