Frieda And Diego Rivera Art, 1931 Introduction Frieda Kahlo was a contemporary Mexican artist who created ‘Frida and Diego Rivera art.’ She painted portrait art in the attractive city of San Francisco, California, in April of the year 1931.  It was initially published in SFMOMA Painting AND Sculpture (Savage,2019). The Frida and Diego art is a painting type art whose subject is, portraits, self-portraits, women artists, male artists, husbands, wives, marriages, palettes, brushes, birds, banderols, inscription, women, people of color and Mexicans. The medium of the art is oil and canvas, and the external link is SFMOMA (Savage,2019). The credit lines were Albert M. Bender Collection and the gift of Albert M. Bender. The physical dimensions of the Frida and Diego Rivera art are 39 3/8 x 31 in (100.01 x 78.74 cm). A Thesis Statements The audience seems to be charm by her individual life rather than portrait image. Her life has more tools to convey her feelings during the battle between life and death. Frida’s art is trail by the anomaly of her life most of the time.…

FYRE Festival Introduction The case, in this case, will try and highlight how they FYRE failed as per the expectation of the people. The case will also highlight some of the possible events that transpired to the failure of the Fyre Festival. The other thing that will be discussed in this case is how the team locals were affected by this project that failed due to poor management. The other thing that will be described in this case is how the Fyre team was unable to attract a broad audience. This are some of the problems that led to the failure of the project. Another thing that will be highlighted in this case is the necessity of documenting a project as well as an evaluation of the project. Without this, the project will completely fail as it happened for the festive. The other thing that will be discussed is the possible errors that were brought about by the group members. Literature review In this case, it can be noted that the fyre festive was all about the group error. It…

Guitar versus African Drum The Africans are believed to be true to their beliefs. They are people who have ever held their belief in the manner that they are practiced up to this era. Music was used for various functions. The Africans believe that music is everything, and through music, they will achieve their goals. Some of the Africans state that music is everything in the sense it is felt in all their daily activities. They say that music lives with them and without music then life will be boring. We can state how music was felt in every part of the society, be in children fetching water, and they would go around beating their containers, mothers trying to make food would make some of the beats as well as those people that engaged in making different things. At this point, it is essential to note the fact that the use of African drum and guitar is used across different cultures. For instance, the Africans use the drums as a way of expressing or passing a message to other people.…

Film Review: Hands of History Introduction The film is a 1994 documentary by Loretta Todd, who is a leading figure in Canadian Indigenous cinema. In this documentary, Loretta profiles four contemporary female artists who seek to find a continuum from traditional to contemporary forms of expression of their cultures through art. In the documentary, the four females reveal their unique practices and their journeys. In general, it is a moving testimony what the significant role played by indigenous women in nurturing indigenous cultures. The most interesting thing about the documentary is that the women in the film narrate their stories about their cultures and art related to their origins, and all of their stories are very interesting to listen to. These women are from indigenous cultures, which makes the film more interesting to watch as the viewer is curious to know more about these women. They talk about their skills in producing art and how they learned to create different artifacts and how these skills and knowledge has been passed from their ancestors. Film Summary The film begins by introducing…

Tips to Motivate you to Learn a Mandatory Foreign Language There is always an ever-increasing rate of international trades worldwide. Tourism and immigration have become familiar to all nations globally. H1: Tips to Motivate you to Learn a Mandatory Foreign Language People are intermarrying, yet they have different cultural experiences. The main point is that you will eventually meet a person who does not understand your native language. Hence, you must learn another language to enhance communication with people from different communities. Below are things that will motivate you to learn a new language. Education advancement When you are preparing to join a college, you might be required to learn a foreign speech. Being able to learn languages such as Chinese, French, Arabic, or Spanish will help you to interact with different students in the school, not only those who come from the same country as you. Also, nowadays, many undergraduate and postgraduate programs have introduced foreign language as a mandatory requirement for graduation in their schools. Notably, some nations offer graduate scholarships with the condition that you must take…

Leadership and Decision-making Plans Contingency plans are an essential part of any business that prepares them for potential future events that may disrupt the functioning of the company (Marchewka, 2016). They ensure that the business stays afloat and can get back on its feet as soon as possible. In my recording studio, there are many possible issues that may arise and interrupt normal work. These may range from natural disasters such as hurricanes, to unpreventable ones such as theft and burglary or even issues related to personnel and mistakes within the company such as leakage of information. In all these instances, it would be essential to have plans for a way out and have the business running. One of the contingency plans that I would have in place would be to save everything off premises for example to an encrypted cloud service. This case would ensure that all the vital documents and information are protected from physical destruction and also with multiple layers of security. Another plan would be to encourage internal security through the use of CCTVs and automated…

Indigenous peoples in Canada Many well-known contemporary Indigenous artists from Canada represent and reflect specific historical and contemporary issues and contexts (cultural, political, and social) regarding their communities in their works. Closely study two artworks from two artists (please see list below). Describe the overall physical and formal characteristics of the works. Discuss the specific contexts related to the chosen artworks. Think about the ideas and messages the artworks transmit regarding Indigenous identities and perspectives. Ask yourself how what you see relates to Indigenous cultures and issues discussed in class. For this written assignment, address the following question in a short essay: Through a detailed desсrіption and critical discussion of the two chosen artworks from two artists (one artwork by one artist, and one other artwork by a different artist), explain and analyze their representations of Indigenous worldviews, values, and experiences. [unique_solution]How do they reflect Indigenous perspectives, ideas, and issues? Relate your analysis and discussion to what you’ve learned in class about Indigenous perspectives, worldviews, and ideas and to your own ideas about historical and contemporary Indigenous issues. Be as…

  Literary Convention Personal Preferences of Themes or Concepts Themes form the underlying messages that the writers or artists would like to get across. The primary themes I consider fundamental are courage, love, loyalty, honesty, and perseverance. I prefer the subjects such as courage because it helps explore the difficult moments that life presents to the individuals that must be surmounted and thus help individuals draw inspiration from the fictional and the non-fictional characters in a piece of literature (Torell, Örjan 379). The other concepts, such as love that can always help enhance the relationship between individuals and for families, it creates immense unity. Meaning of Literary Convention Literary convention refers to the defining features of a given genre, for instance, the play, novel, short story, sonnet, and poetry. The various literary conventions include elements such as symbolism used in literature to represent another thing. An analogy helps establish meaning and emotion in a story. Also, there are other elements like a flashback, dialogue, allegory, and hyperbole that acts as the defining features of the literary work.. Themes that appeal…

Useful Information About Indie Rock Music in Canada On this website, you will discover helpful information about indie rock music. You’ll learn about the indie labels in Canada. Some indie rock musicians become successful if they follow strategies outlined on this website. Here are essential discoveries that people can make about indie rock music. Things that makes Indie Rock Musicians Successful In the entire world, musicians work hard to achieve their dreams. However, they must create strategies that will help them succeed in the music industry. If you’re a musician, you should have policies, such as the following: Planning how to produce quality music Creating a fan-base Setting goals that you want to achieve Indie Rock Music Concerts and Live Performances Many people love listening to live music. They follow the moves of musicians who perform on stage. In this section, you will understand how artists attract fans and get great support from followers. When you have a huge fan-base, you can make a significant amount of money and become popular. Readers need to follow this guide and discover useful…

An understanding of the important concepts and worthiness of the concepts An understanding of the important concepts and worthiness of the concepts The field of Managerial economics deals with ways in which business practices can be amalgamated by economic theory. The purpose is to ease the decision-making process and finding rational solutions to the firm’s problems. Here, the most important concepts associated with managerial economics shall be understood and defined clearly. The real-world application of the chosen concept shall be outlined, as well. Lastly, the significance would be discussed. Definition of important concept and its importance The concept of foreign exchange seems important after going through the assigned weekly reading. Foreign exchange can be understood as currency conversion, and after converting the currency, the value of the currency either increases or decreases in the foreign nation. This is because, within a free country, the value of the currency depends on supply and demand laws. Currencies constantly fluctuate because the government of most countries tends to float the nation’s currency (Frankel & Froot, 1990). Market forces associated with tourism, geo-political risks,…

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