importance of sharing knowledge among employees Babalola and Omotayo, in their article, emphasize the importance of sharing knowledge among employees. The article suggests it is important to share knowledge and information on a wide range of items and issues among employees. At the organizational level, many issues and matters affect employees, and thus, sharing of information can help to increase knowledge and improve productivity (Babalola & Omotayo 2017). However, many employers and managements deny employees the right to share information, particularly those relating to salary and compensations. From the video, the speaker suggests that employers tend to conceal a lot of information such as those relating to wages thus, hindering effective sharing of knowledge among the employees. Nevertheless, this article supports the employee’s side by advocating for effective knowledge sharing in organizations and firms. The authors add that sharing of information and other work-related matters is associated with many benefits, such as being socially and economically fit among the employees. Article 2 Bakshi and Singh form another duo of scholars who analyze issues that pertain to the welfare of the…

principles and challenges of supervision Supervision in the workplace is the act in which a manager oversees the activities that its employees or machines do. Supervision forms a pivotal role in any company as it can directly affect the production. Supervisors play different roles in a company. In most instances, after recruitments, new employees do not necessarily know how some duties are completed, and it is the role of supervisors to ensure they become proficient. Another function of supervisors is employee training. Sometimes a company introduces the use of new machines, and employees might not be conversant with their use. It is the role of supervisors to organize for training on the application. Also, supervisors conduct practices that help in improving the productivity of a company. Various principles can help a manager to become a good supervisor. The principles include time management, democracy, and communication. Supervision is faced with different challenges. The challenges include retention, stress, and team-building problems, among others. This paper discusses the principles and challenges of supervision. Communication is a principle that is essential in supervision. As…

digital technology makes us more productive at work Technology has seen massive advancement and progress in the recent past. Consequently, this massive development and advancement have resulted in digital technology being used in nearly every workplace. Computers, smartphones, tablets, modern cars and flashy automobiles, and other gadgets are some of the elements of digital technology. Besides, these elements and devices are found in most organizations and departments across the globe. Some of the key benefits that digital technology has brought include automation and enhanced speed and storage systems, which improve productivity. These benefits are accrued from the use of innovations like smartphones, computers, modern vehicles, machines, and other gadgets that have been invented by digital technology. Therefore, I believe digital technology makes us more productive at work. The improved speed is one of the ways that digital technology makes us more productive at work. Digital technology has been modernizing for an extended period, and the trend is still the same today (MacDonald, 2016). Improved speed is one of the goals that tech gurus and experts aim at when modernizing and…

Healthcare in America Healthcare in America is estimated as being twice as expensive as the cost in any picked developed country like Australia or Canada. Suppose the 3 trillion dollars United States healthcare industry was ranked separately as a country, it would occupy the fifth position in world economy rankings (Boudreau, 2017). The high cost of care in America is attributed to administrative costs, drug costs, defensive medicine, the expensive mix of treatments and many other factors (Gaffney, 2018). Universal health care has been suggested as a financing model that could save the country trillions of US dollars in the American health care sector (Gaffney, 2018). Universal health care system is considered cheaper and ensures that all citizens have access to high quality and affordable medical care. Universal health care plans are offered by the federal governments to all people regardless of their ability to pay. Of all the 33 developed countries globally, the United States is the only country that lacks comprehensive universal health care, and this has been attributed to the astronomical costs of health care and inaccessibility…

  Factors influencing the popularity of mobile devices   Factors influencing the popularity of mobile devices There are various factors that influence the use of mobile devices among individuals. It offers great flexibility, accessibility, and freedom to the users. Some of the prime reasons for the increased popularity of mobile devices are discussed below. Improved network coverage With the faster internet speed (4th Generation and 5th generation) coming in and continuously improving network coverage area, the Internet service providers (ISP) have made it feasible and an option that is feasible and can be used in remote areas as well. Now the telecom companies are erecting more and more towers by each passing day to give their subscribers a more comprehensive coverage. Physically smaller The mobile device, like cell phones, tablets, pods, and laptops, is shrinking in size like anything. We can still remember the bulky cordless telephones and the mobile phones, which were available ten to fifteen years back, it was the same with the laptop and other mobile devices, and they were heavy and unmanageable. However, the mobile device…

Transformational vs. Transactional leadership Introduction Every manager has a distinctive style of leadership, ranging from autocracy to micromanagement. The type of leadership implemented determines the performance of the company and how the employees carry themselves in the organization. Transactional and transformational leadership are amongst the leadership styles that are commonly adapted by managers to boost employee performance and accomplish change in the organization, and it is important for managers to understand the difference between the two. Transactional leadership Max Weber was the first person to identify transactional leadership theory in 1947. He was then backed up by Bernad Bass in 1981.  They describe the transactional leadership style as a style concerned with the basic management process of controlling the flow of operations in an organization. Managers control, organize, and plan for daily operations. The employees are expected to obe the instructions issued by the leader. Leaders use both rewards and punishments as a means to motivate employees. When the employee performs as desired, then they are issued a reward, but punishment is issued to the one who fails to meet…

Quick Trip Case Study Quick Trip (QT) Corporation is a series of over 500 stores founded in 1958 by Chester Cadieux and Burt Holmes. The company operates mainly in Tulsa, but it has offices in the Southern United States. In 2011, the company had planned to open 33 new stores in the existing markets and North Carolina, which was perceived to be a new market. Each year, the company earns approximately $9.16 billion. This number has made Forbes rank it as the top-earning private company in the United States. Quick Trip aims at providing convenience to its customers and be on the highest level through opening up more locations in high volume. Quick Trip Operation Strategy To actively gain a competitive advantage in terms of sustainability, the company focuses on making sure its customers receive the best services. It does this by using customer-driven strategies such as providing the customers with the best possible gasoline products and other things the customers might require as they travel. Likewise, they are opening up new stores around the country to maintain the convenience…

IMPACTS OF GLOBAL HEALTH INITIATIVES ON HIV/AIDS Introduction Good health is a matter of the essence in everyone’s wellbeing. For a long time, having sound health systems has been a priority in almost all countries around the globe. The main reason being, without good health, then the economy is most likely going to fail. A growing and prosperous country starts with the health of its citizens. Health systems in most countries are not as stable as they should be. Therefore, health care initiatives have been established that help in mostly funding health. Take, for instance, a country that has been affected by war will most likely have weak health systems and structures (GCT, 2020). Access to health care is essential. If they are no good hospitals, then the country’s economy is also likely to fail. Maternal health care is one of the most critical systems. If the government cannot provide for its people maternal care, then they risk having death related to this. Affecting the country’s population and exposing its citizens to infections transmitted through birth. In the recent past, HIV/AIDS…

The Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Quality of Nursing Work Life in Hospital Introduction The human resource of the hospital comprises of clinical and clinical help faculty, nursing staff, drug store workforce, the executive’s staff, and the non-wellbeing workforce. Nurses are the biggest gathering of representatives in the hospital. Increased profitability execution of nurses is required to fulfill the needs of improving the quality of wellbeing administrations. Notwithstanding, most nurses have restricted command over their workload. Nurses other than working as per limit likewise often invest a great deal of energy accomplishing work outside of nursing activities. With the goal that medicinal services foundations ought to make a sound work condition that advantages nurses and patients, screens wellbeing and prosperity, and empowers substantial conduct for nurses (Fibrisari et al., 2017). Quality of Nursing Work Life (QNWL) is a marker of nurse fulfillment with their work and ready to see open doors for circumstances in the work condition (Gayathira et al., 2013). The impact of QNWL is to cause a positive relationship with work connections and full of feeling responsibility, which…

 transformational leadership As competition continues to become detrimental in the 21st century, leadership has become one of the tools that several organizations are using to gain competitive advantage. According to Al Harbi, Alarifi, and Mosbar, leadership influences employees’ values, behaviors, practices, and attitudes towards the obtainment of the projected organizational goals (1082). Despite these roles, effective leadership ought to spur the follower’s creativity to enable them to come up with innovative solutions that can give their entities an edge over competitors. Innovation is considered critical in organizational management because it supports employees to address existing and foreseeable problems effectively (Harbi et al. 1082). While leadership is essential to instilling a sense of creativity among followers, some approaches to management have been found to be more effective than others. Available literature confirms that transformational leadership is powerful in empowering employees to become highly creative (Al-Amin; Zhang, Zheng, and Darko). Evidence from these studies underlines the importance of adopting this type of leadership in managing employees. Organizations in Qatar can significantly benefit from the adoption of transformational leadership to instill creativity in…

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