THE CASE OF CORONA VIRUS [COVID19] EXECUTIVE SUMMARY   Given the diversity of NGOs, a feeling of “collective responsibility” has been articulated for several years that led to supporting quality and performance standards initiatives. A new strain of coronavirus (COVID-19) was discovered in 2019 and was not previously identified in humans. Currently, the strain is spreading rapidly. Considering that this new virus is being introduced worldwide, the resources in public health that we must monitor are blunt. This may have significant side effects, both economic and social. Health authorities rely on strategies such as quarantines and social barriers, while doctors (who fear lack of equipment) use oxygen and fever reducers, such as ibuprofen, to treat patients. The efforts by Singapore and Hong Kong to contain the virus and eliminate its spread have been commended worldwide. Currently, both Singapore and Hong Kong have a record of below 200 cases of infected patients. While the number of cases in the first hit countries is reducing, they keep increasing in states that had their first cases later. Countries such as Italy and the…

The meaning of the death and resurrection of Jesus in the Gospel of John Introduction The death and resurrection of Jesus form a core element in Christianity. In a way, it shows God’s redemption through His Son, Jesus Christ. Thus, human beings were not to die in sin but attain God’s salvation. The Gospel of John Chapter 18-20 describes the arguments that Jesus had with authorities, leading to trials and eventual crucifixion. It also describes His resurrection and ascension to heaven as outlined by the Old Testament prophets. The paper will focus on understanding the meaning of the death resurrection of Jesus Christ. References will also be made alongside other New Testament Gospels. The first aspect will outline betrayals, trials, and death of Jesus. Later, the attention will shift to the resurrection and ascension of Jesus and their significance. Discussion Brief description of John 18-21 The Chapters of John, 18-21, begin by describing Judas’ betrayal on the messiah, leading to His arrest. Moreover, the betrayal gets evident in the actions displayed by Peter upon denying his association with Christ (Chapter…

Evaluation of the quality of customer service at the  Modern Hospital Health care is one of the most important services to human beings (Gupta, 2016). The services help promote and sustain health by managing diseases, reducing infections and disabilities and event prevent premature death. As such, health care facilities must offer excellent services, including customer care services. Efficient customer care services are particularly crucial for guiding the patient through treatment, responding to concerns, informing and reassuring patients that their illness is being handled by qualified staff. Due to the importance of medical services, most patients are forced to assess potential hospital before visiting the facility, especially if the medical need is not an emergency. Recently, I was considering visiting the Modern Hospital, one of my local hospitals, for a general health checkup.  From the evaluation of the local health care facility, the services offered do not meet the qualities of an efficient customer care services. The facility provides poor reception, inadequate communication, and fails to be transparent. One would expect that the hospital reception welcomes new patients into the facility…

Dances with the Wolves This analysis focuses on the movie titled ‘Dances with the Wolves.’ The film was directed by Kevin Costner and released in 1990. The characters in the movie exhibit different beliefs and assumptions. The US soldiers, for example, have negative attitudes towards the Sioux, Native American tribe that was at war with the White settlers at the time. Throughout the film, they treat them as enemies who should be subdued at all costs. This explains why they torture and treat Dunbar as a deserter after capturing him. However, attitudes of Dunbar and that of members of the Sioux tribe change after interacting with Dunbar. Dunbar, the main character, undergoes a significant transformation in the course of the film. Initially, he shows a great determination to fight the enemies of the Union Army (the United States Army was so-called at the time).  Like his fellow soldiers, Dunbar initially treated Native Americans with suspicion.  However, after being posted to the western frontier, he begins to build a relationship with the Sioux. Eventually, not only does he develop a positive…

The National Association of Realtors website The National Association of Realtors is a trade association of Americans that represents members of councils, societies, residential and commercial real estate industries. The collective membership of this association is composed of real estate professionals, property managers, residential and commercial brokers, and appraisers. The mission of this association is aimed at supporting all stakeholders who work to protect, preserve, or improve the right of property to others. The mission of the NAR is a summary of its international outreach goals. These goals are the creation of a conducive environment for Realtors to work professionally to get profit in the global market, promoting ethical practices in the real estate field by recruiting and retaining realtors with expertise. Besides, increasing member involvement and business outreach, preparing realtors for adjustments in the global economic markets, and linking members of NAR with international real estate experts. From the mission statement, the NAR’s mission statement can be stated with an elevator pitch of being an association that puts the value of its members at the forefront. The association provides…

  The Standard of Professional Behavior A teacher should not leave their class unattended, mostly when there is a fight between students. By leaving the course, the teacher would be violating to fulfill their obligation to address and try resolving ethical issues. This is because a teacher must confront and take necessary action to resolve conflicts in the school community. A teacher must never be alone in a private area with a student even though the discussion they are holding is confidential. Such an act would be a disrespect to the students’ rights and dignity. The code of ethics expects the teacher to interact with a student in an appropriate setting and with transparency (Klamm et al.). Additionally, the teacher is expected to respect the student by taking into consideration, student’s gender, age, socioeconomic context, and setting. A teacher should call a student when necessary and insist that the parent be there during the phone call conversation. Failure to this, the teacher will be violating the code that talks about the teacher maintaining student’s confidentiality and trust while interacting with…



Cocoa In the 1900s, cocoa and chocolate went beyond the stores and kitchen to become part of the world exploration. Several explorers such as Robert Scott and Ernest Shackleton took British cocoa with them during expeditions. Over time, chocolate has drastically changed in terms of its preparation style, taste, and people consuming it. Chocolate is no longer a food for the elite with its variability allowing it to be accessible to most. Chocolate has gone through many stages in its evolution process but always served as a political, social, and economic symbol. Cocoa was designated to be an exotic import for centuries during the Pre-Mayan, Mayan, Aztecs, and the colonial civilization periods. However, it thrived in both South America and North America, which made it a symbol of wealth for many years. The noble, wealthy, and powerful associated themselves with the crop at the time, which helped cocoa stay as a commercial crop to date. The first evidence of cocoa as a symbol of wealth dates back in 1800 BC in the Olmec Empire. Cocoa was seen as the “food…

  Good Riddance: Some Brutally Honest, If Not Scathing, Obituaries After going through both articles, I realized evil people who can go to the extent of hurting their families indeed exist. Leslie Ray had not lived a good life and had been continuously engaging in abusive behaviors as he had pleaded guilty to two assaults, one involving him pouring hot liquid on his wife. Leslie’s daughter was also a victim of his abusive behavior, and she also wrote a brutal obituary about him in the family’s local funeral website. On the obituary, Leslie’s daughter wrote, “No services will be held, there will be no prayers for eternal peace and no apologizes to the family he tortured” (Hanson, par.6). Johnson-Reddick, on the other hand, was also abusive to her children during her lifetime, and they appeared to celebrate her departure from this world. Reddick’s daughter, Katherine, and her brother, Patrick, were victims of their mother’s brutality and they decided to shame her by stating how she tortured children and exposed them criminal activity, violence and vulgarity. Both of the deceased adults…

Fundamental hermeneutical principle Summary The authors aim to address critical issues of cultural and historical context. Their primary focus is on the fundamental hermeneutical principle, that meaning exists within the cultural and historical of the original authors and readers. However, the main challenge with the current collection of readers is that they exist outside the culture of biblical times; thus, there is no purely objective understanding of the Bible. According to the authors a reader’s cultural and historical context triggers a habit of reading the Bible differently from people in another cultural and historical context. The main thesis of the book is “Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes: Removing Cultural Blinders to Better Understanding the Bible.” Those in the western cultures are, in most cases, blind to the cultural nuances of societies living in other cultural settings take for granted. As a result, many persons in western societies miss the importance of reading biblical passages, be it informative or an account of something. The book intentions are to help the readers to understand themselves in their cultural diversity as an introduction…

 Health policies I believe catheters have been significant inventions in the field of nursing as it helps the patients who cannot move on their won to relive themselves from time to time. Its efficiency has also been exhibited in paralyzed patients as well as those who are in a comma. I found it necessary to ensure changes in a catheter on a regular basis to reduce urinary tract infections associated with it (Meddings et al., 2017). The understanding of the medical practices that underlying this technology has been based on evidence-based practices which act as guidelines in the implementations of the medical practices by nurses. Technology has managed to facilitate an improvement in the quality of healthcare delivery in different sectors, and I was fascinated by how effective the telemedicine, EMR, as well as equipment such as CT cans and catheters, improve the quality of life of the patients, diagnosis as well as treatment. I have come to understand that the quality of healthcare delivery is highly dependent on the effectiveness of the staff as well as their collaborations in…

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