The role of music in drama According to August Wilson, music plays a significant role in the lives of the characters. Without a song or piano beats, the characters were stuck in problems that no one was able to solve. However, when the music is played, they would find some ways in which they solve the problems. There are a few moments in which the claim is proven right. For example, slaves would discover music as a way to communicate with their ancestors. While in plantation, the slaves would sing to communicate with other slaves in the same ranch as well as to converse with their ancestors. Singing was a way to honor the dead and thus revived the spirits of the slaves who died. Moreover, since Willie’s family Berneice and Doaker are descendants of the slave utilized the importance of music. In prison, life was harsh and sometimes unbearable to live. The author shows this through Lymon, Winning Boy, Boy Willie, and Doaker, who all were suffering in the Parchman farm based in prison. To reduce the pain of…
Daniel Madariaga Barrilado-A Reputable Climate Change Activist Even with the thousands of scientific evidence, climate change still has its doubters. Luckily, influential people such as Daniel Madariaga Barrilado dedicate themselves to speaking about and taking action to address it. Barrilado is an entrepreneur in Mexico who aims at providing innovative and ecological solutions. His main aim is fostering a sustainable future in Mexico City by combating traffic congestion, green building, and air pollution. He provides innovative solutions to help tackle the needs of a growing urban center. His goal is to make Mexico a leader in inventing sustainable solutions worldwide. He is a leader in Mobility as a Service (MaaS) movement. Thus, Madariaga works to implement advanced, modern mobility that will help the 9 million residents of Metropolis. What natured his goal? Daniel Madariaga Barrilado studied at Monterrey Technological University in the EGADE school of Business. It is a program that is famous for fostering entrepreneurship and equipping individuals with the necessary skills to run businesses with minimal challenges. Not just that, the university boasts its mentorship to global…
Trump’s Leadership Introduction The authority of nations is being ruled by leaders who are elected by the citizen of the given country. The activity is achieved through constitutional rights which are set by the government. Through these legal rights, the leaders have powers to implement laws and make judgments based on their opinions. At times the leaders become authoritative therefore denning opposition from parties within the nation. Trump, as the head of America, portrays the act of being reliable in the performance of his duties. Trump is authoritative since there are many authoritarian tendencies in his ruling. The paper describes the president trumps definitive trends in conducting his duties. Authoritative tendencies are well perceived in Trump’s leadership; thereby, Trump is found not to consult his collogues leaders in decision making. The inhabitants of America are hopeless on the acts of the president trump leadership. The majority of the citizen is therefore found to object the administration of president trump. Most of the rules that are implemented by the president make the cost of living expenses to the citizens of the…
Borderline Personality Borderline Personality is a mental disorder that develops during adolescence stage. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, the other causes of borderline personality disorder include environmental and genetics. It is a type of mental illness in which the person affected exhibits certain behaviors or thoughts. These behaviours include unstable mood, inability to keeping stable relationships, erratic behaviour, dependent Personality, and the occurrence of co-dependent relationships or behaviours (Chanen, 2012). A borderline Personality disorder affects approximately one and a half per cent of Americans, or roughly 4 million people (Kernberg, 2009). Borderline Personality It is one of the most common personality disorders, and its cause is unknown. Studies have shown that there may be some genetic predisposition to those who have Borderline Personality Disorder, and the common genetic traits displayed in familial cases of BPD show a common link of anger issues, impulsivity, and affective instability. According to a study by Coolidge et al., BPD can be a genetic condition. There is a probability that the disorder contains genetic components because the personality traits are seen…
Comparing Football and Volleyball teams. A group of individuals who play sports together makes up a sports team. Team members make decisions, solve problems and set goals in an atmosphere where they trust each other. Communication and cooperation are among the vital necessities in the accomplishment of the set objectives, which is to win. Sports teams vary from volleyball, football, baseball, basketball, rugby among others. Historically, sports was lined with unprofessionalism and the least paying activities. However, in the past decade, it has become extremely valuable and has been with leagues. Today, sports is among the most paying talent and professions with competitions across the globe. A football is a general term for games played between two teams where players use their foot to kick the ball. A football field must be rectangular with goalposts at two ends whereby the players pass the ball between the two posts. Volleyball on the hand is a game played by two teams whereby the players use their hands to bat the ball. A high net is set between the two teams, and the…
Assimilation, ethnic pluralism, and transnationalism for immigrants Question 1 Describe the differences and similarities between assimilation, ethnic pluralism, and transnationalism for immigrants. Which do you think is the best way for immigrants to adapt to the host society, and why? Assimilation refers to the process that minority immigrant communities use to integrate into the culture and way of life of the host society. The system of cultural absorption has several advantages and disadvantages. For example, immigrants who culturally assimilate have an easy time in social acceptance and upward socio-economic mobility. However, cultural assimilation has adverse psychological consequences. The first generation of immigrants finds it difficult to detach themselves from their relatives in their country of origin. However, future generations overcome this problem and become part and parcel of the dominant culture. One of the best indicators of cultural assimilation is a language that second and third generations of immigrants learn from when they are young. Even under such circumstances, some aspects of the ethnic identity, such as food, clothing, and festivities, is not lost. However, most societies have shifted from…
Bowflex HVT Review Working out at home has its fair share of advantages. You not only get to work on your body and stay fit but also tag your family along. Working out at home also fosters consistency. The main challenge, however, in achieving the perfect home workout sessions is finding the right home gym equipment , which is where Hybrid Velocity training machines come in. In this article, we will focus on one of these machines, which is the Bowflex HVT. Bowflex HVT is an efficient, economical and innovative home gym equipment that offers both cardio and strength training. Amazing, right? Welcome, therefore, as we tackle the Bowflex HVT review. Keep reading to know more about this life-saviour. Price Before anything else, you should first know the price of this fantastic home gym equipment. This High-Velocity training machine is quite costly. It retails at $1799 inclusive of delivery. Product description The Bowflex High-Velocity training machine is a sleek home gym equipment that targets both cardiovascular exercises and strength training. It comes loaded with HVT gym, which allows you…
Installing speakers on your helmet Introduction Helmet speakers are essential for motorbikers because they help in easy communication via the phone without the need of you stopping your ride. At times, the rider might also want to listen to music and enjoy him/herself and helmet speakers can enhance that. Most of the helmets do not have speakers unless you purchase the special expensive ones. Worry less if your helmet does not have speakers because you can install the speakers yourself and start enjoying your ride. How can someone install speakers on his/her helmet? Hereby is a guide that will help you install speakers to your helmet. Things You Will Need Old Headphones. Look for headphones that have at least 1W speaker in them. Example of such headphones is computer headphones. Do not go for earphones because they are too small and their speakers won’t be effective. iPod and Velcro. The best iPod to use is the shuffle one which has tactile controls. Go smaller ones. You will use the Velcro to stick your stuff into the helmet. It serves…
“Bread and Tulips” Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation “Bread and Tulips” Bread and Tulip rank among the best of Italian romance comedies of all time. Also known as Pane e tulipani, it is an Italian and a David Di Donatello Awards Winning movie that was directed by Silvio Soldini and co-scripted by Doriana Leondeff, in 2000. I would compare it to “isn’t it romantic’ that debuted in 2019. Intertwined with romance and comedy, Bread and Tulip take us through a kind of a fairy tale journey of a woman named Rosalba Barletta (Licia Maglietta) who finds herself in two different worlds. One of these environments was that of a materialistic housewife in her home in Pescara living with her womanizer husband Mimmo (Antonio Cantania). The other world was that of romance and support in Venice, a city she had never been to before, where she encounters an Iceland gentleman Bruno Ganz as Fernando Girasole. He would later become her lover (David, 2000). She also meets an anarchist florist Fermo (Felice Andreasi), and Grazia…
Bruegger’s Bagels Professor’s name Student’s Name Date Bruegger’s Bagels Questions Bruegger’s maintains relatively little inventory at either its plants or its retail stores. List the benefits and risks of this policy. Bruegger’s Bagel Bakery operates with a minimal amount of inventories at the plant as well as their store, due to the “degree of freshness” it adds to the final product at the stores. The benefit here is that it helps in reducing the holding cost, where minimal inventories mean less space is needed for storage. The ordering costs are also minimized in this policy; Waste can be decreased when using this policy, and also, there is a natural organization in this firm. The risk of this policy is that it cannot satisfy higher demand because of the stock in little. The bakery is also likely to experience a shortage of raw material, and this may interrupt production. Suppliers might not be able to supply in short notice when they are required to do so. The bakery may also notice fluctuations in the prices of raw materials because…