career option that will inspire and fascinate me to be the best version of myself I have always believed that I would choose a career option that will inspire and fascinate me to be the best version of myself. My father is my inspiration, has always motivated me by the way he leads his life. Even after being 50 years old, he still strives to gain more knowledge every day. I appeared for my (10th equivalent) examination in the Central Board of Secondary Education in the year 2014, in which I ended up obtaining 70% from the Central Board of Secondary Education. As my grades and interest in subjects like Science and Mathematicswent hand in hand, I choose the Science stream for completion of my (12th equivalent). The year 2016 was hard on me, as I managed my studies and sports together when my 12th boards were close. As I started playing cricket from my childhood days, my interest and talent towards the same developed as I grew up. I had my inter-college tournament, and state-level matches too during boards…
External and internal recruitment 1. The company settled for external recruitment to fill the opening. This was done by placing an ad in the press. There are various platforms in which companies may advertise job openings, including job sites. However, placing an advertisement in the media is still the most common and effective way of hiring new talent and skills. Newspapers are still widely used in finding the right candidates to hire. Big Time Computers Inc. placed an advertisement in the newspapers and attracted a vast number of unsolicited applications. It is apparent that the hiring authority decided to disregard internal recruitment. This was because it was assumed that none of the employees qualified for the position. Going to external recruitment was more advantageous as it increased the chances of innovative ideas. Besides, it reduced the chances of internal politics and limiting the choices of candidates for the position. Internal recruitment may have implied having to train the employee on the new role. It would also involve conflicts and unnecessary competitiveness among the current staff. Advantages and disadvantages of internal…
Use of metaphors This study analyzes the use of metaphors in some instances. The study will prioritize in looking into detail about a case that is characterized by metaphors. Metaphor can be defined as a figure of speech that brings out an implied similarity between two things that tend to be unrelated but continues to share some standard features. According to Morgan, (2006), metaphor invites a person to identify similarities between two situations but ignoring any differences that seem in place. He continues to urge that metaphor focuses on the imagination in ways that creates insights deep within us but also at the risk of alteration. Morgan, (2006) continues to urge that any theory that is created in the study of organization and management, though capable of bring out valuable insights, is said to be incomplete, inclined, and has the potential to mislead. For example, having the notion that an organization is a “machine” creates valuable insights regarding the structure of the organization in achieving the set goals and objectives. This metaphor turns to be biased as it ignores the…
Intelligence Quotient President Donald Trump once tweeted that he has a high IQ, perhaps to associate his business success to his intelligence. Just like the president, many people believe that the general predictor of success is intelligence. This belief explains why there are a plethora of online intelligence tests that promise to measure intelligence and even predict an individual’s future success. It is noteworthy that these quizzes are often not supported by any empirical data. Instead, the psychometric tests often rely on Intelligence Quotient Tests. The popularity of these tests is proportionately linked to the fact that people are drawn to success as predicted by any apparent intelligence. However, studies indicate that intelligence is just one of the factors that contribute to success. According to Strenze (5), IQ scores cannot be used to measure every kind of success. It is quite challenging for the scores to measure any single form of success with accuracy. Additionally, the complicated definition of success implies that despite the correlation between intelligence and success is not quite definite. According to Strenze (6), intelligence and IQ…
Reflection on chapter 10 Organizations today are finding it difficult to operate and manage individuals who are not in a team and prefer when employees are in a group as this increases the productivity of the members. According to research, an organization that can operate in teamwork is usually more productive as compared to an organization that is based on individual efforts. Through proper teamwork, organizations can effectively accomplish their tasks and thus achieving their roles hkujhand this proves to be very effective, especially in the current times where an organization’s environments are changing each day. This means that managers need to be well equipped to effectively manage their teams and thus remain productive. Many organizations are embracing the use of virtual teams, especially for those that are expanding globally—one of the latest news articles in Forbes. Managing virtual teams is not easy at all, and this makes most of the virtual teams to lose focus and end up being non-productive. This particular article published in April 2020 tries to highlight some of the ways through which managers…
Part One: Professional Practice I would ensure that the results obtained from each patient are correct, reproducible, and reproducible through quality assurance. Quality would lead to reliability, timeliness, and accuracy of reported laboratory test results. Accurate results would reduce treatment complications, unnecessary treatment, delayed correct diagnosis, and the need for additional unnecessary diagnostic testing. Diagnostic errors and delayed diagnosis are prevalent in many health care settings and harm a high number of patients. Such consequences may lead to increased costs and wasted personnel effort resulting in poor health outcomes. The pathology laboratory has a complex system that involves many activities and people. Additionally, quality assurance in pathology diagnostics needs attention to detail in an approach of a multidisciplinary perspective. The complicated system requires that all the procedures and processes are appropriately performed. Therefore, the quality management system is necessary to ensure that high levels of reliability and accuracy are achieved. Quality assurance would assure that all aspects of pathology procedures, including organizational processes and structure, are addressed to guarantee quality. The quality framework would underpin patient safety by having…
Elevator Pitch How you introduce yourself matters a lot everywhere you go. The stakes are a little bit higher, in a professional setting. Basically, your introduction will determine how your audience will judge you. Therefore, you need to make it as effective and impressive as possible. To do this, you will need one important tool, the elevator speech or pitch. This pitch is all about you, your personality, and what you can do. So you need to put more effort into getting it right if you want to stand out from the crowd. Learn more about how you can use an elevator pitch in the section below. What is an Elevator Pitch? In simple and clear language, an elevator pitch is a short and quick summary of yourself. It is more of an opportunity to seek your prospect’s attention and time. It is usually a friendly and engaging form of conversation. For this reason, it can take place at any reasonable place. Whether you are at a networking event or at a conference, you can always make an elevator pitch…
Chapter IV – Results Description of the Sample The core purpose of this study was to explore the impact of an MBA Degree on career advancement and employability. The study findings were based on a survey of the Corporate Recruiter Survey 2019, GMAC’S annual survey of employers who recruits and hire MBA graduates from different business schools across the world. A total of 1,202 employers selected from 45 countries across the world responded to the survey questions. In terms of geographical distribution, the respondents were picked from Europe, Asian Pacific, and the United States. The data was collected from the analysis of the GMAC 2019, and the results finding were used to test the research hypothesis. Analysis Research Hypothesis Ho: MBA Degree has no significant impact on employability and career development H1: MBA Degree has a significant impact on employability and career development Hypothesis Testing Ho: MBA Degree has no significant impact on employability and career development To test the above hypothesis, various questions were asked to examine whether the MBA Degree had any significant impact on career advancement and employability.…
US military army I was a Registered Medical Assistant and a Certified Nursing Assistant when I joined the US military army. I could not pursue a medical degree course because of a lack of school fees but was lucky to secure a position in the military due to my medical qualification. Joining the military was “a dream come true.” I had for years aspired to work in the military so that I could offer my services to needy people. I had read and heard about the medical and psychological needs of the military people and had wanted to be a part of the team that works closely with these loyal members of the society. However, I had to join the training camp to learn a few things about my duties and the tasks I was to be assigned. My joy did not last long as I encountered several challenges which almost made me quit. The first challenge I encountered in the military was racism. The leaders in the training camp were racists and, in particular, did not like people from…
Pre-primary school Studies show that people who attended pre-primary school performed excellently in all their academic studies and have succeeded in life. Young children who participate in pre-primary schools are more likely to love the school that those who did not. They are also more creative and have well developed innovative mind by the time they complete their primary education. The reason why most parents in California do not take their children to pre-primary schools is that they cannot afford the tuition fee. The middle and high-income parents do not understand the benefits of subjecting their children to the school hustles at such an early age. Research shows that very few states have compulsory two or one-year pre-primary education. Studies have revealed that about 45 percent of the countries worldwide provide one-year free preschool education while just 27 percent provide two years of free preschool education. Researches also show that only 19 percent of the nations have made it compulsory for two years of free pre-primary schooling. In such countries, no child can be allowed to attend primary school without…