Risk Management Strategies in the Cloud Computing Sector Abstract Cloud computing and related technologies have grown exponentially in the recent past. Cloud computing has offered several solutions to both the individuals, companies, and even to large corporations and organizations. However, even with the benefits that come with cloud computing, there are many issues related to security and continuity that cloud computing has compromised. Cloud computing platforms are vulnerable to threats and risks, and it is up to the administrators and managers of cloud computing in individual companies to take a step forward and put in place measures to manage the vulnerabilities. It is evident to note that the conventional approach cannot apply in this area as far as the development of a risk management framework is concerned. This study looks into previous submissions and propositions on frameworks to be used for cloud computing. A more in-depth look is initialized, and the strengths and weaknesses of each structure are determined. The paper then proposes an updated and more effective approach in securing cloud computing platforms for organizations today. Introduction Technology is…

2020-SC1-ORG10001-Management Strategic management 1.        Strategic management “The actions and decisions used to develop and implement strategies that will give a competitively greater fit between the business and its environment to realize organizational goals” (Samson, Donnet & Daft 2017, p. 322). “Strategic management entails the formulation and implementation of strategies” (Schermerhorn et al. 2014, p. 205).         2.        Synergy “The state that occurs when the parts of an organization interact to give a joint effect that exceeds the sum of individual parts when they act alone” (Samson, Donnet & Daft 2017, p. 324). “Synergy implies that joined parts are greater than the sum of individual parts. Thus, it is mandatory to manage the organization as a whole” (Daft & Marcic 2014, pp. 40-43).       3.        Value “Value refers to the combination of expenses incurred, and benefits received. To create value, a company should devise strategies that utilize its core competencies and achieve synergy” (Samson, Donnet & Daft 2017, p. 324). “The commitment of the organization toward the identification, capture, and provision of the maximum value to…

Research Proposal On Security Management In Cloud Computing Annotated Bibliography Since this is a very sensitive and broad topic, I will assess sources supporting and those against the organizational use of cloud computing technology.  Chang, V., Bacigalupo, D., Wills, G., & De Roure, D. (2017). A Categorisation of Cloud Computing Business Models. 2017 10th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing. doi:10.1109/ccgrid.2017.132 According to a peer-reviewed article by authors Chang, Bacigalupo, Wills & De Roure (2016), on the categorization of cloud computing business models, cloud computing comprises of private, public, and hybrid clouds. Private clouds favor single organizations more and consist of multiple consumers, such as business units. They can be managed by services providers charged with the responsibility of taking care of the organizations both off-site and on-site”. Public clouds, on the other hand, comprise of provisioned infrastructure normally designed for open use by the concerned community.  Normally, the clouds are  designed for a specific organization to share resources. In contrast, a  hybrid clouds is a cloud computing environment that uses a mix of on-premises, private cloud…

Financial management Financial management is the primary aspect when it comes to the success of the company. For the company to be well organized, it has to have strong financial management. If the company has misguided financial control, it is doomed to fail. Public financial management ensures that there is effective allocation of services and hence effective delivery. The good practices of local authorities enable effective public finance management. The good practices are inclusive of transparency, which reduces corruption and other undesirable vices. Another component related to financial management is operational management. It is usually measured through the valuation of money allocation, and the outcomes received. The positive results mean that there is an effective utilization of the allocated budgets in different departments (Shabana 2018, p.269). There is a great need for organizations to pay attention the risk management as well as implementing financial control measures. It is through effective financial management; that organization can eliminate some problems. Such problems include poor managerial performance, low productivity of the organization, low wages contribution, and over employment. Finally, the aspect of active…

Unilever’s Management Case Study The first step to successfully changing the management process is developing a sense of urgency. Management ought to analyze the competitive and market realties (Kotter, 1995). In Unilever’s case, Poleman came in as CEO at a time when the company’s share price was falling and the globe facing a financial crisis. Poleman confronted Unilever’s old practices urging shareholders to change the company’s culture and start taking responsibility for society. The second step is creating a powerful guiding coalition to lead in the transformation efforts. In our case, Poleman replaced a third of the leading 100 executives at Unilever within a year as CEO (Bartlett, 2016).  The third step is developing a vision that will assist in directing the transformation efforts. Unilever unveiled its USLP plan as the key to meeting its Compass Vision.  The fourth step is using all efficient means available to communicate the new vision. Unilever expanded the three main goals to seven commitments and further broken into over 50 unique, measurable targets. The next step is empowering others to act on the vision. Unilever did…

How to Build and Implement an Appropriate OH&S Management System Introduction Occupation safety and health management system is the most crucial part of the organization in managing the risks that occur at the workplace in different industries, such as the construction industry. The construction industry is often regarded as a place with many prevalent risks such as slips and falls, collapse of the buildings under construction, fire due to electrical faults and bullying of worker  The OH&S system handle the aspects of providing a safe working environment to the worker and formulation of the safety and health policies in an organization. Besides, the network plans the processes of preventing accidents and other risks in the organization. OH&S system also put in place the best practices, resources and procedures of establishing, executing, monitoring, auditing and maintenance of the occupation health and safety in an organization. This paper aims to discuss the critical factors essential for successful implementing of OH&S management system, the importance of ISO 31000:2018of implementing an OH&S management system based on plan-do-check-act (PDCA). Besides, the paper will describe the…

Strategic Management of Hyundai Introduction It helps in developing suitable analysis of the existing strategies adapted by Hyundai for creating competitive advantage. It provides an overview of the procedure required for assessing current environment and provide an suitable adaption for Hyundai. The study is useful in depicting an appropriate strategy for Hyundai and offers practical strategies for retaining a helpful position in the automobile industry. Hyundai Motors is one of the renowned companies in the automobile industry that looks to develop long-lasting plan for the customers  in the whole world. Mission of Hyundai Hyundai Motors seeks to provide corporate strategy for the customers and create respect by everyone in the market. The organization looks to provide best technology and various models of cars for the customers. Hyundai Motors aims to provide best value for people by creating suitable technologies for the customers and maintain strong image in the market (Barron et al. 2017). It helps in creating innovation for the customers by providing innovation in various types of models in cars for the people. Vision of Hyundai The vision of…

Report on Human Resource Management Introduction The study assignment discusses the implication of one of the most important concepts related to human resource management, which is attitude and job sat5isfaction. Maintaining the right sort of job attitude in the job is altogether crucial since it defines the human character. The right kind of attitude towards a job describes the characteristics of human beings. Thus the concept of belief is considered to be distinguished from an organizational point of view. Another idea is job satisfaction, which means to choose a satisfactory job for a living. Thus it can improve performance and imply satisfaction towards the operation. On the other hand, the idea helps analyze the impact of its overall operational procedures in organizational behavior and motivation along with a suitable conclusion at the end.  Discussion  Attitude and job satisfaction The concept of attitude is based on the evaluation. These evaluation techniques might be favorable or unfavorable that mostly concerns with objectives, people, or other sorts of events. Thus the workplace attitudes can be both cognitive or cognitive. Thus the attitude concepts…

Management Accounting Assignment  ASSIGNMENT RULES Write a document reflecting on a self-selected experimental study published since 2014 in one of the six top accounting journals: The Accounting Review (TAR) – Journal of Accounting Research (JAR) – Journal of Accounting and Economics (JAE) – Review of Accounting Studies (RAS) – Contemporary Accounting Research (CAR) – Accounting, Organizations and Society (AOS). (Please see the 1st Attachment for the example article) To demonstrate the necessary level of reflection, students are required to write three paragraphs on the “Why-What-How” of the study (a.k.a. Kinney’s paragraphs) and add a graphic depicting the predictive validity framework (a.k.a. Libby boxes).* (Please see the 2nd Attachment for the reflection about example article) *More information about Kinney’s paragraphs and the Libby boxes can be found here: Both papers are available at the attachments. 3rd Attachment: Kinney, W.R.. 2019. The Kinney Three Paragraphs (and More) for Accounting Ph.D. Students. Accounting Horizons 33 (4): 1-14 (minimum: the first quote at the beginning of the introduction) & 4th Attachment: Libby, R., R. Bloomfield, and M.W. Nelson. 2002. Experimental research in financial accounting.…

Social Media role in Leadership and management of a firm             Leadership and management form a crucial role in the success of a business or firm. However, leadership and management face significant challenges daily ranging from poor communication to poor employee-employer communication. Although everyone in a company is expected to have leadership skills, the skills from managerial perspectives play a crucial role in determining the direction taken by the business in terms of success and failure. Social media has been adopted by most firms as a method of overcoming most of the challenges facing a leadership. The flow of information is expected to be smoothened by social media by removing unnecessary filters and improving employee-employer relationships. Social media use in leadership is essential as it plays the role of removing the filters in information and minimizing the social gap between leaders and employees hence a long-term improvement in productivity. Social media is essential in breaking communication barriers that are common in leadership. Most managers have, in the past, preferred the use of more formal communication that includes the requirement that…

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