Death at midnight Death at midnight is a provocative story of Donald. A. Cabana narrating his encounters in Parchman Prison, where he worked as a prison warden. When Cabana initially arrived at Parchman, the prison was more of a farm. Inmates labor was used to accomplish a lot of tasks around the prison. They raised cotton and other crops such as soya beans, vegetables, and extraction of turpentine. Prisoners also slaughtered domestic animals such as cows and pigs. They spent much of their jail time working on the farms except in winter when the weather too cold for them to work. Donald Cabana says that the work kept the inmates occupied, “idleness was an issue facing many prisons.” When he first arrived at the prison, the environment was tranquil as many inmates worked outside on the farm instead of being confined in their “cages.” Those who broke the rules were punished using a leather strap. They named it “Back Annie”. Some were forced to stand for hours on an open-ended sofa crate for breaking the penitentiary rules. Besides, most parts…
The Purposes of adjusting and closing journal entries Every business conducts several transactions in its day to day operations. A business records its transactions in journal entries here hey can state the relevant account, its effects on the credit and debit accounts (double entry) plus additional comments to explain why the company recorded them. Journal entries, however, are recorded daily depending on how intensive the business operations are. To get an accurate reflection of the expenses and incomes generated throughout the accounting period; therefore, the business adjusts the journal entries entered throughout that period. After adjusting the journal entries, the company gets an accurate figure on closing entry. Adjusting entries and closing entries serve the following purposes to the business. The first purpose of adjusting and closing journal entries is to meet the accrual concept of accounting. Most transactions that the business conducts throughout its existence can affect (for more than accounting period) the revenues (income) and expenses generated or incurred. The accrual concept of accounting, on the other hand, requires the business to recognize the expenses in the accounting…
Cultures have different aspects making it significantly hard to understand one in its entirety. To follow the Aboriginal Culture, I will contact an older adult with a vast knowledge of the matter and then build from there. To better understand the link between alcohol abuse and domestic violence, I will consult with a victim of domestic violence, preferably a wife and a man who had such inclinations to know better how alcohol translates most of the time to force. Some very many homeless people are mentally ill. To get the best information on how both are linked, I will find a counselor who works with the sick and also interview an ill person to understand why homelessness can bring mental illnesses. To accommodate these cultures, I will extensively research their norms an how they work to steer away from any misunderstandings. To assess Nicole’s well being, I will employ the most straightforward method, which is by observing her and asking questions on how she feels. This will cover the physical aspect, and by getting to ask questions, I…
Becoming an informed Voter Course Date Public Relations The politics of Virginia has always taken significant historical changes since the eighteenth century. After the U.S Civil war that took place between the years 1861 and 1865, Virginia was under political turmoil. West Virginia had forty-eight counties, and she was about to be joined by two other more counties. Virginia appealed to the United States’ Supreme Court but with no success. The United States Senator William Mahone lost control of Virginia politics in the late 18th century. The White Democrats regained the state legislature and proceeded to use the new constitution at around 1901. At around the year one thousand nine hundred and sixty, the white Democrats created a one-party state which was operational and went unchallenged up to around the middle of the 20th century. In the middle of the 20th century, there emerged the Byrd Organization headed by Harry F. Byrd, controlled the Virginia politics. Through the…
The Best Spray Foam Insulation Repairs are widespread in the buildings. The building got old and was out as time goes by. It is very important to find a way of repairing the worn out parts as you seek to make your home look neat. There are so many ways of repairing the houses. For instance, you can do floor repairs, roofing repairs, and painting repairs. In all kinds of repairs, you need a contractor who will help in the repairing process. There are so many factors one should have in mind while choosing the best contractor ever. The contractors are different with different abilities. Therefore, choosing the best contractor of them all is so challenging, the following are some of the considerations to look at as you want the best contractor of them all. Firstly, check on the experience of the company. Choose on the firm that has been doing the work over some time. Firms that are new in the market may make errors in the learning process. Avoid such firms as much as possible. It is…
The Best Name Badges Usually, people attend different ceremonies in different places. It is essential to have inscriptions on the badges. As a matter of fact, there are so many firms that deal with putting name tags on the buttons. However, it is not very easy to get the best firm for markers. There are several guidelines one should look at while choosing an agency for the formation of the pins. In the present world, people like to be identified in the simplest way possible. It was, therefore, useful to have the badges ready for use at any point in time. The following are some tips to look at as you choose the best agency for name badges and tags. Firstly, look at the cost of the service. It is good to judge the value of the budges before choosing a firm to help in the preparation of these name badges for your use. Different agencies will charge an unusual amount of money. It is upon you to carefully check into the market changes to choose one of the best…
Compensation: It’s a philosophy thing Organizations have different philosophies about payment. Some want to be industry leaders; some want to be competitive but not leaders, while others want to trail the market. Some reward seniority, while others want to focus exclusively on merit. As a manager, it is crucial to carefully choose the mode of compensation depending on the growth strategy and type of company, while considering the costs, benefits, impact on HR, staffing and company profitability of each approach. Before making this decision, a manager has to ascertain that the method chosen is in line with the company’s goals and objectives for future success. As a manager, my approach to compensation would be on merit. Here, payment is purely based on employee accomplishments, and advancement is never guaranteed unless good results are produced. Every employee aims to grow in their career and advance to positions that offer better benefits and higher pay. To give them an incentive to better the company while at the same time, achieve their goals, I would reward outstanding top-performing employees. This approach creates healthy…
Spanish Teacher Career Introduction The Spanish teacher should know key parts of legislation, administrative prerequisites and codes of practice on identifying with the students s own roles and responsibilities. The Spanish educator ought to give their students their first concern, and are responsible for accomplishing the most achievable standards in work and conduct ( Umpstead et al 2016) Educators act with honesty and respectability; have solid subject learning, keep their insight and abilities as instructor’s up to date are self-basic; manufacture positive expert connections; and work with guardians to the greatest advantage of their students. They keep elevated requirements which move, propel and challenge learners build up a safe and empowering environment for students, established in common. The Spanish teacher should show professional integrity by meeting their professional responsibilities consistent with the institute’s professional values .They use reasonable professional judgment when discharging differing responsibilities and duties to learners, friends, institution and the wider profession ( Umpstead et al 2016). During their profession they are required to uphold the reputation of the profession by never unjustly or knowingly destroying the professional…
consequences of tourism on marine pollution in Australia Introduction Sustainability is termed as the sense of responsibility that leads to wise use of the available resources and protect them for the future generations (Wanamaker, 2018). Sustainability is discovered and managed in wide reference of time and space such as social, economic and environmental contexts which includes planet Earth, ecosystems, nations, sustainability of economic sectors, home gardens, occupations, goods and services, oceans, agriculture and many others. This indicates that the responsibility towards the nature and natural resources whether to use them in appropriate manner or avoid them from pollution in an organised manner will lead to sustainability. This essay emphasise on the analysis of the consequences of tourism on marine pollution in Australia. The essay will discuss sustainability concerns in environmental, social and economic point of view that has lead to a need of sustainable practices to overcome the threat of loss of not only the resources but the entire eco-system, locality and tourism. The essay also entails the steps that are already taken and can be taken to deal with…
locality development Suppose the quality of life in your community is declining. The major employer has packed up and moved to a place where labor and utilities are cheaper. Without steady paychecks, a lot of people in town don’t have the money to keep up their houses and yards, or to support charitable organizations. Many people have found other jobs, but have to commute long distances to get to them. In some of the worst situations, individuals and families have become homeless, and are living in shelters or in their cars. Violence has increased, partially because those long commuting times leave many youth unsupervised during off-school hours, partially because of increasing substance abuse brought on by people’s difficult circumstances. The community has turned into a depressed and depressing place, and most citizens feel powerless to do anything about it. How can you change this situation so that people start to take action to improve their lives? One answer is to convince people that they can make a difference and get them to work together in thinking out what they can…