The Evolution of Human Resource Management Human Resource Management (HRM) is the strategic management of an organization’s human capital to enable the organization to achieve its objectives. After World War II, HRM’s history changed significantly. During this era, ideas of human rights and self-realization began influencing the well-educated workers. They believed in behaviorally oriented management philosophies that supported the integration of initiatives and ideas of workers into the organization. In 1947, the Taft-Hartley Act, also called the Labour-Management Relations Act, prohibited the practice of only hiring workers from unions, and gave the government the responsibility of being a mediator when disagreements between the management and unions arose (Nayab, n.d). These changes influenced the making of labor legislation like the Equal Pay Act of 1963, the Civil Rights Act in 1964, the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act in 1974 (Nayab, n.d). These acts amplified the importance of the HR function in organizations. In the post-World War II era of 1945-1960, personnel management focused on improving efficiencies by increasing the productivity of employees…

Record Management Programs Record management is often considered a tedious and unprofitable activity in many organizations. This attitude can be pointed to ignorance or lack of understanding of its vital importance in the corporate world. It is essential to realize that business activities in every organization revolve around documents, contracts, reports, orders, and other records involving the company. Record management programs, therefore, provide a framework for the creation, storage, usage, and disposal of these records. There exist various vital reasons why a company should implement record management programs. Some of the primary reasons include to improve productivity and efficiency and to ensure regulatory compliance. More than keeping records straight, record management is critical in ensuring productivity and efficiency in business practices. Increasing operational efficiency is arguably the most crucial reason for record management systems. A sound system will offset the time spent when searching for missing or misfiled records.  The non-productive time spent by professionals digging through folders can be put in good use when information retrieval is improved. A good record-keeping system can similarly be used to identify relevant…

Answers to Management Information Systems 1The relationship between data, information, and knowledge. Data, information, and knowledge have an interrelationship. Data is unprocessed figures and facts that, when processed, can be organized, interpreted, and structured to be more meaningful hence are transformed into information (Liew 2007).        Information can, therefore, be described as processed data that can be organized, structured, and interpreted. Knowledge is acquired information through experience or education (Wilson, 2015). From the three definitions of data, information, and knowledge, it can be seen that these three are interrelated (Chen 1976). Data is the very basic form of information in that it is unprocessed information, while information is the processed version of data into a structured, organized form while knowledge is information gathered. Knowledge depends on data for data forms information, and information is from data. Q.2 Reason why organizations have an information deficiency problem? Information is very important in an organization, for it helps in its smooth running. It is important for an organization to maintain its information. Though organizations know it is important to have information, they still…

 Implementing enterprise risk management: From methods to applications. This article elaborates on the motives that makes one undertake certain risks in a business and it uses an example of Ferdinand Megallan in October 1517 where he asked for an investment from king of spain, Charles I, worth 8,751,125 silver maravedis. Magellan’s main objective was to find a westerly itinerary to Asia in order to allow circumnavigation of the globe which was an extremely risky undertaking. And as the results were expected, only like eight percent of the entire crew and one ship out of the four that left were able complete the voyage around the world. Even Megallan himself was not able to complete the circumnavigation as he died in Philippines. Therefore, the main question resulting from this incident, is why would one undertake such a huge risk because Megallan stood to gain only if he succeeded. Whether one is taking a loan or driving a vehicle, individuals must evaluate the risk in the same manner, that is by weighing upsides and limiting the downsides. The objective of the book…

Concepts and Basics of Tourism Destination Management Tourism can be described as traveling for fun and it may include activities such as camping and sightseeing. Rowen (2016) discovered that people or tourist could travel to a place either for cultural or natural tourism and for this to be possible there has to a proper and a well laid out tourism destination management, which can be described as a coordinated management of all elements that make up a destination including attractions, accessibility, pricing and marketing.  Natural tourism in a destination is tourism that is based on the natural attractions of the area, while cultural tourism is the tourism that is based on the cultural attractions of the place. There are cultures that are more interesting and more attractive that people will come from far places just to come and see how these cultures operate ad they generally cope up with life. A research conducted by Lim (2020), revealed that both cultural and natural tourism affect the tourism development in an area. They both influence or contribute to the implementation of the…

Annotated Bibliography on Enterprise Risk Management and Risk Management   AICPA Staff, (2018). Enterprise Risk Management: Guidance for Practical Implementation and Assessment. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated. The book outlines the ultimate purpose of every organization that exists in the sector, which is creating value for its stakeholders. Companies have to set goals and objectives, come up with strategies, and plan for achieving them and performing actions to create value for stakeholders. And in the process of executing these plans, enterprises can run into challenges and uncertainties, which requires the management to sough for methods to tackle them, and ERM provides a background where the administration is can address these challenges comprehensively. The article also highlights the importance of implementing and maintaining an effective ERM process because it aids the entire management to increase their confidence in handling the risks the entity is likely to face. The authors of the book also focused on the essence of risk management disclosures to money lending firms before making lending decisions.  The objective of the article was to leverage existing conceptual frameworks and…

Agile Performance Management Performance management denotes a set of processes that are essential in managing human resources to meet the organization’s goals. With many changes occurring in this area, it is essential to explore how agile performance management differs from traditional methods of management. Agile performance management follows collaborative, speedier, and continuous feedback that is gradually replacing the traditional model of performance management. Agile differs from traditional performance management because it works towards the development of employees. It does this by growing employee’s skills, attitude, and giving them the ability to innovate (Human, n.d., p. 6). Another striking difference is that traditional practices focus on fixed goals, but agile considers the changes that occur within the work environment. One compelling reason for a business to adopt the agile approach to performance management is that it incorporates stability and dynamics. It is both people-centered and embraces increased learning powered by technological tools (How to, 2018). Agile performance management also allows for faster reconfigurations of processes, people, and adaptability. Traditional performance management does not sync with modern businesses and employees because it…

  Project Information and Communication Management, MSPM1-GC 2010.200 Take-Home Mid-Term Exam (please be concise in your responses): 1. The communication plan contains criteria/inputs that answer the ‘What’ and the ‘How’. Please explain the differences between the ‘What’ and the ‘How’ and give 2 examples of each.  (12 points)   ‘What’ refers to the information supposed to be communicated through the plan. The primary objective of the plan is to give the relevant stakeholders some piece of information. Without the information, then the communication plan will be worthless (Florkey et al. 2007). An example is passing around information on the methods of limiting the spread of covid-19, which is a world pandemic. The ‘how’ refers to the method of information dissemination. The channels supposed to get used in passing across the information are an essential aspect of the communication plan because. The ‘how’ also answers the means of soliciting feedback from the intended audience. An example of the ‘how’ is through the creation of short videos for people and adverts. Feedback will be through watching the reported cases daily from the…

Management of Big Data Outline Company Name: Thomson Reuters Company Challenge: Management of Big Data Executive Summary (Group) Introduction Content management is not an easy activity for organizations Content management demands dedication and concerted effort to guarantee secure, up-to-date, and relevant accessibility to data. Strategies employed to manage a vast amount of content as well as data in an organization determine the success of the organization as it can solidify or break its stability. Thesis statement In the era of the high emergence of new technology, taking advantage of massive data is a mandate and not an option of organizations to ensure that they remain competitive in the market, which is a situation faced by Thomson Reuters. Problem Statement Management and delivery of data is a challenge faced by Thomson Reuters This challenge affects the company’s formation of coherent strategies that should be undertaken at an executive level. The problem causes cost issues as much funds are spent to moderate its effects and solve the challenge. The management of data through aggregative, cleaning, as well as analyzing, has become extremely…

CEO MANAGEMENT STYLES FOR STRATEGIC DECISION MAKING Describe McNerney’s management style in terms of strengths and weaknesses. Would you like to work for him? According to Arndt (2004), McNerney, the CEO of 3M Corp Company, was identified as ‘one of those boys’ in his article. One of the strengths that McNerney had is that he could find new methodologies to restore discipline and focus within the company. Also, he knew what to embark on when under anxiety and establish something useful out of an unfortunate circumstance. Arndt (2004) indicates that the first time McNerney took over as the CEO, the revenues were over 35%. Generally, McNerney had many strengths in comparison to weaknesses. Some of the flaws he had included, firstly, he ever reflected ahead of everybody within the corporation. Secondly, he had a sharp mind full of alternatives and always anticipated the best long term for the corporation. Several individuals perceive the weakness to be advantageous. In this presented case, it worked perfectly for McNerny, hence making him prosper. However, several individuals do not prefer change, and they always…

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