Asset Management Policy Version control Version Date Author Rationale 0.1 March 22, 2020 Student’s name First Draft   Introduction An asset is something used in regular operations in the hospital. It includes all the equipment and tangible objects in the hospital. Asset management shall involve every asset involved in the entire hospital (Amos,2020). Managing these assets shall require the application of an organized approach to maintaining their lifecycle in a way that improves value. Asset management encompasses the application of deliberate procedures to the use and maintenance of tangible and intangible hospital assets to maximize their value (Santos, 2018). The hospital requires ownership and responsible operation and maintenance of the hospital assets (Cousineau, 2020). This policy intends to guarantee all employees and functions of the hospital are allied with the aims and assets are managed in a way that increases benefits and satisfactory levels of the services to customers safely and sustainably. Purpose This policy outlines strategies and practices governing the decisions on asset management at the hospital to ensure that it achieves its mission of providing quality services in…

Importance of Environment and Safety Management Programs|Benefits of Environment and Safety Management Programs|Advantages of Environment and Safety Management Programs {In any company or organization, the main role of an environment and safety manager is to ensure the safety of everyone.|The main role of an environment and safety manager in any company organization is to ensure the safety of everyone.|Ensuring the safety of everyone is the main role of an environment and safety manager in any organization or company.} {For an environment and safety manager to ensure the safety of an individual that enters the companies’ premises, they need to ensure that people follow the safety rules of the company.|An environment and safety manager needs to ensure that people follow the safety rules of the company for them to ensure the safety of any individual that enters the companies’ premises.|Ensuring that people follow the safety rules of the company is the method that an environment and safety manager uses to ensure the safety of any individual that enters the companies’ premises.} {For starters, you need to understand what the phrase environment…

Financial Management and Accounting Introduction International financial management is also referred to as international finance. It is the management of finances in an international business environment that is involved in trading and earning money from the exchange of foreign currency. It is mainly used in the determination of exchange rates, comparing rates of inflation, providing an investment idea on the debt securities, prediction, and judgment of the foreign markets, and it helps in describing the economic status of other countries. In the financial system, there is a category that caters to all races and different religious groups. The main ones that we are going to focus on are the sharia banking and Western banking. Sharia banking is Islamic banking that complies with Islamic law and the practical application by the development of Islamic economics. Western banking is mainly used by the other general public and is not guided by Islamic laws. Sharia banking and Saudi financial management and Western banking financial management Sharia banking and Saudi financial management are mainly guided by the sharia laws from the Muslim community. Sharia…

Waste Management Plan             Introduction A clubhouse being resource-intensive because of the many operations it undertakes; it requires a waste management plan that focuses on eliminating or minimizing waste.  A clubhouse needs lighting and heating in its daily activities. Offices use power to run copiers, printers and computers. A bar and catering service requires several consumables- energy, raw materials, water, food to list a few. It is essential to have re-use or recycle focus to avoid disposal costs in waste management.   General waste can either be liquid or solid. In a clubhouse, examples of liquid wastes include substances ranging from contaminated water, milk, alcohol or soft drinks. It is acceptable to dispose of some liquid waste through the local clubs’ drainage and channelled to the public sewer system for treatment before it is discharged into the environment. It is illegal to dispose of materials such as oils, beer, paint directly into public sewers without consent of discharge. It is essential to plan for efficiency, for this is the first step in waste management. My waste management plan focuses on…

health care organizations and their power structures from the management  This paper has an aim to examine health care organizations and their power structures from the management. We will also investigate the liable power structures that are derived from the bureaucratic theory basis. It is also essential to check the power that each organization represents based on empirical data. The paper will focus on analyzing Mintzberg’s power configurations of the instrument, political arena, closed system, and meritocracy, with Finland hospitals being the case study. At the end of 2005, is when a survey was conducted about ten finish hospitals for primary care and the specialized one. The managers were the primary respondents, and some of the staff members from surgical and internal disease, primary care units, as well as outpatients. The data was analyzed statically, and the number of responses was about 38 per cent. Thus the results showed that some kind of organization structures supports a specific type of power generation. The first line managers took the health care organizations as those tools that are meritocracies with political arena…

 effective classroom management Introduction According to the information on the step by step, effective classroom management, the first day in school is the most important day for a “good start” classroom program.  My first day in school would start with the development of critical rules and recommendations for the student. I would come up with a vital method enforcing my authority as a teacher but in a very reasonable way, developing a sportive environment and develop key rules and procedures on the first day in school that would enhance classroom management (Sieberer-Nagler, 2016). This I would do by involving the students in the process of developing the rules by allowing them to come up with their critical suggestions on the first day. Some of the essential methods for the first day in school would include; Organizing the necessary classroom materials On the first day in school, it is critical to hold the critical materials that would be used in the constitution of effective rules and guidelines for the classroom. I would host key materials such as the presentation material that…

challenges of management systems Abstract This research entails the analysis of articles and publications that have evaluated then challenges of management systems besides giving necessary recommendations. The motivation behind this research is because recently, computer users have experienced difficulties in failures of the operating system. Malfunctioning and breakdown of the system are of significant concern, and this article will seek to give a solution to this problem. My interest also is to build a system that can help correct some most common technical issues with computers. The project will identify three main technical errors with the operating system, particularly under the subtopic of process management. The areas of concern include failures with the process state, failure in synchronization, and scheduling errors. These challenges will have a clear outline in the research, and the best solutions recommended. The study will involve comparative research from other related works, analyses, and findings. The collected information forms the guiding data into creating the prerequisite measures to solve the problems. The study will identify the Scheduling algorithms and challenges encountered during the scheduling of processes…

How to Start a Successful Project Management Consultancy Firm Top management often ends up with numerous tasks to juggle. This makes project management consuls valuable. Consultants in this field then use their expertise in various fields to help other businesses manage their projects. If you have a sound understanding of a particular field, are well organized and are looking to go into business, project management consulting is an excellent option to consider. If you do not know much about it, here is a complete guide on how to get started. Plan Your Business The initial stages should be all about research. Think about the start-up costs, your target market, how long it will take to break even, evaluate the need for your services and assess your competition. The good news is, consultancy is a low overhead business. With a laptop, internet access, phone and a small office, you can set up shop and start looking for your first client. Consultants either charge per hour or project. Look into this as well and price your services competitively. Pick and Register a…

Implications for operations management in organizations that operate internationally. Operations management refers to the management strategy focused on designing, redesigning and controlling processes or business operations for effective production of goods and or services (McGrath and Bates, 2017). Operations management is a management area whose key aim is to administer business practices that lead to high production efficiency within the organization. An organization’s operations management is very key in enhancing the firm’s profitability in the business venture. The profitability index of any business is a factor to the operational efficiency which is related to operations management practices. Globalized organizations need effective operations management more than the localized ones (McGrath and Bates, 2017). The management of globalized operations is involving because of the various markets dynamics that determine the international business profitability. The companies chosen to analyze the operations management and its implications to organizations are Coca-Cola Company and Pepsi. The two are beverage companies operating globally and compete to outdo each other in the global markets. Coca-cola, however, has the largest market share of the global beverages market. The aspects…

Performance Management Systems and the Balanced Score Card What is performance management? Performance management refers to an ongoing procedure of communication amongst an administrator and workers that happens the whole year, in support of achieving the strategic organizational goals (Van Dooren, Bouckaert and Halligan, 2010). The process of communication is such as goal setting, clarifying potentials, giving feedbacks, revising results, and recognizing objectives. What is the Balanced Scorecard? A balanced scorecard refers to a performance measurement tool that incorporates economic and non-economic measures (Kaplan and Norton, 1996). It is fundamental to companies as it includes their performance procedures with strategic goals. It enables business analysis concerning its outcomes, organizational abilities, and their processes. The balanced scorecard assists an industry know about their clients as well as their standards. Furthermore, it is a procedure that is crucial to the firms as they highlight and concentration its strength to accomplish both their long and short term objectives. Why is Balance Scorecard different from traditional performance management systems? At some point, each industry requires examining its performance. Performance measures are technologies that are…

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