Marijuana Legalization in Canada Due to the immense economic benefits and increasing support in Canada, it is appropriate to decriminalize weed. The ideas of weed decriminalization have attracted great concern to both the political and social class. Marijuana is rated as the second commonly used drug in Canada with alcohol taking the lead. Canada citizens and political leaders positively welcomed the formal announcement from the recently elected federal government in the year 2017 about the introduction of laws in support of weed legalization. According to Hajizadeh (2016), the core purpose of the statutes includes educating citizens about the economic, social and public health benefits of marijuana use. The decriminalization of weed in Canada will be an essential source of taxes and revenues as opposed to its prohibition. Through legalization, collection of taxes will increase by 50% because of the taxes imposed on weed products. Consequently, the citizen’s money spent by the government on efforts to ban the use of weed is saved. The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce(CIBC) World Markets, 10 billion dollars will be created from weed legalization every…

Analysis of Yield Curves, Risk Premiums and Cooperate Bonds Question 1 Yield Curve The yield curve displays the level of debt interest for different maturities. It shows the return that an investor is aiming to make on loans for a specific time (Bauer & Mertens, 2018). Correlation on the vertical axis and time of maturity on the horizontal axis is shown in the graph.  At different points in the economic cycle, the curve can take various forms, but typically it slopes upwards. Throughout the broader scheme of things, finance, economists, investors, market observers, and others are involved in deciding whether interest rates for bonds will adjust depending on various maturities (Bauer & Mertens, 2018). While no one can predict the future, the yield curves help to understand the trends. Normal yield curve Normal yield curves indicate that bonds with longer maturity have higher interest rates than short-term ones because the long-range risk of keeping bonds, such as inflation, requires higher income (Bauer & Mertens, 2018).   Inverted yield curve Inverted yield curves are indicators of higher returns for short-term bonds…

US COVID-19 Response Introduction COVID-19 is a contagious disease brought about by a newly revealed virus known as the coronavirus. Those infected with COVID-19 virus often experience mild to severe respiratory disorders and can recover even with no special medical attention. Individuals who are age sixty and above, as well as those having other medical illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, severe respiratory disease, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer, are more susceptible to the coronavirus and other infections as well. Having enough information about the virus is the best way of preventing and controlling it. Many world governments are still trying to prevent and control the spread of this virus among their citizens and foreigners. This essay is will argue for and against the United States government response in handling the COVID-19 virus. The government has positively to the task of controlling the spread of the virus but has also neglected some essential measures. Positive or negative response emanates from what the government or people do after knowing its root of origin, effects as well as how it is passed from one…

EU Influence in Strategic Decisions in the Banking Sector The banking sector is a regulated industry in the globe. Major governments encourage the deregulation and liberation of the banking industry at Euro and global levels (Caporale, Rault & Sova 2015). The EU instituted the European Central Bank (ECB), and the European Banking Authority (EBA) tasked to establish a single supervisory framework for the banking industry. According to Balcerzak, Kliestik, Streimikiene, and Smrcka (2017), the EBA implements a standard set of rules to create a transparent, efficient, and stable market for EU financial products. The establishment of the EBA and ECB influences the organizational management, structure, and strategic decisions made by financial institutions across the EU. According to Chortareas, Girardone, and Ventouri (2012), regulatory agencies develop and implement rules for all banking organizations. The core strategies influenced by the EU include company reporting and auditing, payment services, and risk management (De Grauwe 2013). Additionally, EBA and ECB oversee the banking unions, insurance, pensions, and consumer financial services. The EU maintains key banking services legislation that guides and regulates the banking sector…

Immigration to the United States             This particular study is based on examining the immigrant’s perception of acculturation to the United States. I interviewed a decent African immigrant from Ghana. My interviewee was a twenty-seven-year-old man by the name Amos from Accra, Ghana. Amos had acquired a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Finance at the University of Ghana. He proceeded to a Master’s degree in Business Management at the same University. Currently, he lives in California and is pursuing another Master’s degree in the San Francisco State University. As it is common for most African students, Amos started learning English at a tender age and has more so improved his skills in communicating the language at the university level, despite that he has not specified to learn English as a core subject. Back in his home country Ghana, Amos has also been a college teacher in Accra college. His decision to come into the United States was inspired by a scholarship he was offered, and his interest in entering the American culture, which was very enthusiastic to him. Additionally, he…

THE IMF AND WORLD BANK LIKE ALL SUPRANATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ARE WEAPONS OF DESTRUCTION AGAINST HUMANITY Introduction             The World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) also referred to as the Bretton Woods institutions were formed after the Second World War in 1945. They were formed to manage how money flow within the international system, regulation of the exchange rates, and global payments to promote international trade. The goal was to attain stability in the exchange rates and encourage member States to eradicate trade restrictions. The two bodies serve as vital intergovernmental pillars supporting the world’s financial and economic stability. However, from time to time, their functions have been broadened based on the prevailing economic situations in the member countries. This has often been exacerbated due to lack of a uniform monetary policy in the world. In the movie, “IMF and World Bank are weapons of war”, Pilger narrates how the policies attached to debts offered primarily to the third world countries has caused diverse effects in those countries. The adverse effects are as a result of the operational…

blockchain as a technology that is complex and applied mostly in banking and finance Article description The article explains blockchain as a technology that is complex and applied mostly in banking and finance. Despite the complexity of the technology, the idea is simple. Blockchain enormous, global distributed operating on million devices. The article explains further that trust in the blockchain is enhanced vast collaboration and clear code. Through the trust established, it becomes easy for the company to apply the technology to make it difficult for people to cheat. The technology makes people in business to make agreements with each other, even those when they don’t know each other. Impact on the financial world The technology ensures means of direct payments low or no charges at all.blockchain permits direct payments, and traders are given a chance to pay each other. No need for the merchants and clients to pay fees since they will process payments procedure themselves safely. In this case, merchants can avoid swipe charges, while customers will avoid overdraft expenses. Blockchain has helped in making secure transactions. There…

Los Angeles Bankruptcy Attorney – (Bankruptcy) Alternatives to Bankruptcy When one is facing vast amounts of debt that they do not know how to pay, it can be stressful. Being harassed by creditors because of unpaid debt can be embarrassing, especially if you previously were in a position to pay them. When facing all these financial challenges, filing for bankruptcy may be an obvious choice, given the circumstances. However, there are other better alternatives that you can explore before deciding on bankruptcy. With an experienced bankruptcy attorney, you will be able to understand the various options available and explore the best one for you. Los Angeles Bankruptcy Attorney can help in resolving your financial challenges and decide on the best choice possible. Various Options to Filing Bankruptcy The reason one would wish to file for bankruptcy is when they are faced with overwhelming debt, and they feel it is impossible to repay it. Financial challenges happen to the best among us, and your creditors understand that. Most creditors are always willing to discuss various options of getting their debt paid…

Reputation risk management in the banking industry Introduction Reputation risk is often known as the reputation risk because, in most instances contains the loss of company financial capital, social capital as well as market share that results in the damage of the company’s reputation. Risk reputation events are known as risk violations,risk issues, safety issues, lack of sustainability. It could potentially cost the company corporate relation that can cost the company shareholders as well as business, as well as a result of the closure. We analyze reputation risk management is banking sectors and ways that one could potentially manage the risk successfully, we analyze the potential effect of reputation risk in the banking sector   Reputation risk The banking sector are more often than not subjected to the reputation risk; this could take place due to lack of bank stability, theft, employee fraud. It has seen most banks loose corporate relations that, in most cases, shareholders pulling out their shares from the banks, and this has subjected banks to temporal and sometimes permanent closure (,2018). Reputation risk management in banking…

What are the top benefits of Chapter 13 bankruptcy? Chapter 13 bankruptcy is the legal procedure that lets people repay their debts over the course of time while giving them the opportunity of keeping valuable assets, such as a home. One can only apply for this process if he has regular income. It is not like the debt will get forgiven, but rather it will get restructured with a repayment plan of three to five years. There is the flexibility of repayment, which makes Chapter 13 a viable option for the ones who have jobs and steady incomes. Some people consider it a better option than Chapter 7. Here are the top benefits of Chapter 13 bankruptcy. You get to keep the house If you are a homeowner who is behind in the mortgage payments, then you finally get the chance to catch up on those debts. According to the dove law firm, it will save your home from being foreclosed. Many applicants go for Chapter 13 because it allows them to save their precious homes. You get to consolidate…

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