Adam Brandenburger’s             Adam Brandenburger’s article presents anew view on marketing in the hospitality and tourism industry. It puts to question the various strategies used in marketing by hoteliers such as advertisements in media and their effectiveness. Marketing must focus on the accumulated benefit that individuals are likely to acquire from visiting a place. In contrast, most businesses focus on the services they provide. In analyzing this perspective, special consideration must be provided for products that are bilateral and or complimentary (Noble, 2010). Adam argues that showcasing products over benefits is like ‘a dog barking at an old tree’. Meaning there will be no benefits arising from the actions. The 4C framework consists of the most valuable aspects of marketing, which include communication, consumer wants and needs, convenience, and costs. The 4Cs are useful in determining the success of a marketing or branding campaign (Blurry, 2020). Communication involves brand interactions with the consumer, and convenience involves understanding the availability of the product to the target audience. Finally, consumer wants, and need entails consideration of all desires of the individuals and…

immigrants who seek to utilize the prospects and enjoy freedoms that are bestowed to Americans from different parts of the world. Ideally, the American identity is not reserved for a particular racial, ethnic, or social group, but it encompasses everyone who embraces the nation’s values, spirit, and citizenship. However, most immigrants who embrace being American struggle identity issues as they try to reconnect with their traditions and culture. The play “Disgraced” and the film “Todays Special’ explore the dilemma American immigrants face at watershed periods of their lives. The protagonists, Samir from the film and Amir in the play, are immigrants from the Middle East who struggle to find a middle ground between their American and Middle Eastern identities and culture. Even though both protagonists were proud Americans and embraced this identity, they struggle to reconnect with their cultures resulting in an identity crisis. Complexities faced by Americans with dual identities In the movie “Today’s Special,” the protagonist Samir has wholly immersed himself in the American culture. Even though he was of Indian descent, he works as a sous chef…

Personal Thinking Styles       Personal Thinking StylesSection Points Description Title Page Title of your applied research paper, your name, course number and title, name of professor, and date. Personal Thinking Styles 15 Identify your thinking styles: What are your “primary” (highest percentile score) and “backup” (second highest percentile) personal thinking styles? Discuss how your primary and backup personal styles are manifested in your life and work. Using the style interpretations in the rationality test, describe the styles and give your perceptions about the results. Do you agree or disagree with them and why? What is your limiting (lowest percentile score) thinking style? How is this limiting your professional effectiveness? What can you do to nurture this style? Impact on Management Style 15 What impact do your personal styles have on your management style? Explore and assess the impact of your styles on your effectiveness as a manager in terms of the four functions of management, listed below. ·         Planning ·         Organizing ·         Leading ·         Controlling If you are currently not a manager, assume you are and predict your…

Being falsely accused of malpractice Being falsely accused of malpractice, or given a false peer-review, can have a devastating impact on a medical professional’s career. Unfortunately, numerous physicians, nurses, and doctors are subjected to this type of behavior each year. Not only can a false peer-review result in a doctor’s termination, but it can drastically impact their ability to find another job in the future. Unfortunately, there are several cases where medical professionals are wrongfully subjected to sanctions from the medical board certification organization as a result of false reports to the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB). When medical professionals are falsely reviewed, they must take various steps to protect their legal rights and get the justice they deserve. Working with afraud defense attorney will ensure your legal rights are protected while dealing with these unfortunate situations.  

Peer Rejection as a Serious Challenge Negatively influencing Academic Excellence and Behavioral Outcomes Issues First Issue: Peer Rejection as a Serious Challenge Negatively influencing Academic Excellence and Behavioral Outcomes There is a close relationship between aggressive behavior and poor academic performances in learners under the prevailing condition of peer rejection. This view ascends from the fact that peer rejection deprives learners of socialization during the learning process. Such deprivation affects the learning domains, including the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. The disturbances imposed upon the learning domains results in the adoption of aggressive behavior and backwardness in academic performance. Reactive (aggression in reaction to provocation) and proactive aggression (objective-oriented calculated aggression) subtypes of aggression which arise from peer rejection have differential effects on executive functioning and verbal intelligence capacities. Thus peer rejection mediates a core role between academic performance and other vital dimensions of life, such as communication skills. Peer rejection leads to social exclusion, which affects victims’ development in social and emotional domains. Peer rejection makes victims despondent in their immediate environment and indeed resort to finding solace in…

Organizational Content for Professional Practice Dear Sir, Re: Request for Funding for the Building Solid Foundation Agency Building solid foundations is pleased to present this proposal for your review. The Foundation wishes to convey the sincere request for the funding of our case management services to cater for the provision of subsidized rental homes for low-income families. The low-income individuals and families who will benefit from the program proposed in the attached proposal are currently living in homeless shelters. The plan will outline a case management program to help these underprivileged individuals and families get decent and housing. The program will also provide other services and skills such as resume writing skills, referrals to job training, and financial management alongside budgeting skills. Building Solid Foundation has worked with other organizations in the past to provide these services in other areas of the country. The Foundation embarked on an expansion phase recently, and the extension plan covers the provision of similar functions as the ones described above to other regions in the country. This expansion is the main driving force towards…

Shattered Glass I think that the significance is that they want to tell us that the movie was issued for young people. It displays the silly mistake people do at a tender age. Some mistakes can even affect your future career or your whole life. This would pertain to generation Y. Stephen Glass knows how to get along with his colleague and boss. He knows how to win the trust of his colleagues and boss. He uses his colleagues and boss’s trust for his advantage to publish fabricated articles. When you become excellent, you will attract people’s attention. Employees of other magazines, such as Adam, found Stephen Glass’ s article was fabricated, this led to Stephen Glass getting fired. F Chuck is the most ethical character in the movie. He found that Glass had problems and persisted in the investigation. Finally, He did not cover up Stephen Glass’s mistakes for the sake of the company. Because his colleagues supported him, and he thought Chuck would forgive him like Michael. Caitlin got affected by his lies If a writer has a…

Reply to Kaitlin Ross Hey Kaitlin             Hello Kaitlin, thanks for sharing! I was interested in your post since I also chose to practice nursing within the scope and regulations of the Texas Nursing Practice Act. I agree that in Texas, registered nurses are required to supervise LVNs as they undertake certain duties in the hospital. Among the challenges that LVNs often face as they practice nursing include lack of enough experience hence restricting them from working in specialized areas, limiting them to advancements or pay opportunities (Benbow, Abel, Benton & Hooper, 2014). References Benbow, D. A., Abel, J. R., Benton, K., & Hooper, J. I. (2014). Beyond the Scope of Practice: Licensed Vocational (Practical) Nurses in Community Settings. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 5(3), 14-18. Reply to Christina Katsiyiannis             Hey Christina,             Hello Christina, thanks for sharing! I like your responses since they are straight forward and informative. I agree that the RN is required to be responsible for delegating LVN’s since they may not have the experience to handle all tasks effectively. Moreover, LVN’s can be beneficial in…

DECLINE OF ADDED RESPONSIBILITIES Dear Sir/Madam In line with my experience and skills, I am grateful that the company decided to add me to the newly established committee for the upcoming project. However, after considerable thought, I have come to a conclusion that I will not be able to take this offer. I was very much looking forward to being part of this committee as it is for the best interest of my company, however, with my current duties and responsibilities in the company for which I am committed to fully execute, I feel that more responsibilities that will come with this committee would burden me. For this particular committee, the stated duties and responsibilities that I should hold don’t meet the path I am taking to achieve my career goals as it is the case with my current roles. Moreover, the company does not offer any added compensation or promotion for these added responsibilities hence not motivating enough for me to take up these responsibilities. If I accepted this offer, I am confident that I will not execute the…

Career in Neuropsychology   Abstract The U.S. Department of Labor/ Employment and Training Administration sponsors the development of The Occupational Information Network (O*Net). The data provided by O*Net is utilized by millions of people annually as it is the country’s principal source of occupational information – it includes details of the employment outlook, education, job duties, training, related occupations, salary, among others. This data is valid and essential in comprehending the drastic changes in the work’s nature and its impact on the U.S economy and workforce. The present paper consists of annotated bibliographies of four sources that are related to a career in neuropsychology. The first source will be the O*Net Program, followed chronologically by a newspaper article, journal article, and lastly, a website. The annotations will summarize the occupational information in the articles and subsequently highlight the strengths and weaknesses. Occupational information is the dominant element required in the making of effective career decisions. Keywords; career in neuropsychology, neuropsychologists, career, O*Net, occupational information, brain, and behavior.             Career in Neuropsychology The human brain is…

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