How race and gender is socially constructed What are the measures for the extent to which race is perceived? Raced- based inferences stereotypes have been quickly inactivated and activated.  A person’s race has to be noticed as well as remembered before activation of a racial stereotype, and at times, racially motivated behavior takes place.  From a personal perspective, the race is described as a grouping of human beings that is based on shared social or physical qualities in categories that are viewed to be distinct by the community. Discrimination should not be used when describing the term race (Huang et al. n.d). Discrimination is illegal when it comes to race, and all people should respect racial differences. Are teachers in your society racists subconsciously, and do they mistreat the students by creating racist environments as they do not realize it? Racism has been a pervasive problem in my society, and it has affected schools throughout the nation. Racism in schools has been found in the way the teachers interact with the students, and in the way, the students interact with…

Career Research Overview There are different careers embraced in the field of psychology, including counseling and therapy. To engage in a career in the field of therapy is an excellent calling since the career heavily deals with helping individuals, there are many challenges that human beings experience in their existence ranging from physical issues, mental issues, suffering, stress, relationships and other forms of pain. All these are human problems, which, with the help of psychologists, can be treated. Therapists are, therefore, skilled individuals who are trained through proper techniques that can help human beings work through their problems (Dickson, Tara, and Barrett 124). The therapists play a very vital role in ensuring that the human body and mind achieve the required healing. A career in therapy is, therefore, a career that directly influences the lives of individuals. A career in therapy/counseling involves the study of human minds as well as the functioning of the brain. It aids in different facets of human development, and to be a professional therapist, one has to have several skills. Among the prerequisites of becoming…

Career Stereotypes and Identities In the article “Career Stereotypes and Identities: Implicit Beliefs and Major Choice for College Women and Men in STEM and Female-Dominated Fields (2019),” Dunlap and Barth examine the gendered nature of the beliefs people hold concerning STEM careers. By focusing on getting a better understanding of the gendered nature of the beliefs that relate to STEM careers, the authors shed more light on factors that relate to the STEM gender gap. In their analysis, they claim that both implicit and explicit beliefs have a relationship with the gendered outcomes. As a result, they suggest that implicit beliefs should not assume non-existence explicit beliefs. According to labor statistics, stereotypical beliefs hinder qualified women from pursuing STEM careers (Xue and Larson, 2015). As a result, workplaces experience critical shortages. Most men in the past who used to earn and support their families have shifted towards careers that mainly comprise of analytical skills. In contrast, women, have migrated towards social sensitivity and nurturance fields following their historical values of caring for their homes and children. These gender divisions give…

The judge said his help made no sense, so he lied and lied. Speaker 1: (00:00) [inaudible]. Hello.   Speaker 2: (00:36) The judge said his help made no sense, so he lied and lied.   Speaker 1: (00:42) He was right, though.   Speaker 3: (00:45) It didn’t ruin me,   Speaker 1: (00:49) but I was facing a big quarter. We canceled each other out that day. In order to bring him down, I had to also lose. Everything is packed between us. Karen, we wondered if you could say something to the press. I’ve drafted some souls for you. I wondered if you and John could make a joint statement. Is there and father together because I’m not giving up. Not till the truth comes out. Well, that wasn’t a child. That was a tribal state. What about the drunk dude? As Chris was talking about, has anyone been looking for folks who are involved with them? We need answers. I’m not doing a joint statement with John. You’re on your own with him. I don’t need…

Reply to Dion Mari Acha             Hello Dion,             I liked your choice of Provision 1 of the Code of Ethics for Nurses. The provision requires the nurse to advocate for and protect the patient’s health, rights, and safety. I agree that patient education is crucial in implementing the provision since it results in improved outcomes and the creation of awareness of the side-effects of the medication. Nurses can also implement this provision by advocating for the rights of their patients, as well as vulnerable populations in society (Hanks, 2013). References Hanks, R. G. (2013). Social advocacy: A call for nursing action. Pastoral Psychology, 62(2), 163-173. Reply to Megan Ulloa             Hello Megan, I was interested in your choice of Provision 5 since it emphasizes, among others, the need for continuing professional and personal growth. Professional growth is vital in nursing practice as it enables nurses to have more knowledge in a particular specialty, which creates room for higher career status (Eason, 2010). I agree that the issue of integrating social justice to healthcare and nursing can be challenging since…

Question 1 on Importance of psychological evaluations in police recruitments The case of John, a young military veteran, who joined peace police after working in low-ranking positions, is a clear indication of why psychological evaluations are essential. Prior psychological evaluations indicated that John had moderate emotional detachments and low levels of empathy. The agency decided to take him to the police academy without going through the psychological tests again. As a result, he was fired a few years after that for unreported cases of abuse of power. This outlines the usefulness of psychological evaluation and why all stages must be completed. It is at this point for the assessment that the agency determines whether an individual is emotionally and psychologically moral to uphold the rule of law and respect other people’s liberty and rights. The psychological evaluation ensures that a person has ethical standards required to take specific responsibilities. The psychologist working for the agency helps them in determining whether the person they are looking to hire must possess the necessary attributes to succeed as a police officer. The fact…

Wonder Woman Who is a Mean Girl The story is mostly Wonder Woman Who is a Mean Girl, one who Does a bad thing, which she needed to go through to make a dedication to Peace and Justice. Diana’s mom is the Queen of the Amazons. She desires a baby so badly. Then while she gets one, particularly Diana, the Queen is an absentee parent. You barely see her at all as Diana is growing up and the opposite Amazons all dote on her, or are so scared of upsetting the Queen, that Diana was never told no. So, she grows up into a selfish lady. Though the tale misplaced me at wherein, the Gods were all so touched and moved that they cried. Hera only helped the Queen due to the fact she did not need her husband to bang her, now not because she felt sorry for the Amazons about to be plundered by guys who had been quite piggish in this story. The artwork was not quite as I might have appreciated it. I sound like any…

How to Find Career Services for Education Professionals In most cases, career services are overlooked by several professionals that belong to the different fields today. People often overlook the importance of career services regardless of the fact that they are some of the best services that you will get, whether you are a student or a graduate professional. Most people would fear to seek these services since they do not know that they are cheap to acquire, and sometimes a person does not have to pay for them if he or she is a student. There are several different important things that you need to know about career services more so if you are seeking a job.   One of the professionals that need to consider using career services is the one that works in the education sector. As it is known, getting a job in the education sector can be a hard task, just as is the case with any other field in the market today. The education sector is an important one, and that is the reason why…

Gender, Ethnicity Race and Religion Gender:  this is considered as an invisible characteristic since a its used to denote an individual’s role particularly when referring to the society rather than the biological concept. Persons may be women or girls, boys or men, who are cisgender, transgender, or non-binary. Ethnicity: is a visible characteristic since one can be able to identify a person’s race, culture, religion and language just by observation Race: Race being a physical trait is considered to be a visible characteristic since one can be easily identified or recognised by the use of his or her skin colour. Religion: it being a socio cultural belief, it is considered to be an invisible, as a person’s religion traditions and symbols cannot be seen on him in order to use it as a visible characteristic. Socioeconomic status: this can be taken in as a visible characteristic since it entails a measure of an individual’s success, personal experience and his or her social and economic position. Language: this is an invisible characteristic because language is a learned system of human communication…

the social, political, and cultural characteristics of the Middle East The region between Afghanistan and the Atlantic ocean is referred to as the Middle East. This includes the East and West sectors of this region. This area is made up of nineteen countries with a population of three percent of the world’s total number. It is important to note that this region has specific and unique characteristics that they identify to. It does not mean there are not any other characteristics that define this region; however, the majority wins. Understanding the Middle East will equip us with the necessary knowledge and skills and help us understand the world better. This paper will help us understand the Middle East by looking at the social, political, and cultural characteristics of the Middle East. Social characteristics The main religion is Islam, with many people identifying it and practicing it. 93% of the population in this area is Islamic. They identify and respect the beliefs of this religion. It is important to note that Islam in the Middle East has deep roots as far…

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