An image of the face of barrack Obama introduction In 2008, one of the American artists created an image of the face of barrack Obama that had red, blue, and beige colors. It was a tremendous iconic, especially during his campaign time in which it symbolizes that he was to the hope of the world towards many suppressing citizens and could settle disputes on many continents. The stenciled image gave the motivation to various voters that enable him to win securely. The model used after he won the election. However, images nowadays used in many protests. The placards of the picture indicate that Barack Obama is behind the sponsorship of protest against the leadership and the winning of the Trump, in which it incites the citizens to have the implications that he did not win the presidential ticket free and fare. However, the poster earns the artist a lot of income since citizens found purchasing and use it during demonstrations.   The image does not feature Trump as the legitimate American president, as this shows Barack Obama was the right…

    Warehouse Order Picking Optimization   Submitted by: Noura Alorainy – 161653 Reem Aljammaz – 161409 Sarah Aldaher – 151106     IE490: Industrial Engineering Capstone Project Advisor: Dr. Abdullah Alrashdan           22 March 2020       ABSTRACT   Nicene, an online site and for beauty cosmetics, has experienced significant growth in its market demand ever since the launch in 2017. Therefore, they aim to improve the growing warehouse operations. Thus, optimizing the manual order-picking process. This project applies different engineering tools that will streamline the overall order-picking process—starting from building a simulation model to test the proposed approach, then using a decision matrix with the weighted scoring model to reduce order-picking errors. Furthermore, lastly, applying the Engineering Standards and Mechanical Specifications of the new conveyor belt system.                                                     LIST OF FIGURES   Figure 1. Current Simulation Model via Any Logic Figure 2. Cause-and-Effect Diagram of Mismatched Orders Figure 3. Proposed Simulation Model via…

  Case study Soma bay and ERP system Soma bay and ERP system Problems that Soma Bay encountered Despite Soma bay resort offering world-class services, political and economic instability affected its performance. As the Egyptian president was removed from office, the currency rates reduced, and this affected Soma bay resort profits and the occupancy rates. Soma bay used an excel spreadsheet to manage company performance. This method was complicated, and they could not clearly tell if the company is making profits or losses. The company could not grow and expand using this system.  Enterprise resource planning (ERP) as a problem solver Soma bay needed a system that would quickly give quality information to be used in decision making. Soma bay was looking at expanding its business by building a thousand homes in five years. Enterprise resource planning is essential for the resort because it helps to manage the company within a well-unified system(Munkelt & Völker, 2013). ERP offers better analytics because it records and keeps all information that can be generated into reports. Challenges that ERP system poses The ERP…

      C.S. Lewis Book Critique: Reflections on the Psalms     A Reflection on the Psalms written by C.S Lewis was first printed in 1977 by Fount Paperbacks, a formation with an intellectual perspective about the book of Psalms. An atheist turned believer, C.S. Lewis wrote an analogy of the beloved liturgical Psalms. From his introduction, he, in no way, tries to impose his knowledge on the masses. He gives substantial implications of his scant knowledge of the profoundness of his religious belief despite his experience as a scholar of religion[1]. Lewis writes of the difficulties he faced in the comprehension of Psalms, with his dissatisfaction with the explanations he receives from others. In his prose, he says he enjoys reading them, especially the musical undertone the chapters provide. Throughout his book, this enjoyment of the Psalms informs the decisions taken to comprehend the more difficult passages. His critics state he leans too much of an inclination to an emotional setting rather than a logical understanding. This flaw might be in itself his greatest strength as a Christian…

Miss Evers’ Boys and Tuskegee Airmen The value of the films Tuskegee men success against the odds. Tuskegee men were the first black American air combat. From the beginning, they were grouped as other black Americans. What followed was a case of success after fighting the enemies abroad. Their success in the Tuskegee men begun at an unfortunate situation and turned it positively. The young black men were ambitious, and selection to join the army was not the same as white counterparts. Entrance to the army was an “experiment “the men were selected so that they fail and would use that as an excuse for why the black Americans were inferior. Instead of becoming victims of situations, the group perform well and become national heroes. The whites did not look at the color when the team won. Miss Evers’ Boys black American experiment In the film, the black American face direct racism in an unfortunate situation. Syphilis infection among blacks was high. Eunice Evers is sent by the government, which comprised of whites to tell the suffering blacks that the…

  Extinction and Integration   Extinction and Integration The Institute of Texan Cultures (ITC) exhibits a rich historical background on the multiple cultures found in the United States. Among the displays in the institution is a drawing of Caddo Town (see figure 1). A small town in Oklahoma where emigrants are from the Pacific coast. The drawing inspiration is from the historical background of Caddo as a trade center. People are gathering around in exchange of service; the environment shows mounded houses. The women in the picture have worn skirts woven with fiber while men are bare-chested.   Quilts are beautiful and unique; the patterns on the fabric usually depict a great history. The second piece of art is a piece from the Taiwan National Museum. (See fig 2). The patterns are decorative, with beautiful connections and sense to the community. This paper shall focus on the art displays while comparing time, features, and materials. Moreover, highlighting endangerment and historical integration. The significant difference between the two objects, the population depicts a town with fewer occupants comprising of a linguistic family.…

 Health policies I believe catheters have been significant inventions in the field of nursing as it helps the patients who cannot move on their won to relive themselves from time to time. Its efficiency has also been exhibited in paralyzed patients as well as those who are in a comma. I found it necessary to ensure changes in a catheter on a regular basis to reduce urinary tract infections associated with it (Meddings et al., 2017). The understanding of the medical practices that underlying this technology has been based on evidence-based practices which act as guidelines in the implementations of the medical practices by nurses. Technology has managed to facilitate an improvement in the quality of healthcare delivery in different sectors, and I was fascinated by how effective the telemedicine, EMR, as well as equipment such as CT cans and catheters, improve the quality of life of the patients, diagnosis as well as treatment. I have come to understand that the quality of healthcare delivery is highly dependent on the effectiveness of the staff as well as their collaborations in…

The documentary about Titan The documentary depicts Titan as the most magnificent Renaissance artist who combined high renaissance with mannerist thoughts to build up a fashion which was well beforehand. As shown in the different portraits, Titan ruled in the Venetian art with an imagination that allowed the metropolitan to challenge the formerly recognized artistic centre’s of Florence and Rome and he made portraits of some of the leading and distinguished personalities. The documentary as well shows portraiture of various religious and legendary themes sometimes on a vast scale. Titian embraced the Venetian style, which was loose and free. The documentary shows Titan’s bold use of colour in which he realized through seeking out exceptional tinctures and using them in their most vibrant and most inundated appearance and by cautiously balancing every colour with those next to it to generate a pleasant-looking general impression. The later work is distinguished by loose brush strokes and an expensive application of paint. This mode of painting created flexibility that presented a better sense of movement and sensation to his work which turned out…

Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence effects on globalization Introduction For billions of citizens globally, the digital revolution has generated tremendous opportunities and expediency. However, policymakers will probably comprehend the full political effects in retrospection. It poses a great test in tackling the dangers and opportunities of information technology for democratic organizations and developments. Big Data, Information Technology, and Artificial Intelligence can be utilized by both moderate and despotic societies, bolstering both government openness and authoritarian capabilities. Information Communications Technology has provided unparalleled access to and dissemination of information. Also, it has augmented the propagation of half-truths and propaganda and amplifying certain wrong beliefs, thus furthering populism and divisions in democratic civilizations. Globally users are enjoying supposedly free services in the knowledge economy. Still, opaque business models have brought up crucial queries concerning privacy, data usage, and ownership, as well as strategic exploitation for both monetary and political rationales. Undemocratic nations are quickly learning how to utilize surveillance equipment, big data, and artificial intelligence to their benefit to gain domination over their subjects and to take away democratic liberties. For open…

 The role of music in drama According to August Wilson, music plays a significant role in the lives of the characters. Without a song or piano beats, the characters were stuck in problems that no one was able to solve. However, when the music is played, they would find some ways in which they solve the problems. There are a few moments in which the claim is proven right. For example, slaves would discover music as a way to communicate with their ancestors. While in plantation, the slaves would sing to communicate with other slaves in the same ranch as well as to converse with their ancestors. Singing was a way to honor the dead and thus revived the spirits of the slaves who died. Moreover, since Willie’s family Berneice and Doaker are descendants of the slave utilized the importance of music. In prison, life was harsh and sometimes unbearable to live. The author shows this through Lymon, Winning Boy, Boy Willie, and Doaker, who all were suffering in the Parchman farm based in prison. To reduce the pain of…

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