role documentation plays in network management Module 3 Assessment—Part 1A-B: Outcomes addressed in this activity: Module Outcomes: Understand the key role documentation plays in network management. Utilize Microsoft Visio to create network documentation. Define the importance of a disaster recovery plan. Course Outcomes: IT273M3-3: Analyze policies, best practice, appropriate documentation, and diagrams to manage the network. GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English. Assessment Details Part A Using Visio, create a Local Area Network (LAN) consisting of 12 computers, a switch, three printers, and a WAN router. The switch and router should be in a telecom closet to itself and the computers and printer should be in an office room. Connect all the devices to the switch. Connect the router to the connection on the side of the building going to the Internet.[unique_solution] First, install Visio on your workstation. Visio can be obtained from DreamSpark® or Once Visio is installed, create a simple network diagram. Start the Visio application, select Network, and then Basic Network Diagram. Start by clicking the Computers and Monitors…

Principles of Project Management Project management refers to the process in which business goals are aligned with budget and project schedules so that the best project can be delivered within a pre-determined time. The management process includes planning, control, execution, and completion of the pre-determined goals. Here, the traits of project managers shall be outlined, and a real project shall be described briefly. Discussion topic 1- Developing Project Management Skills Particular personal traits important for project managers The project managers are assigned the task of managing incredibly complex projects, and therefore, they are supposed to possess an eye for detail, an analytical mind, and good organizational skills along with proper interpersonal skills (Tang, Panchal & Bradshaw, 2018). Apart from that, the key traits of an effective project manager have been outlined below- Technical expertise– A manager is supposed to deal with software and programs because it would help the organization achieve its performance objectives. Leadership traits- A manager must be capable of motivating the team and ensure optimum performance from the team members Negotiation skills- Conflict during budgeting or project…

Database Management Project – part A   Project overview The IFB105 project gives you an opportunity to apply concepts and skills you acquired in the unit to a realistic database design scenario and reflect on the data requirements of an organisation.   The submission is divided into 2 parts due at different times during the semester. These parts will cover: Design of a database Creation and use of a database     The task for part A In this part, you will: Design an ORM conceptual schema for a business domain based on sample reports required for that domain.   Weighting Part A is worth 15 marks, for 15% of the unit.   Groups This assignment can be done individually or in pairs.   If you choose to work in a pair, only one student should submit the assignment. Please provide the name and student number of the person you worked with on the front page. No consideration will be given to any student who claims to have done more work than the other student in his/her pair, because this…

Response to project management competency post In the current discussion, the researcher has identified the competencies of project management based on three aspects – planning, organisation, and resource management. Based on these aspects, the various skills were identified, the key ones of which were further discussed in the study. Execution has been identified to be the primary competency. Successful initiation is indeed one of the prime requirements for any project to be successful in the long run. However, practical decision-making skill is also essential as wrong decisions taken by the manager can ruin the entire project. The manager does critical thinking for the best of the project and determines what best suits the situation. They need to develop strategies to ensure the sustainability of the project and handle the team for the same. In this context, the adequate flow of communication is essential as the individuals involved in the project must be aware of what they are doing and why. It ensures confident productivity and increased quality of output. Response to project selection method post Organisations are often forced with…

A reflection on the need to accommodate complexity in management decisions Introduction The report shall be written as a reflective account of the experiences gained while preparing the individual report and group presentation. Here, the process of conducting the research on Leon restaurant shall be summarized. The impact of the process and its outcomes shall be written in a reflective manner. Following that, the stages of the process shall be critically assessed. A new strategy prepared for the restaurant shall be considered, and a similar business case shall be outlined. Lastly, the impact of the proposed strategy shall be underlined and ways in which the strategy affects the stakeholders will be examined as well. Summary of the different types of analysis and information sources In order to complete the individual reports, I have considered secondary sources of information. The business report on Leon restaurant has been prepared by using a range of peer-reviewed articles, journals, company websites, online news and reports. It was necessary to gather information from these sources and incorporate them into the report. The business report was…

Mission, Vision, Values, and Management Vision, Mission, and Value statements, as well as management, are critical when it comes to directing an organization together with its employees and stakeholders about the purpose of the firm.  The mission statement describes an entity’s reason for existing as well as its general use. On the other hand, the vision statement outlines the organization as it should appear in the coming years or decades. A company’s value statement describes what the particular entity believes in and how the organization will behave. Management is usually described as the efficient pursuit of critical organizational goals (Kinicki & Williams 2016). An organization’s vision statement is often supported by its mission statement to make clear the purpose as well as the direction of the organization to its workers, customers, and possibly stakeholders. With a comprehensive realization of such statements, the managerial team could successfully steer an organization. This paper is going to compare the health care company Aetna’s mission, vision, and values against its criteria and evaluate a comparison between United healthcare, which is another health care company. I will discuss Aetna…

develop a rehabilitation/case management plan role of the case manager and researches a disability-related topic/illness and develop a rehabilitation/case management plan for a chosen client   For this project the students takes on the role of the case manager and researches a disability-related topic/illness and develop a rehabilitation/case management plan for a chosen client, focusing on the client’s physical and psychosocial response to the disability. The student is to create a research paper on a client with a disability and the necessary adjustments needed for the client. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (als), the paper must contain the following information: each of the following below must be addressed in the paper • symptoms, treatment, care of the condition • impact of the disease as to stigma, adaptation, body image, quality of life • clinical and psychosocial aspects of the disability • impact on the client and family • medical treatment needs • client and family education • assessment tools (medical, educational, vocational, independent living) to determine patient’s level of functioning at time of case management intervention and expectations of maximum level of…

Importance of Needs Assessment to Project Management in Healthcare  Organizations use needs assessment to control priorities and make improvements or determine how they should distribute resources within them. The process entails determining the requirements between the company’s future and current conditions, and how to make improvements. Additionally, the needs assessment is a development course of actions which should be addressed to bridge the gaps within a healthcare organization, to realize its future anticipated state. The importance of needs assessment to project management in health care include contributing to program planning, improving decision making, and identify gaps. Needs assessment helps in planning projects that will address particular goals to prevent a situation where the health care organization engages in a project without a defined scope or anticipated outcome (PEYKARI et al., 2013). Furthermore, it helps to determine the where gaps exist between the desired and current situation and make the necessary changes. For instance, one area of a health care project might be receiving excess funding as compared to others. The difference in funding presents a gap that the project should…

Importance of Information management to organizational management Information management has become a vital part of organizations. Companies have invested heavily in the information management sector to improve organizational performance. Modern technology such as computers and the internet have changed information management, making it easy to collect, store, analyze, and disperse information leading to efficiency in companies. According to Romney and Steinbart (2012), when information is appropriately managed, it makes the decision-making process easier.  The available information informs decisions. Companies without a functional information system waste so much time and energy in the decision-making process. With a properly managed information system, the organization is able to collect and analyze data that is deemed vital in decision making. When the organization information is well-governed, the information in developing a strategic plan that is used in the making informed and well-calculated decision. Both the management and employees gain access to well-analyzed information that helps in quick decision making and can result in improved productivity. Information management helps in storing and retrieving information. Information storage has, for a long time, proven a tedious exercise…

  Case Study on Henderson Printing- Management and Compensation styles       Executive Summary The current managerial style at Henderson Printing somewhat lacks a proper structure. The company is a medium-sized manufacturer of a various types of ledgers and record books. Although the owner strives towards offering the best quality of books, issues in the company exist because of the managerial style of the owner. After analyzing the case study, it can be inferred that the owner follows the Laissez-faire method of management. The management style is quite ineffective in comparison to autocratic or even democratic styles (Pahi, 2017). George is the owner of Henderson Printing. He is solely responsible for looking after the operations of the firm. The firm lacks specialists or supervisors in areas such as human resources, marketing, accounting and production. Consequently, George is obligated to handle all the firm-related issues himself. However, expecting George to manage every single aspect of the printing business has led to the downfall of the company. Employees and supervisors turn towards him for advice, help or guidance. This, in turn,…

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