Abortion Laws in Canada and the Media By the end of the 19th century, abortion was legally restricted in many countries. Canada was one of the countries that restricted abortion and had banned it in 1869, and anyone who committed the crime was sentenced to life imprisonment. The country has had a long history around the issue of abortion with various people saying that it should be allowed while others believe that it should not and that it should be illegal (McCullough, 2020). Canada is one of the few countries that has no criminal law restricting abortion. Despite this, women exercise their right to abort responsibly and safely. The portrayal of abortion in the media can greatly change the perception of the public and can also impact policy agendas. When the media gives honest and accurate information concerning the issue of abortion, then a worldwide outrage at violations of women’s rights can arise. The media portrays the issue of abortion in many ways, and the effects of this can be either positive or negative. This paper argues that abortion is…
Nancy Pelosi was harshly criticized by the media Nancy Pelosi was harshly criticized by the media and lawmakers alike for failing to release funds for America’s s small business industry that is rapidly dying due to the Corona Virus pandemic. She then proceeded to display a stockpile of her gourmet ice cream. Congress has been trying to pass a bill that would replenish the almost depleted Paycheck Protection Program. Pelosi blocked this attempt calling it a “stunt” and alleges that there is no evidence to prove its necessity. She later appeared in the Late Late Show on CBC, standing in front of an expensive freezer that was filled to the brim with gelato and ice cream. The cartoon related to this issue is a perfect example of the Discourse concerning the Original and Progress of Satire by John Dryden. It can be compared to the work of Homer, who wrote a heroic poem. Dryden states that according to the master of philosophy, Aristotle, the work of satire is confined by the rules of the place, time, and action. In Homer’s…
Influence of Global Satellites Expansion in the Chinese Media and its Local Audiences Introduction The growth of satellite companies globally and the widespread use of the internet in media have been creating significant changes in the distribution and creating of content and news. These forms of media have provided alternative sources for audiences as they break down monopolies of mainstream media in different countries. In China, the media environment has experienced this global expansion of satellites that began in the 1990s. The rapid economic growth and improved literacy rate have been accelerating this expansion of comprehensive content in the country. In recent years the use of social media and the internet has led to explosive growth on sources of information despite them being strictly regulated and controlled by the government. Competition from professional journalists has also contributed to the diversity in the media. Topics that were usually considered taboo in the country are now discussed and reported by the mainstream media and in social media. These include corruption cases and social problems, such as the high rate of unemployment…
Use of Social Media in Promotion Introduction The use of social media platforms in marketing has been one of the game changers in the recent past. It has indeed played a key role in increasing the message reach, frequency as well as the size of the audience that the people can get in touch with. The main social media platforms that have been used regularly have been Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, as well as YouTube, among many others. The social media platforms have been able to effectively play a key role in reducing the cost of running promotion campaigns. There are a number of key things that need to be addressed when it comes to the issue of content to do with social media, as well as its application to promotion. There is a need to understand the key dynamics of how effective social media can be used in promotion. For such to happen, the literature on social media and its application to the promotion will be factored in. There are three key sources of such literature. The first source is…
Television and social media is it good and bad in regard to culture identity Social media and television through airing information to the world has brought about the unification of the global system. This has culminated ethnocentrism which is the worst enemy of the propagation of the original culture. As a result of globalization, social media and televisions have ushered the vice of individualism and capitalism in social ideology. Through social media the original culture has been propagated into a mixture of culture through borrowing or stealing traits from other culture and integrating them into the original culture. However, social media is playing a very critical role that has reduced the world into a global village through modern technology. The television and social media therefore propagating both virtues and vices of a community enhances culture development Unification of global systems through social media comes with ethnocentrism which is the greatest enemy of the propagation of the original culture. Initially, people or the nations which were strong regarded themselves as more superior and imposed their cultures everywhere they went resulting…
New Media Interactivity Considering technology as just a tool means it is a way through which current practices are automated hence made easier or more efficient. As innovations lead to new tools, these can be used to create new ways to manipulate, converge, and instantly transmit various forms of media. Technology has automated the communication process between people in multiple regions. New media connects people from different cultures in a more sophisticated way than before by eliminating the concepts of space and time (Eadie, 2009). Human interaction is greatly interconnected, and information from different locations is readily available and easy to retrieve. The digitization of new media has allowed manipulation of data into various forms. This transformational process is instant, using multiple features in electronic devices. Therefore, information can move freely, spontaneously interconnecting different users of the media. The intercultural impact of new media makes the statement more complex as technology, in this case, goes beyond functioning as just a tool. New media not only makes communication between different people easier, but it changes the perception of people ad…
Deaths caused by Social Media use (Outline) Introduction Increased social media use has been linked to an increased risk of committing suicide. Technological advances have improved the internet. The internet is often used as social, educational, and entertainment reasons. Social media platforms have transformed the traditional methods of communication (Luxton, 2012). The world has been reduced into a global village, where information is shared rapidly across media platforms. Despite the positive use of social media, it had also been associated with negative effects like increased suicides. People easily communicate with each other anonymously, and this increases the risk of easily hurting or influencing someone to hurt themselves or kill themselves. The sites are used to promote negative messages, teach self-injurious behavior and mental illnesses (Memon et al., 2018). Social media use is responsible for increasing the number of deaths worldwide. Unlimited Information on Suicide Methods Social media has unlimited information on suicide methods and procedures (Luxton et al., 2012). Social media users can easily access this information and put it to practice. Uncontrolled and unrestricted information on social media…
NEGATIVE IMPACTS OF MEDIA Introduction The essay present negative impact of various forms of media and offers an argument of the effects of media and how they affect human life. In today’s world, most people spend time in a variety of media types. In some people, it is a daily routine and has become aspects. This paper argues about the effects of media and other associated results in society. It discusses physical media such as books, magazines or newspapers, electronic media such as cable television and digital media like music, movies, and others. The negative impacts of media are evident among various social classes and age groups in the society. Due to technological advancements, the digital media and other forms of media are shifting towards a global village which is adversely manipulated by the media. There are several forms of media which include hard copies such as newspapers and magazines, electronic media such as the internet, portable visual media plus other forms. Mass media in either of its forms reach a large number of people and substantially control their cultural…
Top 10 ways to stop the bleeding with immediate effects Topic 1: Can you not get medical help immediately? Try these simple tricks to stop your wound from bleeding. Topic 2: Prevent your wound from bleeding by following these natural methods. Any bleeding, regardless of its severity, can be controlled. Bleeding should not be left uncontrolled as it might lead to shock and even death. There are times when the ambulance takes time to reach, or you might not have the facility to call for medical help. Hence, there are a few remedies that you should know about, which would help you to stop bleeding instantly. Let us take a look at them. Try to elevate the wound above the heart We all know that gravity attracts everything downwards. Hence, gravity will make blood flow downwards faster and more comfortable than it would help it to flow up. For instance, if you get cut on your hand, and you hold it above your head, you would notice that your hand is looking pale. However, if you lower it down and…
Social Media in the Community Social media has become an important part of social interaction and virtual communities are an important aspect of connecting with others. Social media can have a major role to play in supporting the community especially in areas related to information sharing as well as social and emotional support. One major aspect of community support that can occur through social media is through donations. Community members are able to solicit for donations for various causes using social media. Another important aspect of social media is that it encourages the sharing of community resources. Social media is an effective tool for ensuring that people understand their resources and share these resources. Another aspect of social media is that it can help in information sharing within the community and can connect neighbors within the community. It will also have a major role to play in raising awareness concerning various issues affecting the community. Social media has a major role to play in strengthening the community as well as promoting communal initiatives. There are various aspects of social media…