the crime film Like comedies, westerns, horror films, and science fiction, the crime film has inspired dozens of volumes of critical commentary. tary. It is difficult to write a coherent history of criticism of the crime film, however, especially because of its tendency to split into subgenres whose import is apparently only distantly related. The project ect of genre theory itself has depended throughout its history on the ascendancy of such critical methodologies as the structuralism of Tzvetan Todorov, which allows the systematic analysis of generic conventions, ventions, and the revisionist historicism of Rick Altman, which uncovers covers economic motives for the rise and fall of specific Hollywood genres. In the same way, critical responses to the crime film and its numerous subgenres have divided according to which modes of academic demic criticism have been fashionable from moment to moment: auteur teur criticism, mise-en-scene criticism, thematic criticism, structural criticism, psychoanalytic criticism, economic criticism, critical interrogations rogations of race or gender or identity politics. Overlaid on these categories, egories, however, is a different, surprisingly rigid series of categories dictated by the…

Gilgamesh Vs. Arjuna I think that Gilgamesh, King of Uruk, is the strongest man that exists. In the beginning, Gilgamesh is vain and cruel. However, his longtime cherished relationship with Enkidu and Enkidu’s ensuing demise reveals to him that even the greatest heroes in history can die. As the epic begins, Gilgamesh is only interested in fame, which he pursues with determination and heroism. In my opinion, the older version of Gilgamesh ends with the death of Enkidu. When he sets out on a journey of death conquering, he meets Siduri, who advises him to appreciate healthy life and especially return to it. Siduri makes Gilgamesh realize the true meaning of life. “The life that you seek you will never find/when God created mankind/Death they dispensed to mankind/Life they kept to themselves.” Through her advice, the great warrior renounce his heroism and assumes an “identity of a normal man of the royal class who can hope for no more than achievements and descendants (Iridon, 341)” The Mahabharata elaboration of Arjuna follows a similar heterogeneity as that of Gilgamesh. I believe…

Modern Temper Essay Introduction of the Author I felt it necessary to provide a brief summary of Joseph Wood Krutch. Krutch was a person who not only lived during a period between the Roaring 20s and the Great Depression but was a suspicious observer. This book, “The Modern Temper,” was described as provocative skepticism and intellectual iconoclasm; it aroused sharp debate when first publicized in 1929; and, it as pertinent today as it was in an earlier period of prosperity and progress. Krutch, who is providing in his own words, a new preface, compares his present convictions with his older ones; some conclusions are mellower, but his perception has proved remarkably astute and prophetic. According to Joseph Wood Krutch, Renaissance man was not someone to read or research about. He was born in Knoxville, Tennessee, where he pursued science and was recognized with a B.A. from the regional university (Tennessee University). He was afraid of the emphasis subjected to technology and science since it would impose a threat to our wildlife and wilderness as well. He continued with his education…

customer service consulting work ‘‘I was doing some customer service consulting work with an organiza-tion and everything seemed to be going well. Feedback from the field was positive and customers were positively commenting on the overall service attitude. Employees even commented on how much better everyone within the organization treated each other. I really think one of the keys to the success of the initiative was how much the leadership team embraced the importance of holding everyone accountable for delivering great service. Every leader went through a training class that focused on the subject of accountability.   ‘‘I did receive a call from one manager who said that this ‘customer service thing’ wasn’t working with his team and that he was disappointed in the initiative. ‘Just this morning,’ he told me, ‘I saw that our receptionist wasn’t smiling or greeting customers. Nothing is different than it was before this service initiative.’ ‘Regarding the receptionist this morning,’ I asked, ‘what did you do about it?’ There was a long pause on the other end of the phone line before his reply,…

Danzy Senna’s First Novel, Caucasia The novel Caucasia is an impressive piece written by Danzy Senna that maps out the journey of a biracial girl throughout the 1970s and 1980s. However, I found Danzy Senna’s Caucasia to be extremely powerful. It dealt with essential topics such as social justice and racial Identity but did so in a way that was easy to understand and follow. Senna created characters that I, as the reader, was able to sympathize with, which helped in getting her themes across. More specifically, our narrator birdie and her struggle with not fitting into either of the races that she is told that she belongs to stuck out to me while reading this novel. Before this passage, Birdie is describing what it is like to be on the run with her mother, moving from place to place, and not knowing what is coming next: “In those years, I felt myself to be incomplete– a gray blur, a body in motion, forever galloping toward completion–half a girl, half-caste, half-mast, and half-baked, not quite ready for consumption. And for…

8 Powerful Crystal for Shamanic Journeying and Inner Work Shamanism is the oldest practice in the world; It is one of the first religions in the world. Various communities in the world used similar stones and crystals for rituals and healing. Shamans are known to use the most powerful crystals in the world for shamanic journeying and inner work. A shaman is capable of setting the soul free and journey into the spiritual realm. They use powerful crystals for shamanic journeying, which help them to stay grounded and direct their paths in different realms. The crystals also help them to return from the spiritual realms. Experts recommend that you should not use crystals for journeying if you are not adequately grounded. You can use crystals such as obsidian and quarts, which facilitate grounding. Successful crystal journeying requires you to be in a calm place, free from all kinds of distractions, and clear intentions. Many crystals are used for inner work. However, in this article, we shall concentrate on the powerful crystals for shamanic journeying. 1.       Clear Quartz When we mention…

Harappan Civilization on the Indus River/ Indus Valley Civilization c.3000-1600 BCE Before Bronze Age – Since the 6000s there have been rivers existing across India. 3000 BCE – there are already people traveling back and forth. This was already a unified empire. The two biggest city states was Mohenjo-Daro and the Harappa. They had at least 2-story buildings. They had grid roads (they planned out how and what to build). They had indoor plumbing. It reached its economic zenith between 2500-2000 BCE. They probably spoke the Dravidian Language. It was a spoken language in India.   2000-1500 BCE: The Aryan Invasion – these Aryans have been moving into India.   Indus River change courses. This means something catastrophic. This is an environmental change. This causes a shortage of water supply. They were Indo-European Speakers. They were a Pastoral Nomad. Most nomads are pastoral. This means that they have cattle that they are moving around. They spoke a language that was called Sanskrit. This is going to become the holy language of India and they focus on fire in their worship.…

Most powerful marvel characters ranked The most powerful Marvel characters exhibit varying extraordinary traits that make them earn the title ‘powerful.’ Marvel characters are larger than life, the reason why kids and adults alike adore them. While all these characters are doubtlessly talented in different ways, some have managed to accumulate more glory than others. There are those who are stronger, other wittier, others faster, and others have unique capabilities that are impossible to imitate. Some of these have no superhuman powers, but their excellent skills have earned them a place even among superhumans. Who is the strongest Marvel character? Check out the Marvel power rankings below to find out. Most powerful Marvel characters 15. Hawkeye Hawkeye may have no superhuman powers, but it is difficult to find a match for his fighting and marksman skills. This Marvel superhero can make projectiles weapons out of whatever he comes across and shoot with super impressive accuracy. His amazing arching skills have made him earn his place in the avengers. While this character is often underrated, he possesses powerful eyesight, better than…

JAPAN AND ITS PUBLIC DIPLOMACY The establishment of a desired and positive national image of a country is not a cheap thing, especially for distant countries.  The cultivation of this positive national image requires concerted efforts from diplomats and may even extend to the proper utilization of social media platforms. Arguably, public diplomacy can be dated to ancient times and is not something that was initiated recently. Ideally, public diplomacy encompasses image cultivation, propaganda as well as activities which are aimed to solve differences relating to political and historical backgrounds between countries and reinstate a good relation between the involved countries (Bukh, 2014).  The ramification of this process is to understand and appreciate each country’s culture and establish a cordial relationship. Japan is not an exception to this process. The main goal of Japan’s public diplomacy has always been channeled to the history of recovering the militarism image and the misinterpretations and misperceptions accorded by the foreign countries which skew the reality of Japan as a democratic country.  This paper will seek to scrutinize the nature of public diplomacy embraced…

 fact about water and, by extension, about nature Loren discusses a very significant yet easily ignored fact about water and, by extension, about nature. In most cases, one would think of nature in terms of science and the discoveries of scientists. However, there is a unique factor about life that brings a particular debate that goes beyond science. This factor or element is what Loren sees as tremendous and unique magic about life and mainly water. Analysis Mostly, in the essay, Loren recounts his experience while in one of his many adventures. Significantly, what he refers to as magic is the unique ability by water to change the state of things. For instance, he finds a fish that is stuck in an ice glacier. First of all, there is little oxygen in the ice as he says which a scientific fact is. So when he removes the fish from the ice, he expects to eat it later. However, on putting it in the water, the ice melts from the fish’s body. Then he notices that the fish is alive. Significantly,…

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