101 – Ways You Can Donate Your Time to Fight COVID-19   Introduction There are many ways of donating your time in the fight against COVID-19. Based on your expertise and ability, you can help improve the situation. Everyone is capable of assisting in preventing the spread of COVID-19. The most straightforward help is practicing proper hygiene, staying at home, and keeping social distance. But there is more you can also do to help. So, what can you do to assist in tackling COVID-19? This article provides several answers that will suit your skills, ability, and expertise. I will discuss five primary modes of donating your time that will help fight Coronavirus. These five key ways cover many other means of fighting this new disease. Let us get started exploring how you can donate your time to fight COVID-19.   Creating Awareness About COVID-19 Social education about this disease is crucial in reducing the spread. Contact tracing is more natural when society knows about COVID-19. There are many ways you can inform people through education. For mass dissemination of correct…

The Historical Allegory in Washington Irving’s Rip Van Winkle         An allegory is a story that has several and different meanings depending on the interpretation(s) given to it by the writer as well as the readers/audience. Writers are fond of using allegory to depict dangerous social, cultural, or, sometimes times, political issues affecting the people. In most instances, the hidden meaning in an allegory revolves around an influential person, a government, or other systems of leadership that cannot be confronted head-on by the writer. An allegory is thus rhetoric that writers and artists utilize when they intend to criticize their leaders but are fearful of harsh punishment that this may grant them. It is, therefore, a tool that writers and artists like to present a story that is joyous and full of fun superficially yet has a deeper meaning when evaluated keenly in the earliest times most artists employed this rhetoric to camouflage their intent while writing their stories. Washington Irving is on such a writer who was replete in using allegory in conveying his views and scorning evil deeds…

Hoch’s and Picasso’s arts Hoch’s art is a presentation of a critique of modern life in German culture. Hoch presents their creativity in the form of magazine and newspaper collages, torn away from different papers and artistically put together in the design, then photographed as a whole. The piece of art was developed in the pre-war political environment of German culture. Picasso’s art, La Bouteille de Suze, uses the same technique to come up with a design of a suze bottle. Both artists present their pieces of art by obtaining paper works from newspapers and magazines. The artists use synthetic cubism to outline different political environments at the time of the creation of the artworks. Picasso uses the real-life press and other objects to bring out the period of the Parisian levity. Hoch uses paper works with real, recognizable people present in the Weimer politics of pre-war Germany. In the art, Hoch puts out a moving picture of the state of corruption and bias in the German culture at the time. Hoch uses cut paper from magazines to present modernity…

Name One Love Manchester (Tribute concert). Venue: Manchester Arena Date: 4th June 2017 On the night of the twenty-second day of May, in 2017, the world was shaken by the sudden news that over 22 people had been killed and 59 more injured in a live concert that was Hosted by Ariana Grande in Manchester. Shocking as it may have seemed, the bomb took place right after the concert was over. During this Tim, Ariana was on her Dangerous Women World Tour. This Tour was mainly held as a campaign for empowering women, but the result of the Tour was quite sad and send shock waves to Music lovers across the world. Nonetheless, the famous RnB and pop music artists were able to hold another concert, well known as the One Love Manchester Tour to pay tribute to the lost souls of the Manchester 22 terrorists bombing attack. A tribute concert, as it is well known, is a concert that is performed by other musicians to pay tribute to a dead person. It’s more of a concert of remembrance and…

 Coca-Cola Strategic Communication strategy Plan 1 Executive Summary The Coca-Cola Company is a beverage company and one of the leading supplier of non-alcoholic beverages in the world. The company has one of the most recognized brands with over 3,500 soft drinks, water, juices, sports drinks, coffee, and milk product and it is currently operating in over 200 countries across the world. However, in the course of the last two years, the company has witnessed a decrease in sales in the United Kingdom which has been the fourth largest soft drinks market in Europe. In order to increase its sales in the United Kingdom, the company needs to define a new communication plan. In this communication plan of Coca-Cola Company, PEST and SWOT analysis will be done to assess the situation. The communication strategy used in reaching to all the targeted audiences together with marketing and communication objectives will be determined. This communication plan will be explained in terms of ways of designing messages and choice of media and a summary of ways of evaluating desirable outcomes of the company out…

  Grab your 440-page guide e-book absolutely FREE & 50 fantastic woodworking plans!   The Hidden Secrets behind magnificent woodwork…   Are you looking to create masterpieces of wood furniture from scratch?   Do you want to broaden your knowledge of woodwork?   Are you ready to become a woodwork expert?   Human beings pride themselves on the work of their hands. Artists highly value their pieces. Woodwork is a skilful art. You are the artist, and your furniture is art. Behind every artist, there are secrets about his work.   Ted McGrath, a woodworker with over 20 years experience, is ready to share his woodwork secrets and plans with you. Plans that will make your woodwork journey easier, cheaper and fun!   Do away with poorly laid out plans. Join the big boys club and become a great woodworker that will leave many amazed with your work.   Are you ready to discover the greatest woodworker secrets?   What are you waiting for?   Get your FREE 440 paged e-book on ‘Art of wooding’ and 50 plans of woodworking.…

various factors come to play when organizing musical concert More often than not, our life, professional, or otherwise is structured towards achieving a specific project. Though many may not realize it, their life like their work is a project. According to (2019), a project can be explained to be a transient, unique endeavour carried out to attain planned objectives and the success of the project, is witnessed from the final product or outcome or expected outcomes one intended. However, one has to take keenness in distinguishing between a project and a routine where unlike a project that is temporary, time-limited, and unique and can sometimes be complicated, a routine is more continuous, repetitive, and timeless though it could be simple or complex. For a project to be successful, it needs planning, organization, and efficient management of resources. The management of these factors ensures that a project is within budget, on-time, and fulfilling its set goals and objectives. Thus project management evolves. Project management is the use of diverse result-oriented skills and disciplines such as estimation, risk control, decision making, etc.…

The Hidden Secrets behind magnificent woodwork!   Are you tired of following woodwork plans that don’t yield results?   Do you want to broaden your knowledge of woodwork?   Are you ready to become a woodwork expert?   Human beings pride themselves on the work of their hands. Artists highly value their pieces.   Woodwork is a skilful art. You are the artist, and your work is art. Behind every artist, there are secrets about his work.   Ted McGrath, a woodworker with over 20 years experience, is ready to share his woodwork secrets and plans with you. Plans that will make your woodwork journey easier, cheaper and fun!   Do away with poorly laid out plans. Join the big boys club and become a great woodworker that will leave many amazed with your work. Are you ready to discover the greatest woodworker secrets?   What are you waiting for?   Get a free 440 paged e-book on ‘Art of wooding’ and free 50 plans of woodworking.   Don’t be left behind; improve your woodworking skills with the best guides…

Deceiving nature and untrue promises of materialism Three broad ideas are notable from the class readings. They include the deceiving nature of nature and untrue promises of materialism, the white supremacy using and controlling hip hop to put people of color down continuously, and lastly, a repeated false becomes and facts in the minds of the audience. The three ideas will be discussed separately. Deceiving nature and untrue promises of materialism Part A: Contemporary society has made us believe that material possessions will automatically make us happy and healthy. People work hard to be financially stable and possess assets while ignoring simple things such as love, excellent relationship, ethical behavior, and humility because they have been made to believe that is where true happiness lives. I consider it crucial for people to realize that though material possessions are essential, they are not the only ingredient to a happy and healthy life. There are instances when one will have all the wealth but lacks peace and hurt inside. Thus, we should at least strive to balance all ingredients to a happy…

CHRISTOPHER BAILEY: CREATIVE DIRECTOR AND FORMER CEO AT BURBERRY   ABSTRACT Christopher Bailey, now the former president and creative officer at Burberry, left a 17- year legacy at the heritage of the British Brand. He was only 46 years old, credited into transforming the British Heritage Brand into a powerhouse and pioneering the label digitally. Christopher, through the transformation of London Fashion Week into attracting top editors, celebrities, models, and other talents, hence turning London into a global fashion hub. Through the help of sites such as fashion, a report done explicitly by Par Libby Banks on November 3, 2017, we get to understand the many deals that paved the way to the market success of the 145, year-old company, Burberry since 2001 when Christopher Bailey arrived as a design director. The primary purpose of this report is to understand the achievements’ of Christopher Bailey, how he brought success to the dangerously diminished company, and some of the traits we could emulate from him.   Information supplement Challenges   Conclusion.                    …

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