Criminal Justice Management Questions: 1 Senior leaders are responsible for creating a climate that motivates officers to pursue and implement organizational objectives and goals (Baker, 2016). To implement the new policy, I would ensure that I set measurable outcomes and objectives. Additionally, I would delegate the responsibility of ensuring the implementation of the new policies to supervisors. To motivate the officers to implement the goals pertaining to immigration policies, I would ensure that I involve them in the process of planning for the objections in question. Additionally, I would try to see things from the perspective of the junior offices, who will be responsible for implementing the new policies. Motivation may also take the form of reward (Baker, 2016). For instance, I can reward and commend officers who have done an exemplary job implementing the new policies. One of the leadership traits that would be necessary when implementing the differing policies is impeccable communication and listening skills. I would need to provide consistent, inspiring messages to my team. Also, I would need to listen to junior officers and the supervisors…

Why do Bebchuk and Fried believe that senior management controls the board, rather than the Board control senior management? In the book, “Pay Without Performance: Overview of the Issues,” the authors Bebchuk and Fried critique the CEOs pay methods and the corporate governance as a whole and believe that the executive management in the company runs the board as opposed to the norm. The first reason explained by the authors as to why they think CEOs control the board is the director’s incentives to be re-elected on the board (Bebchuk & Fried, 2005). Being a board member has various advantages as such social connections besides a hefty salary. Therefore, for a director to be retained on the board, he/she has to be in good terms with the CEO, who has a substantial influence over the nomination process. Another reason why Bebchuk and Fried believe CEOs control the board is that CEOs have the power to reward loyal directors. The CEO can significantly influence director compensation as well as influence an increase in the director’s pay. Those board members who are friendly…

Legal, Ethical and Risk Management             The practice of nursing is guided by legal considerations that determine the requirements in licensure, certification, credentialing, and dismissal from practicing (Buppert, 2014). Within each state, these legislations are different but serve to indicate the mandates of the nurse as well as their limits within the country. Legal issues are based on legislation that has been passed through the state’s process for passing laws. Laws regarding the practice of nursing are therefore sponsored by a member of the state’s legislature, pass through debates in the house, and are then published. Ethics refers to the moral framework for doing things based on the norms of society and the standard practices within it (Epstein & Turner, 2015). For nurses, ethics enable the determination of moral and immoral behaviors, which can affect the work of the nurse. Nursing associations, such as the American Nurses Association (ANA), guide the ethical practice of nurses. Such ethical issues may also be described within the institution the nurse is working in, through a work policy. Risk management is required in many…

Operations Management Operation management entails designing, controlling process of producing and redesigning operations of goods and services (Reid & Sanders, 2019). In business resources of the firm are low, and it requires that activities are adequately managed to ensure that the available resources are used efficiently and effectively to meet customer requirements. Therefore, operation management involves planning, organizing and supervising to ensure that there is optimization in the use of resources in delivering what the firm wants. The operation management puts production systems as the centre of delivery of customer requirements. The operation process of the production system, which entails the conversion of inputs into outputs and delivery of products (Hitt et al., 2016). The method of production system ensures that production is done. That is achieved by allowing resources to flow within a defined system though combined and transformed in a manner that adds value. The management plays a part in the production operations where they communicate the policies to be followed. The production system process contains three main components that are the inputs, conversion process and output. The…

BRITISH CULTURE CONFLICT WITH MANAGEMENT STYLES Research Background According to Zhang et al. (2017), the U.K. is a multicultural society, and most of the managers have different management approaches style for conducting the entire task. In recent times, there have been several styles adopted by the management to develop a suitable management style in the U.K. Most of the organizations in the U.K. are relatively dispersed and focuses on adapting various methods for managing employees in the organization. It is analyzed that diversity in handling various cultures by the management faces several problems in the U.K. In the present era, conflict arises in more than 70% of the control of the company in handling various cultural diversity in the United Kingdom.  The management of most of the renowned organization’s operations in the U.K. like Tesco, Aviva, and HSBC has several problems in handling employees adopting British Culture. It provides a direct impact on employee motivation and develops ineffectiveness in the market (Ayub et al. 2017). There is a development of several conflicts among the management to create systematic interaction for…

How to Improve Your Identity Management Strategy  Identity management is essential in everything you do to ensure that you secure yourself form cybersecurity. Especially if in a business, you would not want to lose customers or loss of client’s data due to lack of proper identity management solutions. The best way you can get to improve your identity management strategies is by asking questions. Questions have so far been the best method one can use to increase their tactics in business. Some people, however, may wonder what type of kids of questions they are supposed to ask. This is why you need to be fully aware of the various things you can do to tighten security in your accounts. Below are some of the multiple ways you can use as identity management solutions for your business. Authentication can even be two-stepped verification process. This is to ensure that if the person is a bit of hacking into the first step, it would be hard for them to crack the next level. Authentication In everything you do, ensure that you check…

The Concepts of Management Practices and Dynamic Capabilities Does the utilization of updated management practices lead to enhanced organizational productivity? The current debate revolving around this question is imperative in both research and academic circles. While some scholars attribute these activities to sustained growth, others believe that they sometimes lead to an organizational decline or failure (Brito & Sauan 2016, p. 3). These divergent opinions highlight the disproportionate influence of different operationalization practices and non-controlled content on performance. In essence, they underscore the need for further empirical studies to comprehend the correlation between updated management practices and productivity. At the same time, the theoretical discourse has been intensifying over the years, thus challenging the significance of the resource-based model in accounting for performance heterogeneity at the organizational level (Brito & Sauan 2016, p. 3). Therefore, a critical review of the existing literature is necessary to comprehend the relationship between management practices and an entity’s output potential, growth, and decline or failure. The present paper contributes to this discourse by drawing on existing research papers to explore the association between these…

 leadership and the management In the company, the leadership and the management could have handled the situation of the disconnection of espoused differently.It could be done by encouraging employees to be open-minded people and have a transparent conversation. In a company having open-minded employees is one of the best ways an organization solves a problem. Handling situations is about using different strategies and working together to achieve the same goal. Woking with a closed-minded employee will not solve the problem. As for the company, the employees who committed the crime should be fired, which will give room for good people to be employed. In an organization, some people like causing trouble every time and make an impossible for some situations to be handled .such people are said to be closed-minded people; thus, they become a loss to the company. Additionally, such people also will not understand the concept of espoused and enacted values and how important it is in business. In an organization, having transparent communication is very important, mostly for the employees because it allows them to express themselves…

Vulnerability and Incident Lifecycle Management Vulnerability management deals with identifying, evaluating, and responding to risks so that organizations abate risks. A typical vulnerability lifecycle management includes; Asset inventory, managing information, assessing the risk, assessing vulnerabilities, and reporting and remediation (Phonsa, 2020). The first stage in the vulnerability involves managing organization inventories assets to identify security vulnerability. In the second stage, assets are classified, assigned business values, and prioritized according to their criticality to business operations.  Thirdly, baseline risks are determined according to vulnerability threat, asset criticality, and classification (Phonsa, 2020). In the fourth stage, organizations measure and document business risks involved in the business while in the remediation stage, organizations prioritize and fix vulnerabilities according to risks. The final step verifies that threats have been eliminated and follow up channels established through subsequent audits. Figure 1: Vulnerability Cycle Management Conversely, a typical incident handling lifecycle management includes preparation stage, detection, and analysis, containment, eradication and recovery, post-incident activity (Bandos,2019). Preparation is a fundamental stage of incidence response on which practical guidelines are premised. The second stage focuses on observing security…

What are the challenges faced by management in handling technological changes in a public organization? How does the HRD framework support structured organizational set-up in managing technological change? Explain with relevant examples. When used correctly, technology applications drastically save money and time. It helps workers improve the decision-making process and the speed of collecting, analyzing, and processing data. When not used well, sensitive data can be compromised and disrupt critical services, fraud, and theft. Therefore, it is essential to understand how the technology works in government because most governance systems are converging and consolidating into shared databases and support systems. Today, every federal agency has a chief information officer (CIO) and other officers to coordinate the development of secure and uniform technology systems. Therefore, civil servants have to learn to manage change as technological reforms occur regularly. Today, organizations need to employ productive and flexible management that meets the human resource needs of a firm. Technology gives government agencies many advantages. For example, it expands the skill set of employees. As a result, a firm can increase the participation and…

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