PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AS TOOL TO CONTROL AND DEVELOP WORKFORCE Introduction Human capital plays a significant role in running a business organization.  This explains why big and reputable business firms are putting extra efforts to hire qualified and skilled human resources (Simmonds, Porter & Bingham, 2008). A useful human resource is significant in maintaining the right image and reputation for the organization. However, choosing the best team for human resources is not an easy task. For this reason, most of the reputable business firms have separate human resource departments.  Human resource management plays various roles in the success of an organization. Their roles include training of employees, recruitment of employees, rewarding, and performance management (Simmonds, Porter & Bingham, 2008).  The paper will focus on performance management and its negative and positive impacts on the performance of employees in a business. Performance Management Performance management has gained popularity as a critical feature for labor management in both private and public organizations (Marther & Seifert, 2011).  It is an integrated and strategic approach to assessing the performance of a team or individual towards…

                        China Communist Party Struggle Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation China Communist Party Struggle The communist party of china is the ruling party of China and also the biggest party in the country. It was founded in 1921 by Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao. The China Communist Party victory marked a monumental change in the history of China, the far east, and also in international relations. The party’s success was owed to various factors affecting the country then. The fact that the peasant armed forces were completely isolated from urban working much helped the party win the civil war. The party relied heavily on the peasant armed forces to destroy the old regime and seize power. China, at the time, was also filled with corrupt and incompetent officials who wasted government resources. The economic downfall in the cities led to thousands of labor strikes of nurses, students, and another government workforce (Ishikawa, 2018). The heavy taxes imposed on the people of China, unemployment of more than half of the population…

Technological Generation Gap Theodis White University of Maryland Global Campus                             Technological Generation Gap Workplaces in the twenty-first century rely on a varied workforce to supply a wide variety of solutions. The labor market in the twenty-first century has people from four generations, which include traditionalists, baby boomers, and generations X and Y. The dynamic economic conditions observed in the modern workforce motivate companies to delay the retirement age, which leads to many people from earlier cohorts returning to the labor market. Every generation of employees brings a unique set of values, traits, and worldviews. The process of unifying the expertise of people from different age brackets presents a challenge to manage and motivate the workers. The generation gap realized in workplaces includes the differences in the outlook, opinions, beliefs, skills, attitudes, and behaviors. The impacts of these factors become transparent in the application of technology in the workplace. Traditionalists and baby boomers tend to have a lower level of competency when it comes to using various…

Both physical and mental health characterizes the well-being of human beings. However, today’s treatment, as well as the significant mental health models, fail to conveniently address mental illness challenges, which causes about 33% of adult disability in the world.  Health maintenance organizations (HMO) should hence improve the insurance of mental illnesses to ensure that mental and physical treatment receive the same attention. Improving mental health insurance is vital due to a large number of mental illnesses in the US. In 2008, congress passed the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, which held that mental health illnesses and physical problems received equal attention. In 2010, the Affordable Care Act was passed and required individual and small-group health plans sold to marketplace insurances to cover health illnesses on comparable levels with medical provisions (Dangor, 2019). Parity rules were also enacted in 2016 by congress to provide low-income citizens with managed Medicaid plans since it covers most of the federal-state health sectors. Enacting the rules has been partially successful since insurers cannot charger higher deductibles or copays for mental health or set…

Why Latino Citizens are Worrying More About Deportation Latino refers to any individual considered to be part of an ethnic background that is Spanish speaking. In most cases, these individuals are from a Spanish speaking country. When the debate about heritage is posted online, the discussion might become pretty and heated. There are some reported cases where some Latinos claim to be more Latino than others even though they all speak Spanish. Others are perceived not to be Latino enough, although they speak the same language, Spanish (Callister, 2019). According to the news reported on April 6, 2020, at 2111hours SAST by Asad L. Asad an assistant professor of sociology at Stanford University, there have been many cases of fears that Latino citizens are being deported from the U.S. in his report, he claims that concerns on the deportation of Latino US citizens are on the rise. He reports that about 41 per cent of Latino citizens showed their fears on removal in 2007, whereas this number increased in 2018 to 48%.  This represents about 13.6 million of Latino U.S. citizens who…

The Defeat of the Equal Rights Amendment      The failure to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, after its passage through both Houses of Congress in 1972, lies within the belief and value systems of the non-supporters. The opposition to the Amendment by highly educated and intellectual women contributed to its failure to be ratified by the required number of states. The Equal Rights Amendment was an attempt to prohibit discrimination based on sex. It was first proposed back in 1923 by a woman named Alice Paul. (Equal Rights Amendment, 2010).  Paul was the founder of the National Woman’s Party.  Although she found success with her work within the Suffrage movement, Paul saw that only as a stepping stone. Paul wanted equality among the sexes in more than just the voting realm. This innate desire of Alice Paul’s caused the drafting of the Equal Rights Amendment.  The Amendment was continually introduced in each Congressional session from 1923 until 1972 to no avail. (The History of the Equal Rights Amendment, n.d.).  It was in the late 1960s, that women, again attempted to…

Workers are more inclined to work at home Workers are more inclined to work at home. But the main question is, does working from home affect performance and productivity? Let’s have a look at both of them. Working in the office Some companies are still rigid that office workforce enhances motivation and, therefore, high productivity. Companies that practice open office layout tend to hold more on office workforce. This is because they enjoy economies of scale, which is characterised by low office overhead costs. According to workplace analytics, work redesigning is creating a more cost effective and productive workplace for workers. The majority of United Kingdom workers still operate in a traditional office. Your pretty familiar with an open space, with a water cooler, and access control room and windowless cubicles. While technology advancement makes remote working feasible, companies still want to keep their employees on site. There are disadvantages of remote workforce and equally several advantages of the office workforce. Should companies allow their employees to work from home? After all, we are in the digital age, where you…

obligation to learn the different cultures of the world Introduction All cultures, with their respective traditions and customs, are distinctive and exclusive. People express and follow an ideology in-built in them. There is such a disparity between East and West cultures that cultural mix-ups and conflicts are not unusual. The exploration of another culture is an enjoyable activity and experience anyone can have. Every aspect of life is permeated by culture. Whether you go live in Beijing, holding overseas in Vietnam, or you stay in the United States, it can lead to exciting outcomes, often confusing, because of the interaction between your cultural norms and those of your new environments. What may seem suitable or natural to your own culture sometimes contradicts the expectations of the country you visit. More often than not, the very thing that makes travel so unforgiving and developmentally vulnerable is the introduction to these new social behaviours, practices, and ideas. In reality, the influence of travel while interning in a foreign country is particularly strong. The management of companies abroad calls for an understanding of…

Agency’s Law and Ethics of Hiring a Diverse Workforce Due Week 7 and worth 250 points Refer to the Scenario for Assignments 1, 2, 3, and 4 Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: Analyze at least two (2) laws or two (2) court decisions that have implications to the agency’s personnel management. (Title this section “Laws Affecting the Agency”) Evaluate the agency’s approach to LGBTQ issues, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses. (Title this section “Personnel Recruitment and Hiring Practices”) Evaluate the agency’s approach to ethics and diversity training programs provided for new and existing employees, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses. (Title this section “Ethics and Diversity Training”) Recommend at least two (2) actions the agency could take to improve in the areas of recruiting and training a diversified workforce. (Title this section “Recommendations for Recruiting and Training a Diversified Workforce”) Appropriately incorporate at least four (4) quality sources. A quality source can be either popular, such as a news article, or scholarly, such as peer reviewed works. In the case of public administration, government websites…

MANAGING SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES AND ETHICAL ISSUES IN A DIVERSE WORKFORCE M4A1 Short Essay Paper: Managing Social Responsibilities and Ethical Issues in a Diverse Workforce. Your task is to describe an ethical issue and how it is impacting the organization. In addition, your essay needs to provide details of the dilemma along with a detailed recommendation on how the organization should proceed. The nature of ethical decision-making is recognition, analysis and resolution. Most of the time we don’t make a decision because it’s ethical, but rather based on business; ethical decisions happen “after the fact.” After completing this activity, you will be better prepared to make those tough ethical decisions at work. Please refer to the APA Writing Guide provided in this week’s reading/viewing area for any questions you have on this paper. In addition to the APA Writing Guide, please structure your essay papers using the following format: Section One- Thesis: Your thesis, or topic sentence, tells the reader what your essay will discuss.[unique_solution] In just one or two sentences, discuss what information your paper will cover; this will help…

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