Social media have become a vital tool for artists — but are they good for art? The above article authored by Carolina A. Miranda, who is a staff writer with the Los Angeles Times, reflects on the relationship between artists and social media. In this era of social media, artists have benefited mainly from social media since they can share their content and push it to a bigger audience. The social media platforms have made their relationship with artist strict since the artists are not allowed to share content that may be sensitive. What I like about the article is that it gives real-time evidence on the artists who have benefited from the use of social media platforms; and the artists who found themselves on the wrong side of social media. Don’t Give Me the Numbers-an interview with Ben Grosser about Facebook Demetricator The above article authored by Matthew Fuller is an interview with Ben Grosser. Ben Grosser had developed software that was about to change things on Facebook when it came to numbers. Through the conversation, Ben Grosser reveals…

Wedding DJ Birmingham Music and entertainment are indispensable for any wedding party. I am one of the top-rated DJs in the UK. My excellent DJ services ensure your guests are well entertained throughout your wedding party. Reasons Why You Should Hire Me as Your Wedding DJ Apart from playing music, I provide a wide range of packages, especially for professional wedding services. They are all part of my wedding party DJ services. Here is why you should hire me: Experience Having been in the entertainment industry for very many years, I have the essential knowledge and skills you require for your wedding party. I play an endless stream of background music, making your guest entertained throughout the party session. I can bend, mix, and cut melodies without losing a beat.   You need an exceptional service from a DJ since it is the most important day in your life, which may never happen again. You can look at a review of my services from people I have performed at their wedding parties to verify my experience.   Clean DJ Set…

Paintings from Florence and Rome Paintings from Florence and Rome were influenced by the humanists who strived to acquire knowledge in fields such as botany, geology, and optics. The Tunsan dialect furthered their knowledge in literature. The humanists are epitomized by their perspective system and their quest for precision in human anatomy. Artists in the era used the linear perspective to make their artistry more measurable and specific using a Camera Obscura. They also used an atmospheric perspective to make the images more precise and more detailed. An example being Leonardo da Vinci of Venice in his painting of the Madonna on the rock. He used light and shadow to represent himself and presented the Madonna in a pyramidal grouping. His vast knowledge inspired his atmospheric perspective in science. He depicted the objects in his painting as unified, which alluded to an invisible substance representing them. Leonardo uses light and shade to represent the Madonna, Christ, and John the Baptist from a visionary landscape.  Furthermore, light helps in making them conspicuous. The picture is also emotionally compelling with the angel’s…

More often than not, our life, professional, or otherwise HTTP:// is structured towards achieving a certain project. Though many may not realize it, their life like their work is a project. According to (2019), a project is a transient, unique endeavour carried out to attain planned objectives and the success of the project, is from the final product or outcome or expected outcomes one intended. However, one has to take keenness in distinguishing between a project and a routine where unlike a project that is temporary, time-limited, and unique and can sometimes be complex, a routine is more continuous, repetitive, and timeless though it could be simple or complex. For a project to be successful, it needs planning, organization, and efficient management of resources. The management of these factors ensures that a project is within budget, on-time, and fulfilling its set goals and objectives. Thus project management evolves. Project management is the use of diverse result-oriented skills and disciplines such as estimation, risk control, decision making, etc. This project will, therefore, look into the management of a concert project, evaluate…

How is the rise of streaming affecting the music industry? Is streaming the future of the music industry? And how would you characterize the competition among online music services? The advancement in new technology in the music industry has diverse impacts on the sector. The development of music streaming drives a new age in the music industry. This has led to the positive development of the music industry, creating a myriad of opportunities for music stars all over the world. It is now possible to only access music. There is also an aspect of convenience and personalization of music in a more designed way (Swanson 34). There has been increased consumption of streamed music than it was previously with the issue of CDs. Streaming media can reach people within minutes all across the world. The idea of streaming is indeed a transformative path and tends to be the future of the music industry. Music stars tend to be identified whenever their music is played all over the world. It all depends on how music is defined and effectively designed. However,…

 use of the design in designing concepts The use of the design in designing concepts and presenting ideologies is used to influence the way society perceives social and political situations and positions. In the film “Digging the Suez canal with a Teaspoon”, presents an interview on several people presenting their ideas about the impact of design, especially architectural design and art to the people around the design. Design is also presented in the form of forming solutions out of idealizing situations with an artists ideology. Social designs are developed to present an opinion to the viewer. The opinion created, however, may differ from one viewer to another regarding their knowledge of the setting of a design. Before the construction or idealization of design, the purpose of the design and the target audience or message is already is developed. The design then is presented with the intended purpose. For instance, architectural design is made with the sole aim of housing the homeless. However, some group of people will figure out a design as a profit-making property, presented to exploit a group…

MU3407 Programme Notes Introduction The basic piano refers to a specialized piano where work of pianists include teamwork of single or several artists, dancers, instrumentalists, and singers. Therefore, this study will concentrate on three typical piano works, such as JSBach sonata for flute and piano in A primary, BWV 1032; Beethoven Violin sonata No.5 in F major.Op.24; Schumann Three Romances for Obe and piano, op.94; Mendelssohn’s piano trio no.1. Beethoven (1770-1827) committed individual sonata for piano and violin to Pierre ode that was one of the French violinist’s institutions whose strategies and methods concerning violin were highly subjected by the Beethoven works (Hopkins 73). The founder of the French Violin School Giovanni Battista Viotti and a Rhodes instructor was recognized as one of the primary influences and is considered as a contemporary violin father. The pronounced violinist was an Italian who immigrated from France during the transitional standardizing period of the bow and violin. During Beethoven’s lifetime, the piano experienced the leading development and transition in making it look like a contemporary form. Also, sonata states that the piano plays…

Critical Assignment Critique refers to a detailed assessment or analysis of something, especially political, art, literary, or philosophical theory. Critique examines or reviews the ideas of the original artistry and resonates with the current analogies (Baty, 2019). A lot of critiques have been based on artworks as most of the artists have a lot of meaning behind their arts. For instance, the Technicolor heart by Jim Dine. To understand this, the following is a critique of the photo. The Technicolor photo is in the shape of a heart painted with blue. On the surface, the artist applied different markings all over its surface. The heart art is on the right side when heading toward the building and few meters away from the footpath. It is on a well-maintained and green surfaces surrounded by withered trees. Jim dine had a lot of messages that he wanted to convey through this image. First, the choice of the color blue is perfect. Blue is associated with loyalty, confidence, heaven, and trust. Placing it right in front of the building serves as a reminder…

Is the meaning and interpretation of the Monalisa all wrong and misconstrued by historians?   Discussion In the first assignment, I focused on late sixteenth-century developments in renaissance art, as seen in the works of Leonardo and Bramante. In particular, I focused on the Renaissance style of art and how it has been extensively used in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth century[1]. While the Monalisa has been dubbed as one of the most prolific paintings of its time, there is a different perspective of the painting, which may not be known to many. Could it be that Leonardo was just painting the woman to make a complex looking painting that would dazzle minds? During the renaissance period, artists were more driven towards individualistic perspectives as opposed to a general overview of man. Artists were dropping out on medieval values in advertising and were more inclined towards various attributes such as secularization of life[2]. Leonardo similarly was inspired by the renaissance drive to desire to achieve more with his work. Over time, there have been various versions of the Monalisa…

The Peloponnesian War between Greek city-states Lysistrata is a comic record of a lady’s remarkable strategic end the Peloponnesian War between Greek city-states by precluding all the men from securing the land any sex, which was the main thing they really and profoundly wanted. Lysistrata convinces the ladies of the warring urban communities to retain sexual benefits from their spouses and darlings as a method for compelling the men to arrange harmony—a procedure, in any case, that arouses the fight between the genders.While the majority of the trademarks in our Top 20 can ultimately be credited to an individual, others have less clear roots. ‘Pursue peace wherever possible’ rose out of the 1960s dissent development to typify the yearnings of the decade, yet who composed it and how could it spread up until now, so quick? There are three contenders for the creator of ‘Pursue peace at all costs’. American ‘social pundit’ and folklorist the late Gershon Legman has made a case for it; however, there is small authenticating proof. An increasingly generous case was made by one Diane Newell…

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