effects of cyber-crime on the social media The advancement of social media has revamped the delimitation of social interplay. Social Media platforms have revolutionized the cyberspace and impacted lives by making the world a global village. Use of World Wide Web has a lot of advantages that have made life trouble-free. However, every single good thing has a downside, and it is advisable to be on your guard about those loopholes. Therefore, this research study will analyze the effects of cyber-crime on the social media. Research shows that many internet users pay the price after being casualties of cybercrimes. As such, many social media users have had their identities stolen as most of them use their personal information in order to get registered. Thus, these data becomes the easiest target for cyber criminals. To a higher degree many people have had their credit cards used in an unexplainable manner and money withdrawn from their accounts. Therefore, it is prudent to choose which information to share and which not to. Most of these platforms offer options on information you can share.…

 TELEVISION AND SOCIAL MEDIA IN REGARD TO CULTURE     The purpose of this paper is bringing a broad understanding on effects television and social media in relation to peoples believes ethnicity race gender and group. Television has been used for a long time worldwide while social media is growing in everyday life. Television and social media have significant effects on culture.   People’s culture is not easily changed but in this twenty first century many things have changed due to social media. In the early years people invented the art of writing and reading. One of the writer’s Plato denounced that, “writing is inhuman and it weakened the mind and threatens to destroy the memory.  This led to an introduction of the printing press and aftermath the ascendancy of electronic media in particular television was introduced. The influence of this new media influenced culture and also internet and social media. Television and social media are very powerful instrument that can influence and change people’s behavior. It can also bring resistance and social protests. For example Hong Kong heavily depended on…

How To perform a Successful Social Media Audit (Using NetBase Template) once you create a social media marketing strategy, it’s essential to evaluate its performance continuously. This can help you know whether everything is working as intended. An excellent way to achieve the best results is by conducting a social media audit. Social media audit is the process of compiling and reviewing procedures to identify what’s going as planned and what’s not.  It also helps you identify areas that need improvements or adjustments on your social media platforms. Whether its Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter, implementing a proper follow-up plan can increase the chances of your business success. If you’re wondering how and where to start, here are some essential steps to guide you through. Create a Template for Your Social Media Audit whether you’ve performed a social media audit before or it is your first time to do it, creating an audit template can simplify your process. The template helps you to stay organized and perform tasks as planned. With so many responsibilities, depending on your memory to conduct…

Media continues to live up to the impossible ‘’Media has been playing the impossible lifestyle image music too loud and the young generation we seem to drown in the lyrics just perfectly well’’ well, putting it in my own words that is what everyone out here thinks media is all about, the negative platform everyone is depending on. Social media has evolved our communication and interaction ways to a highly new level and it’s only fair for us to say that the platform is both a savior and our true identity killer. When we look at media according to how everyone is presenting themselves in it with an “all successful” perception and being able to hide their breakdowns and failures in the real life pitch, I for one it makes me hate social media. But again it has been the guardian that warns us of the dangers before they even make their way to us. There are footages looming over Florida of Hurricane Michael, the recent powerful and scary storm on the record that has killed 2 people so far,…

ENG4U Summative Presentation:  Oral, Media, Writing, and Reading   Learning Goals Speak to Communicate -design and deliver an oral presentation for a specific purpose -communicated with clarity and coherence -use appropriate diction and stylistic devices -use vocal strategies (pace, pitch, volume, tone, pronunciation, enunciation, etc.) -use non-verbal cues (face and body expression) Demonstrate Understanding -of the soliloquy form and literary devices[unique_solution] Extend Understanding -make connections between an oral text, media, and self Understand Media Text -interpret messages and build critical literacy Connecting Skills -explain the connection between words and v   The Tasks   Written Soliloquy   Write your own soliloquy (25-35 lines) based on one of the prompts from Hamlet.  The soliloquy does not have to be poetry.  Do not try to rhyme!   You will type two copies and hand in one copy before the presentation.  You will include the following elements in your presentation:   Thesis _a controlling idea or thesis/theme that your soliloquy presents. _Use of the argumentative appeals to develop your argument Tone and Connotation _ three connotative words that create specific tones Figurative Language…

Social Media and Body Image             The wellbeing of an individual is drawn from several life aspects. Body image, for example, is essential in the determination of the comfort that an individual develops after accepting the shape of their body. The acceptance of an individual’s body image plays a crucial role in their mental well being as well as social interaction. One of the most aspects of life that create an impact on the degree of accepting one’s body image is social media. The development of technology came with social media that allows people to interact with a variety of people. The impact of social media has, however, received different perspectives from different people, causing a debate that has existed for several years. One side of the debate argues that social media is responsible for most cases of low esteem that happens when individuals find their friends to be more attractive. However, the other side of the debate holds the positive side of the argument by claiming that social media offers a platform where people find the need to be…

Social Media and Loneliness It is important to understand social media plays a vital part in connecting human beings as well as developing correlations with influencers as well as journalists. Additionally, social media takes part in offering a considerable opportunity to develop customer service by gathering input, answering questions, as well as listening to their feedbacks. Precisely, social media pertains to connecting with other individuals. However, a new research depicts that too much social media contributes to not only loneliness but also disconnection. In spite of the fact that social media has become a mainstream medium, studies indicate Internet utilization is connected with mitigated social networks as well as heightened loneliness. Some scholars maintain that the use of social media leads to negative effects on people’s relationships that replace face-to-face contacts. Specifically, this contributes to increased los of depth that is vital as compared to breadth for psychological well-being, which in turn results in heightened loneliness. Current research shows that individuals who use social media and have many online friends are lonelier as compared to those who do not. The…

Social Media Impacts on Interpersonal Relationships             In accordance to basic social science, interpersonal relationship has been defined as either a short term or long term association existing between two people or even more (Arnold & Boggs, 45). This essay looks at both sides of the coin in regard to the impacts of social media which basically encompasses Facebook, Instagram, twitter and more others as a tool for building health interpersonal relationships. The contrast argument however states that social media has been an agent when it comes to hindering interpersonal relationships. Well, human beings are basically social creatures with natural desires which eventually drive them to connect with others. Without fear of contradiction, social network popularity has really made positive impacts when it comes to the manner in which human being interact every day (Arnold & Boggs, 45). Among many types of interactions necessitated by social media, romantic relationships are the core. Research has revealed that courtship has changed from the old way of initiation where people had to look for each other and converse to just an instant message…

VIOLENT AND NON-VIOLENT CRIME RATE AS REFLECTED BY SOCIAL MEDIA Abstract Do the local social media reflect the real annual crime rates (90% non-violent crimes and 10% violent crimes) in Canada will be scrutinized. Two local social Medias, CBC news and Globe and Mail, will be used in the study. Each social media will search the crime news and the recent twenty (N=20) crime news will be selected. After identifying which crime news belongs to violent crime or non-violent crimes (by applying Bussa Law definition), the individual proportion of violent crime rates and non-violent crime rates will be calculated. The research question about the coverage of crime news in local media whether reflect the real crime rates will be answered. The implication of this finding will be discussed. 1.0 Introduction Throughout the case study of Jill Meagher, Sanja Milivojevic and Alyce McGovern reveal the importance of social media and suggest that criminologists should take full advantage of this kind of new information technology (Milivojevic & McGovern, 2014). The growing importance of social media on criminology aspect is recognized by more…

Whether Local Social Media Reflect the True Violent and Non-violent Crime Rates? Throughout the case study of Jill Meagher, Sanja Milivojevic and Alyce McGovern reveal the importance of social media and suggest that criminologists should take full advantage of this kind new information technologies (cite). The growing importance of social media on criminology aspect is recognized by more and more people, like Jeremy Prichard introduces the social media sentiment analysis (SMSA) might be used as a future empirical tool to measure the public opinions and attitudes to crimes (cite), and Perin Michelle points out that social media is beneficial in reducing crime rates (cite). The association between social media and crime becomes stronger with the development of social media. From the traditional social media (radio and newspaper) to the new social media (telephone and computer), the role of an audience’s engagement with crimes changes from a “passive audience” to a “proactive participant” (cite). Although the social media is important in the contribution toward criminology studies, whether the social media real reflect the proportion of crimes rates have to be considered.…

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