Installing speakers on your helmet Introduction Helmet speakers are essential for motorbikers because they help in easy communication via the phone without the need of you stopping your ride. At times, the rider might also want to listen to music and enjoy him/herself and helmet speakers can enhance that. Most of the helmets do not have speakers unless you purchase the special expensive ones. Worry less if your helmet does not have speakers because you can install the speakers yourself and start enjoying your ride. How can someone install speakers on his/her helmet? Hereby is a guide that will help you install speakers to your helmet. Things You Will Need Old Headphones. Look for headphones that have at least 1W speaker in them. Example of such headphones is computer headphones. Do not go for earphones because they are too small and their speakers won’t be effective. iPod and Velcro. The best iPod to use is the shuffle one which has tactile controls. Go smaller ones. You will use the Velcro to stick your stuff into the helmet. It serves…
Journal Article Summary:The investigation by Cook et al. The investigation by Cook et al. (2020) explored the changes in the elimination and resurgence of alcohol-maintained behavior in rats and the effects of naltrexone. The article by Cook and others (2020) was chosen for this summary because it is based on empirical, quantitative research in my career specialization of Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT). It also makes use of the one-way ANOVA test and provides extensive insight and practice concerning statistical analysis and interpretation. Section 1: Data File Description Cook and others (2020) explored the dynamics of the variations in the elimination and resurgence of alcohol-maintained conduct in rodents and the effects of naltrexone. In this regard, the researchers set out to find out about some factors that may improve the effectiveness of behavioral therapies among persons with Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) to reduce resurgence rates. To this end, Cook and others (2020) employed an experimental design for the study. The independent variable, in this case, was naltrexone, while the dependent variable was changes in the elimination and resurgence of alcohol-maintained behavior. The…
An assessment of Walmart’s Performance Student’s Name BUS499 Business Administration Capstone Professor’s Name Date An assessment of Walmart’s Performance Introduction Walmart is a multinational retail corporation with a chain of hyper supermarkets, discount department stores, and grocery stores globally. The focus of this paper is to determine the firm’s current performance and how it has applied various resources and strategies to maintain excellent performance. Globalization and technology have been discussed to explain the impact they have on the organization’s performance. Performance models have been used to describe how the company can use them to improve the performance .the vision and mission statement of Walmart are also looked into to determine their contribution to the overall performance of the organization. Globalization Walmart is a global retail company with more than 3200 stores in Europe, the United States of America, North America, and Asia. The expansion of Walmart into international markets has had various impacts on the international competition as well as and economy. Competition in the international scene is at a…
Renaissance in Europe The renaissance had a significant social impact in Europe. Countries in Europe became capitalist states where people begin to focus on themselves. Secondly, musical and dancing culture was born during the renaissance period. Third, it was during this period that people started to appreciate art. Renaissance scholars were called Erasmus, Petrarch, Michel de Montaigne, and Guillaume Bude. Renaissance scholars’ view of humanity was more realistic compared to that of ancient Greece. Humanism was viewed as an intellectual movement which begun as a literary movement. They believed that a man was a sentimental and a rational being with the ability to think and make decisions. Martin Luther was a German priest who begun the church reformation. As a former catholic priest, he wrote ninety-five theses against the atonement of sins in the church. It led to division at the Roman Catholic Church, which gave birth to Protestants movement. Also, his effects were felt across Europe, giving rise to millions of Protestants to date. Reformation led to the sack of Rome, which was a turning point for both the…
Name: Course: Instructor: Date: Birdbox Review In a movie list of Knock Down the House, Season 1 Jessica Jones, Into the Spider-Verse, and Birdbox, the latter is certainly a must-watch for me. The Netflix original that premiered on 21 December 2018 was a hit. Susanne Bier, an award-winning director, starred the amazing Sandra Bullock as Malorie, together with John Malkovich and a couple of other notable and talented actors. The movie, based on a book by an American author Josh Malerman is a thriller worth every second of the 2-hour 4-minute watch. Malorie is set up in a post-apocalyptic world that has been invaded by creatures that are kept mysterious from the viewer’s eyes throughout the whole movie. The mystery of the creatures made the movie intriguing, and one would have struggled to catch a glimpse of it by some fast-pace shots but to no avail. The story surrounds Malorie, starting with some news that there were people who were acting severely aggressive and brutal and eventually end up killing themselves. The news spreads, and it is determined that these…
Mental Illness and Music Therapy Mental disorders result in the change of the thinking and the behavior of an affected person. Whenever this occurs, a significant burden usually comes to those close to the patient. At times the condition would be extreme, making the patient entirely out of control while in other situations, the patient would be in a position to carry out some duties. There are usually various causes of mental disorders which dictate the type of control and treatment measures applicable to the patient. The treatment is categorized into research evidence techniques and practice techniques that most experts have been using (Arzin, 2005). Evidence-based techniques such as music therapy have not been implemented by most medical practitioners who have insisted on conventional means. Mental health problems have become widespread predominantly among youth (Pakdeesatitwara, 2018). These disorders may be caused by physical, social, and psychological factors. Psychological factors have been attributed to most of the mental disorders. Living with a patient-facing mental disease is usually very challenging. At times the patient may get violent, hurting those around him/her while…
Yann Martel’s novel Yann Martel’s novel is a scintillating thriller exploring a tale of a boy adrift the expansive Pacific Ocean with the company of Bengal Tiger. The novel focuses on the unlikely survival tactics of the boy amidst obstacles and challenges. Pi’s ordeal started when the family was sailing aboard Tsimtsum, which sang into the Pacific Ocean, Pi together with his pet, was able to get off the sinking ship. Out in the sea, Pi faced different ordeals but was able to survive because of various reasons outlined in the novel. In his early life, Pi had learned to swim, and this proved a crucial element of his survival. According to Pi, “I remained faithful to my aquatic guru. Under his watchful eye, I lay on the beach and fluttered my legs and scratched away at the sand with my hands, turning my head at every stroke to breathe” Martel,7). Learning to swim gave him time to gather his lifeboat. While the art of swimming gave him confidence in the sea, he suffered physically, and the longer he remained…
Student’s name Instructor’s name Subject code Date due Wal-Mart vs. Amazon Performance Management Performance management refers to the methods and instruments the top-level management uses in managing, leading, evaluation, and educating of employees (Gruman et al. .123). Wal-Mart and Amazon are significant competitors in the retail industry, and rivalry continually arises from the continuous evolution in offerings and innovations. This article aims at reviewing the comparative analysis of ways that Wal-Mart and Amazon manage their performance Wal-Mart performance management Planning stage Wal-Mart has designed several practices that are aimed at improving its performance. The three methods are driven towards suitability to the retail industry. The company mainly addresses the issue of customer service. As a retail store, the management primarily emphasizes on customer satisfaction at the planning stage. Further, the company makes decision making and management of results at the planning stage, especially the top positions (Thompson). Top-management is crucial for every organization’s performance. The initial decision made impacts The Company’s entire process. Finally, the human resource emphasizes the critical analysis of problems and effective solutions. The standards and measurement…
Clinical based decision-making When it comes to a clinical based decision-making model, they are certain components that are impacted by clinical expertise. These components ensure that an individual is able to achieve the goals of the evidence-based practice and run the implementation process smoothly without any difficulties. The components also depend on the type of practice one is planning to implement, although there are some key components that should always be considered. One of the key components is patient preferences and behaviors (Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt, 2015). In an evidence-based practice, patient preferences, as well as behaviors, are key factors to consider. This is because one needs to come up with a decision-making model that agrees with the patient’s preferences and in accordance with their behavior. Coming up with a model that does not agree with the patient’s preferences and behaviors may be contradicting and may not work since the patients may end up not being responsive to the chosen model. Another component entails clinical state, setting, and circumstances. In order to come up with a good and effective clinical based…
WALMART ORGANIZATION CHANGE Student’s name Institution affiliation Course Date Abstract Within Wal-Mart, leadership is a combination of regulations and expectations of a certain degree of flexibility for all to be able to try new products and continue to strive for change. The company has outstanding monitoring, and the company is doing well. The leadership approach is focused on teams, and the leaders are collaborating with their members of the team in the method. Leaders go with the party, and after each significant action, they all sit down together just to discuss the achievements and strengthen the shortcomings of the effort. Sam Walton, CEO of Wal-Mart, has implemented some of the fundamental principles of leadership that have been common with workers to date. He provided share options and gave discounts to his workers. Walton claimed that groups should always do more than people; he had ever done his utmost to make his workers happier as happy workers meant satisfied customers and more sales.…