The Impact of Somatic Anxiety, Cognitive Anxiety, and Physiological Arousal Responses in Athletes Athletes are constantly under pressure to perform at their best due to the numerous tournaments and games in their industry. With more players entering the sports industry each year, competition has increased significantly hence increasing the need to stand out. Besides, there are more tournaments and competitions around the world, thus shortening the intervals for athletes to recover and prepare for games. These conditions, alongside constant pressure to perform during competitions and games, increase anxiety and stress. However, physiological arousal improves athlete performance to a point and can be significantly beneficial to the athletes. Moreover, the athlete’s performance in comparison to other players affects self-image and output. Kinesiology seeks to understand the mechanics of the body’s motion. In the study, arousal response, somatic and cognitive anxiety, as well as self-confidence, affect the body’s mechanics and the sportsperson’s performance. Every competition makes a demand on the athlete’s performance. As important competitions have a lasting impact on athletes’ careers, athletes experience heightened levels of anxiety during such occasions.  Consequently,…


Rock Music

Rock Music Rock music is a popular genre of music that originated in the United States of America in the 1950s, and it majorly electric guitar with drums and bass. In its cultural value, rock music as influenced and reflected society from a different perspective. Rock music has created a fashion culture of motorcycle leather, hippie fashion, Nehru jacket, and long hair (“Social Effects Of Rock Music,” pg.1). As rock music became more popular and developed, what a rock artist wore became more important as the song and also defined the relationship between the artist and the audience. Glittering fashion, high heels, and camp were noticed in the rock dressing culture as it became more influential. In the late 1970s, rock music fans started putting on flashy urban attire and rock conservative just like the rock musicians who were still wearing hippie-influenced clothes and blue jeans. In a rock band, heavy metal often flavored a sharp visual image. The band members consisted of long hair, parts denim or leather jackets and spikes, and the picture was a strong component of…

influence in French Painting in the 19th century Dear (friend’s name), I am in the city of Paris where Liberty Leading the People, a famous artwork by Eugène Delacroix, was painted using oil on canvas in 1830 and following his style and ideas of romanticism. My long desire to travel to Paris is because this France’s ultra-cosmopolitan capital city has a global reputation as the center of architecture history, gastronomy, fashion, culture, and art. Eugene Delacroix intended to commemorate the famous July Revolution that took place in Paris, during which Charles X was dethroned or removed from power. On average, the cost of traveling to Paris is about 1,136 euros per person per week, making it quite affordable. The cost of staying in a hotel such as CitizenM Paris Gare de Lyon is about 110 pounds per night, where you are allowed to reserve in advance and pay on the day of your stay. The original patron of Liberty Leading the People (Delacroix) became a significant influence in French Painting in the 19th century, particularly as a romantic artist. The…

Sociologically religion Sociologically religion can be described as practices, values, and beliefs associated with spiritual or sacred concerns. The famous French sociologist Emile Durkheim in 1915 defined religion as a “unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things.” Music and religion relate in different ways. First, music can be used as a critique of religion and helps believers to have a discussion about God. For example, the 1995 song “If God was one of us” by Joan Osbourne elicited a lot of reactions from both atheists and Christians. Secondly, music, when composed in some way, does appear to threaten religion. For example, some music performed by heavy metal groups such as Eric Holmberg’s “Rock’ n’ Roll: A Search for God.” thirdly, on many occasions, music does support religion. For example, Irving Berlin’s “God Bless America,” which has been used in significant American national occasions. Music can also be spiritual music that is used to spread religion. For example, rock artist Van Morrison offers spiritual nourishment through music. Further, music can also be religious music and are very popular…

Annegien Schilling Project 1 The artist picked for this assignment is Annegien Schilling, who is renowned for her work in the collection of surreal self-portraits that express her abilities and the environment around. Schilling shot to fame when she was only 17 years old, and advancements in technology have catapulted her popularity through social media. Her presence is vibrant on Instagram, where she shares her self-portraits with her followers. Her prowess has seen her called to give TEDx talks on her process of creation as well as what the images mean to her. Through her work, she has inspired a lot of aspiring artists to take up their craft and make exceptions to artistic creations. Her works on self-portraits do cover not only her face but also uses other inanimate objects. Essentially, Schilling has perfected the process of making self-portraits from old techniques such as carving, sculpturing, among others. The use of photography to make self-portraits makes it more comfortable, convenient, and faster when it comes to making self-portraits. The process is also more secure when it comes to the…

The Role of Irony in the Poem, “To an Athlete Dying Young” This paper entails an analysis of how irony is reflected in A.E. Housman’s poem, “To an Athlete Dying Young.” Also, the literary and structural devices are examined on how they shape the meaning of the poem. The irony in the poem, which entails showing victory in death is supported by the literary and structural devices of metaphor, imagery, personification, and symbolism. The poem, “To an Athlete Dying Young” by A. E. Housman involves a young man and his successful life as an athlete. Initially, the poem focuses on the accomplishments of the young athlete and how the society celebrated his victory. The excitement to celebrate the athlete’s success is reflected by carrying him home as everyone, including boys and men cheer. The other part of the poem entails the short life of the athlete. He is now carried on the shoulders as he is taken to the final resting place. Housman’s poem is based on transience, which is the short-lived athlete life. Despite the sportsman’s short life, he…

The Different Types Of Art Introduction Throughout the history of man, one thing has stood out from the other as it has been in existence since the medieval Stone Age period, which is art. Art is defined as the creative skills of human beings where they produce paintings, sculptures, or architectural structures that have an aesthetic aspect that is used to express an individual’s emotions (Wood, 2019). Mostly art is created from a combination of creativity and human imagination, which results in a visual form. It is used to communicate or for decoration purposes. Art has been that one thing that has stood out as it has been in existence even before the development of language. Before the development of language in the Stone Age period, man used to communicate through rock art, and they made sculptures and other artistic items using rocks and sticks. In the contemporary world, art has evolved, and new modern methods, types, and techniques of creating artistic items have been established and adopted by the new artists. The evolution of art has been contributed to…

Vance Fundora’s Special Tips For Achieving Success In Today’s Rat Race Today, Vance Fundora is a popular name among digital marketers. His company, Fundora Enterprises, has been helping out several businesses through tailored marketing solutions. Many people want to know the secret behind such a huge success at such a young age. Well, he says that this is all because of his dedication to achieving the goal and following certain principles. On being asked, Vance said that life is not a bed of roses. In the process of building his empire, he had to go through a lot of obstacles. However, quitting was not in his dictionary. So, he faced every hurdle and crossed them brilliantly. He stated that racism was the central problem, among many others. Starting a business in America by a dark young guy is not an easy task. Mockery and deceit were the regular phenomena in his life. But, he never forgot to move ahead. Vance loves adversity a lot. Hence, he was able to bring a storm in the world of digital marketing. Anxiety is…

The internal and external environment at Louis Vuitton An environmental analysis of a company is essential to realize the effect that several factors might have on the company. This analysis enables the company to identify the opportunities and threats to take effective measures (*). An external environment looks into outward factors such as politics, technology, and socio-cultural. Internal environments focus on the employees in the company, the board, consumers, competitors, contractors, and company capital. This paper will look into understanding the internal and external environment at Louis Vuitton. Internal Environment Louis Vuitton’s upper and middle management is clear about its brand position, values, and proposition. The management team is very clear about their target market, consumer insights, and what drives their consumers to pick the brand over other competitive high-end brands. The company’s CEO is actively engaged in the store operations as he is dedicated to visiting the stores to understand their consumers better. However, although the company has taken the initiative to understand their clients, they have failed to focus on a younger clientele in their designs and style.…

A Wiccan’s Sacred Space Wiccan rituals and magical functions are frequently directed around and around. The circle is sacred space, much the same as a congregation or sanctuary, however, made with energy and visualization. The circle symbolizes numerous things, yet one of the most customarily held thoughts is that it is a space “between” the material and spiritual universes, since Wiccans walk, work, and love in both. The circle is where the two universes exist, and neither exists. It is a spot outside of reality. For what reason Do You Need a Circle? Wiccans regularly raise energy in ritual to do magic, and the circle keeps that energy set up until it is released to accomplish whatever reason it was planned. You wouldn’t have any desire to go to all the issues of raising energy to have it leak out everywhere before you could utilize it. One thing the circle unquestionably holds is heat—from the assortments of the individuals standing in it, from any candles consumed inside it, from energy, or the entirety of the above mentioned. If you somehow…

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