Unemployment Rate in Texas Introduction Unemployment has been a constant problem not only in the United States but also among developed, emerging economies across the globe. Though the United States government is always trying to curb this problem formulating various policies, it still remains a challenge for the country. Authorities at different levels within the country are also concerned with the issue of unemployment within their territories.  The state of Texas has constantly been monitoring the situation of unemployment within its territories over the years. There are two standardized measures used in estimating the unemployment rate within the United States. These include the U3 and U6 unemployment rates. U3 unemployment rate denotes the number of individuals who are jobless but are constantly seeking unemployment. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) always conducts a monthly survey in which it randomly samples 60,000 households. BLS considers views from individuals who are 16 years old or older.  On the other hand, the U6 unemployment rate denotes all jobless individuals who have been actively seeking unemployment in the last 12 months and left discouraged…

Business Plan for Yellow Door Renewable Energy Plant Executive Summary Yumi Coffee Café is going to be one of the best hang out the place for the lovers of various coffee flavors. We are the last step in developing one of the most affordable, convenient, and comfortable cafés which will majorly deal with serving delicious snacks and high-quality coffee. Our main aim is to be able to hit 99% customer return target by satisfying the needs of the first time customers in the market. To achieve the objective, we are going to set up the business in one of the most convenient site and through the offering of high-quality customer service experience. Food industries are gaining a lot of boost due to all-time high demand (Herschdoerfer, 2012). It is not easy for one to stay without food for some days and so any person walking needs a place to have some get together meetings with coffee or take coffee with some snacks to treat hunger. Some come to the coffee shops to boost their time and so it is one…

INNOVATION IN SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES Abstract Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) make a substantial impact to the economy regarding innovation, growth, and employment. In addition to that, the previous literature revealed that innovativeness holds the most significant role in order to increase the growth. Nowadays, innovation is one of the priorities of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) formulated in the strategy and to strengthen their activities of building a knowledge-based economy in our country.‏ The previous literature also insights that the innovation, knowledge, entrepreneurship, and growth as interrelated Moreover, Innovations have become a necessity determinant of the successful development of every company. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have been forced to be innovative because of the permanent pressure they face from their competitors in the market. However, the capability to compete in advances plays a very essential role as an element of their competitiveness. On the contrary, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have a lack systemization and are inefficient, and thus will prevent consequent implementation and integration of innovative ideas in marketable products and services, as the aim of…

Effects of Approaches to Innovation in China and Australia Creativity is essential in ensuring harmony, sustainable development, and technology innovation in every society. It is the product of human culture and the instrument that drives its growth (Potkány et al. 2018, p. 2984). In this regard, various studies help in recognizing and reinforcing creativity (Botha et al. 2017). This essay integrates cross-cultural research to investigate distinct approaches that China and Australia use to creativity and innovation. This study is essential in understanding different approaches to creativity and their effects on innovation levels in China and Australia and also in reaching practical, sustained, and scalable solutions to the complex issues not only in these states but also in the whole world. Comparing the levels of innovation in China and Australia while focusing on the themes of education, measuring individual creativity, and differing attitudes to creativity will help researchers understand the various approaches used in measuring the levels of creativity. Educational Approaches to Creativity China and Australia have been prosperous in ensuring modernization for over three decades. The main contributor to their…

Cracking The Code To A More Diverse Tech Workforce video review The documentary video “Cracking The Code To A More Diverse Tech Workforce” presented by Karla Murthy offers critical insights on why tech companies need to diversify their workforce. Emerging reports show that the ability of the tech industry to innovate and disrupt has almost found its limits, thus calling on the need for diversification in the workplace. The situation is made evident by reports from giants of Silicon Valley like Twitter, Google, and Facebook who admit that only three to four percent of their workforce is Hispanic or black, and women are outnumbered by men by more than two to one (YouTube 2015). The documentary, therefore, highlights how tech companies are investing massive amounts of dollars trying to address the imbalance. Example of companies as presented by the video that engages in supplying funds to such programs as at 2015 include AT&T Company New York that contributed $ 100, 000 to All-Star Code, Apple Inc also spent $50 million in 2015 alone, Google invested $ 150 million. Intel invested…

The shift in the manufacturing plants In a sustainable culture, people want to maintain what they have now and will pass on them to future generations. For example, people would protect existing artistic works, historical buildings, traditional food, languages, and even livable environments. By making our culture sustainable, our children will be able to carefully observe and still feel the current cultural atmosphere after a hundred years. This paper will focus on discussing how Guangzhou, one of the fastest-growing cities in China, preserves its culture, and makes it sustainable in terms of environmental protection. The city of Guangzhou has risen to be a first-tier city in China with the majority of production and shipping by local and foreign companies taking place daily. As a result, the city has increased the income and lifestyle of the local community. However, in the rapid rise in industrialization and urbanization, the environment became inhabitable due to the increase in pollution. There was a remarkable change in Guangzhou’s environmental policies that the government asked to remove a large number of plants and industries in the…

abolishment of social media and electronics The world is facing a growing g problem on social media and electronics. Electronics and social media were once considered a world treasure, but now it’s the primary cause of obesity, inadequate communication, and lack of imagination and concentration among the youth. The youth spends many hours scrolling through their social media platforms, watching television shows, and playing video games, which has indeed corrupted their mind and turned them into dull robots. Facebook has drained the intelligence of the youth resulting in the use of instant communication jargon such as OMG and LOL. A teenager will spend the whole day indoors, updating their Instagram and Twitter status every two minutes. Video games have limited the imagination of youths. Their lives have been turned to those of robots that only move with a press of a button. To end his crisis, I propose the abolishment of social media and electronics, at least among the youth, which will save humanity, making the child more responsive, intelligent, and exciting kind. With government intervention, it is possible to…

How to Promote Your Company Culture to Attract the Right Candidates Most of the successful businesses are built on the solid foundation of great talent. This means that for your company to effectively meet its goals, you have to attract the top talent. The corporate brand reflects your market, clients and business and financial successes. However, the employer brand is highly dependent on how job seekers perceive your company. Most of the top talent perceive what your company culture looks like, whether it aligns with their values and whether they will be satisfied while working for you. Despite your company’s external reputation, every job seeker wants to feel that they can fit internally, feel happy and motivated. Why Company Culture is Important in Attracting Talent Company culture is not just about crafting a unique external perception to spark qualified potential candidates, but it is a reality that aligns with your organization’s visions and missions. According to research done by LinkedIn, potential job seekers are much more concerned about the recruiter’s company culture and want lots of information in the first…

Albero Air Purifier Introduction Albero is a highly reputable air purifier that uses classic nano-purification technology. It is suitable for use both in homes and offices. The 3-in-1 air purifier can detect bacteria, allergens, odours, toxic chemicals and viruses. After detecting the harmful microorganisms and unwanted particles, it destroys them by turning them into water, harmless base compounds or carbon dioxide. The purifier can clean an entire room in less than two hours and eliminates all the air pollutants present in the room. It is said to be a 3 in 1 purifier because it has three components: Air quality monitor Air purifier Curated lamp   Features of Albero Air Purifier Ultra-silent Mode Albero’s cleaning mode is quieter more than a whisper. You can use the purifier to clean your room and still get a perfect sleep. The ultra-silent technology allows you to breathe clean air comfortably with no disturbance.   Mobile App Albero has an intuitive app for android and iOS. Therefore, with network connectivity, you can control your air purifier from anywhere. This allows you to clean your…

Continuous Integration on Cloud Versus on Premise: A review of integration tools INTRODUCTION   1.1 Continuous Integration Overview   Globally, computing technologies are emergent. Businesses are paying close consideration to cloud computing technologies to attain a competitive edge through the deployment of efficient and cost-saving mechanisms in their companies.  Cloud computing brings with it the complexities and paradigms of infrastructure, interface, software development.  To scale down on time, businesses need to market new features of their products. They have turned to modern development practices, including continuous Integration of the cloud infrastructure.  Continuous Integration of the cloud is dependent on business goals.   Continuous Integration commences with software integration. Software integration as part of the development cycle is the practice of linking components of software together to attain a single unified system [1].  Continuous Integration is, therefore, a process of software development, a software engineering concept where developers release their design codes more frequently (continuously) to identify and correct issues earlier as they occur [2]. Continuous Integration is one of the extreme programming (XP) practices that help to reduce efforts for…

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