The eruption of the digital media era The eruption of the digital media era in the 21st Century has sparked the development of privacy law. Canada, in particular, has witnessed an upsurge in litigation about this area and new legislative changes awaiting enforcement. There is a frequent report of data and information breaches in the news, posing substantial financial and legal risks to entities that are involved in the handling and processing of data. A 2015 study by the renowned Ponemon Institute LLC and IBM revealed that misappropriated or stolen data records could lead to hefty costs amounting to a median of $5.32 million for a Canadian company weighted at an average price of $250 for each data record. The security of personal data in the digital media age is no longer a simple moralistic practice but rather a mandatory practice. The current reality in Canada is that Canadian business is now facing the impending possibility of legal action resulting from a breach of data privacy. Unauthorized disclosure of data in Canada has elicited a myriad of court cases in…

Social media in the current world Social media in today’s is widely used. Its role has, therefore, been vital in people’s lives. For instance, individuals today receive news and interact with their friends with the help of the internet. Social media use and the internet have raised significant issues, especially on data privacy. It is from this backdrop that Bill Densmore discusses the dangers of internet use in the modern-day world. From his discussion, Densmore argues that journalists should remain professional and feed the audience authentic information. Journalists control a large group of the audience around the world. The news they present, therefore, reaches a diverse group of people around the world. As a result, journalists should be articulate in their reports because they control what individuals receive in their daily lives. As Densmore argued, journalists should proofread and edit their works before they release it to a broader global audience. Proofreading and editing are vital in the journalism profession. Its primary role is to edit any information that they feed to the larger audience. Proofreading enhances the elimination of…

anti-Islamic content on social media You often see anti-Islamic content on social media, with cartoons, photographs and writings presenting content intended to spread chaos as well as defame sacred beliefs and personalities. You must be curious as to who are the people who post this kind of religion. When you look at their accounts, groups and pages, you will be surprised to find that they have a large number.   It would be surprising for you to know whether such a large number of people really like anti-Islamic content and have friends or followers of such accounts, as well as being included in such groups and like pages. This happened in the Mashal Khan case and the recent Junaid Hafiz case. Likewise, there are a large number of networks on social media that engage in blasphemy. And spreading lateness as a campaign while misunderstandings about sacred figures and religious beliefs are spreading. You may be wondering how people become millions of followers by becoming part of the anti-Islamic ID page or group? If you start reviewing IDs, groups and pages…

The Impact of New Media Prompt 1: The Impact of New Media Paletz, Owen, and Cook suggest that new media change: . . . the relationship between communication on the one hand and government and politics on the other. They make more information than ever accessible and available. They facilitate narrowcasting, the creation of content, and blogging. There are limitations on their influence and on their ability to enhance public life. Nonetheless, the new media are rife with political potential, particularly for civic education (28). Drawing on the assigned materials on the impact of social media assigned throughout this quarter consider the positive and negative impacts on public life and politics. On balance, does new media enhance politics and civic engagement or not?[unique_solution] Why? As you structure your response, consider the impact of social media on institutions, political culture, information, polarization in the electorate, and the specific effects on campaigns and elections. Be sure to draw on the assigned materials, including The Facebook Dilemma, to support your discussion. Why? As you structure your response, consider the impact of social media…

Media Analysis essay Introduction The advertisement is about a beer brand that aims to popularize its products. The company decided to use two white people, a woman and a man for the advertisement. This means the target consumers were the white people at that time. The lady is skimpily dressed as she exposes her breasts partially while the man is fully clothed and is seen staring at the lady keenly. The lady in the advert looks neat and beautiful. Both people have a glass of beer each. The advertisement brings a new idea that women also can drink, and the company increases its sales by encouraging more women to venture into beverage use. The caption is also suggestive as it reads, “I never even thought of burning my bra until I discovered Smirnoff.” This suggests that when women get into drinking, it makes them not wear the bra’s, which is demonstrated by the woman in the advertisement not wearing one. Its intended meaning is that women can do without bras and show off their bodies. The lower caption reads, “Anything…

Trump and the Media The relationship between Trump and American media houses can be taken to be unhealthy. Each of the two heavyweights has been fighting to prove their belief on the failures of the other. The fight has come to remind the Nixon rule; a row that the Whitehouse is convinced to have lost to the media houses. Trump has repeatedly attempted to turn the Americans against the media houses by claiming that the houses are failing and have nothing to tell the Americans. The fight has been made sour by the cruel nature of Trump on issues that he believes to be of interest to the American people. The claim by Trump that he hates the media is a strategy that he has always used for his benefit. As it is already known, Trump has had a rocky relationship with the media since the beginning of his presidency. He has a history of bashing journalists individually and deeming them “the enemy of the people.” The president has in several occasions termed the media as a disgrace to the…

Op-ed Outline: Does Trump hate the media as much as he says he does? History of Trump’s relationship with the media As we all know, Trump has had a rocky relationship with the media since the beginning of his presidency. He has a history of bashing journalists individually and deeming them “the enemy of the people” … List Examples Thesis: Although Trump claims how much he despises the media, we have seen continually throughout the years how he has used it to his own benefit. How he uses the media for his own benefit He puts on this persona to get the media’s attention. Billion dollar budget to stay relevant in the media. Other presidents that have done it. This is not the first time in United States history that a President has had a rough relationship with the media. President Nixon also had a difficult time getting along with the media after the Watergate scandal was exposed by The Washington Post. Many even believe that media bias was picked up by the Nixon administration in particular….

Political Accountability and Media Media enables citizens to monitor the actions of the political class in a society, and use this information to make voting decisions. Indeed, media acts as a link between the political class, and the citizens. In many parts of the world, some states have been in loggerheads with their media houses regarding the content they expose for public consumptions. In the third world countries where democracy is highly compromised, the media are usually under siege for unearthing some of the uncouth government deals. In such countries, corruption has eaten to the bone of the society, and the media cannot help either. Media plays significant roles in educating the public of their rights, other than reading the constitutions. Research has also shown that in a country with a population of 4 million people, only about 1 million individuals may be interested to know the contents of human rights as provided in the constitutions. This implies that the rest of the 3 million people depend on the media for democratic education, and the creation of awareness regarding the…

Media Production and Analysis News Coverage Response staff, 2010.  9/11 Attacks. includes the following contents, World Trade Centers, Osama Bin laden, Pentagon, Twin towers, flight 93 and America responds. The article also has videos that show the post attack events. Besides, the article has a response on the attack. There is an omission of pictures and videos of the attack. The event is presented in the article by a staff of in 2010. The article views Islamic extremists as the perpetrators of this attack against the U.S.A. The article points out those four planes are hijacked and two fly into the WTC. The third plane was directed towards pentagon and the fourth one crashed in Pennsylvania field. About 3000 individuals die during the attack forcing the U.S to fight against terrorism. There is a bias in this article as there allegation against the Islamic extremist that has not yet been confirmed. Moreover, it exposes Islamic religion as a hub for terrorists. It also portrays Islamic as extremists and terrorists. The article construct different perceptions for example,…

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