DBS bank review Company introduction DBS is the number one financial services provider in Asia being present in 18 markets. Headquarters are located and listed in Singapore. DBS at Singapore captivate its vision for its stakeholders under one purpose that s to make baking more joyous (DBS Group, 2018) pp. 2. DBS Bank in Singapore has a broad base of customers, but it mostly targets the owners of SMEs.Currently, consumer, property, and enterprise customers can open new accounts with them anytime, anywhere, via their mobile devices. They digitize their consumer on-board procedures to be intuitive and straightforward, simplify templates, repopulate fields on account of consumers, and automate the whole process so that a company relationship can be initiated almost instantly. They are trying to easily incorporate banking into our consumers ‘ daily lives to make banking more comfortable to create for them more time to devote to people and things that matter to them. Products offered by DBS bank Singapore include an account for consumer’s salary where they can credit. It also provides a platform for paying bills and…
Detroit Bankruptcy Issue Detroit Municipality Demographics Recent studies have shown that the U.S had, from the past, seen several municipalities file for bankruptcy. According to the American constitution, a public institution can file for bankruptcy in the case where the current budget depicts massive deficiencies, notably where the collected income has failed to meet the municipality’s colossal expenditure. Detroit city became a victim of this scenario in 2013, thus making the history as the largest United States municipality to file for bankruptcy. Detroit’s budget had a deficit of more than $19 billion. In demographics, Detroit ‘s 5 million people comprise of white people who represent 70% of the total population, followed by the Black-Americans, who stand at 22% as three %comprise of Asians (Duggan, 2019). In this regard, the remaining percentage goes to the Native Americans and new minority groups. Detroit’s median household income, particularly among city residents, stands at $57,000. The decline of a vast economic state like Detroit attracted a considerable debate over the decision by its administration to file for bankruptcy. The fact that Detroit municipal administration…
Bank Wars and the Mexican War. “Bank war.” Bank war refers to the campaign begun by president Andrew Jackson in 1833 to destroy the second bank of NaUnited States by failing to renew its charter (Carpenter, Daniel & Schneer, 220). President Andrew Jackson, he was convinced that his opposition to the bank had won public support. The second bank was a private organization with a 20-year charter and permission to operate nationally. Relationship between killing the bank by Jackson and the Panic of 1837 “Killing the Bank” In September 1833, President Andrew Jackson announced that the government would no longer use the country’s second bank and consecutively removed federal governments using his executive power. The panic of 1837. The panic was a financial crisis brought about by the economic policies of President Andrew Jackson. The panic brought significant economic recession that went till the 1840s (Carpenter, Daniel & Schneer, 220) with the effect of an increase in the unemployment rate. In contrast, profit, prices, and wages went down. Hence, “Killing the Bank” act by the President is what led to…
EWP Design for Solar Power Bank Name Institution EWP Design for Solar Power Bank The concept of EWB challenges people to step out of their old fashioned way of doing things and embrace change by developing new alternative ways of doing things. Considering the technological advancement, through EWB, it is possible to solve the problems of different communities. By people stepping out of their cultural practices, they can develop design solutions that would be viable in different societies. By using the knowledge gained from engineering, it becomes easy not just to create designs, but creating designs that would provide solutions to the ever-increasing challenges facing humanity. It is time to use the knowledge gained from engineering for social good. One of the many challenges people face is the lighting system and power in general. While there has been an improvement in this area, scientists have not been able to ease the problem of people by developing a more convenient power system. In this design, propose…
Rhetorical Arena Author’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: Abstract The “Rhetorical Arena Theory (RAT)” has been embraced as a new and more exhaustive approach to crisis communication. The article under review focused on the communication crisis through the lenses of RAT network analysis with the influence of news media put into consideration. The study was guided by three main research questions which were, overall actor prominence, relative rhetorical standing, and rhetorical relations among actors. The case selected for the study was that of the Volkswagen emission cheat-test. The data used in the analysis were retrieved from four prominent newspaper channels originating from the US and Germany. The most prominent actor was identified as the Volkswagen Company. Volkswagen was also noted to have a low relative rhetorical standing. The company, however, dominated as the central actor. The findings of this study were consistent with those of the public relations sector, especially publications on the behavior of companies in a financial crisis. While the…
Shadow Banking in Third World Countries Shadow banking is a system that consists of lenders, brokers and other key financial players that fall outside the regulated banking system (Wullweber, 2019, pg 12). As opposed to the standard regulated banking, shadow banking does not have the usual risks and restrictions that face regulated banking. The institution does not accept traditional deposits, unlike the conventional banking system. As a result, it has escaped regulation successfully. According to Gennaioli, N. et al. 2013, The fact that shadow banking does not have control enable the players to take higher risks and therefore, in their operations. Third world countries consist of underdeveloped and developing countries. Consequently, this system of banking is needed because of its low-cost loans and services because of fewer regulations compared to traditional banking systems (Griffith-Jones, S. and Rodriguez, E. eds., 2016, Pg 1338). This paper aims to establish the development of shadow banking in developing and underdeveloped economies. References Gennaioli, N. et al., 2013. A model of shadow banking. The Journal of Finance, 68(4), pp.1331-1363. Retrieved fromhttps://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jofi.12031 Griffith-Jones, S. and…
A Guide to Pennsylvania Online Gambling for Real Money The gambling industry is a huge market that offers punters opportunities to make real money. There are many games you can play for money. Pennsylvania’s online gambling market provides a wide variety of games to its customers. You only need to pick the games that work for you and start enjoying the experience. In this article, you will learn about the top 5 casino games ranked based on the RTP, bet limits, and ease of play. The five casino games Baccarat Affectionately called the game of kings, Baccarat originated from Italy 500 years ago, with the most popular variant being the Punto Banco because it is easy to learn the rules and also play. Pennsylvania online gambling offers this game in casinos like Parx casino. Online platforms provide more flexible betting limits for Baccarat; the betting companies incur fewer overheads so they can offer bigger payouts and also smaller bets. Slots Pennsylvania Online gambling industry offers several real money game selection for slots. It provides better payout rates and odds and…
Was Agnes’s gift to Bill intentional? As a consultant of FNB, my conclusion is that Agnes did not intend to gift Bill with $1,000,000. 3 DES is known as a cryptographic cypher. DES is defined as a symmetric key block code, which means that a single key is used in encrypting and decrypting data in groups of fixed-length with bits known as blocks. It uses a logarithm that encodes data three times. It uses three keys which has a capacity of 64-bits rather than one which has a total length of 192 bits. The first encryption is done using the second key while the coded text that results is encrypted using a third key. Agnes was using 3DES in her transactions with First National Bank (FNB). In this case, 3DES was being used to verify and validate that the source of the message is genuinely who he/she claims to be. Bill for having worked with Agnes in several transactions, new all her personally identifiable information, and that is why he was able to forge the text. Today, cyber-crimes have increased…
Accuracy and Completeness of Personal Information Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Accuracy and Completeness of Personal Information Personal information is factual or subjective information, recorded or not, about an individual (PrivacySense.net, 2016). Accuracy in personal information means that the information collected is correct, relevant, and accurately represents what it should. Completeness in personal details the process of ensuring no gaps are in the information from. It is vital to make sure that personal information is complete and accurate, for it is a requirement by law to ensure that a decision that is to be made by an organization concerning an individual is made through accurate, complete data (2019). It is, therefore, necessary to employ methods that ensure that personal information is complete and accurate. Methods that can be employed to make sure that personal information is accurate and complete are; halting submission of forms if not all information has been filled in. A Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI/electronic) method that ensures the mandatory fields are filled in thus…
How to Choose a Car Loan Broker Financing a car has never been easy. There are hundreds of car loan lenders in Australia that are ready to swamp you with their options. Still, the best way to ensure that you get the ideal lender is looking for a car loan broker to assist you. Thanks to them, you can now get advice on a car that rhymes with your budget and get effective methods to approach a car lender. Besides, they know which lenders are open in the market for faster transaction. This brings us to this question: What is the difference between a car loan broker and a car lender? A car lender is a company that finances the car you want to purchase. It might be a reputable Australian bank or a credit union. On the other hand, car loan brokers are financial experts that look for car loan products from lenders to give you the best deals. When searching for a car loan broker, these are the four things you must take into account. 1. Find an…