Piper Banks Piper Banks is the medical director for Open Arms, a non-profit medical clinic and wellness center serving low-income patients in an urban neighborhood. On most days, Piper loves her job and the work her clinic is able to do for people in the community, but lately there has been a problem that is beyond frustrating. This past summer, the city experienced a significant measles outbreak. Thousands of people were exposed to the measles and 78 cases were confirmed. Of the 78 cases, 73 involved unvaccinated children in the city’s East African immigrant community. What Piper finds most troubling is not that the “herd immunity” was compromised, though that does trouble her. Worse, in her opinion, was the fact that members of the anti vaccination community were distributing fliers and talking to families in the affected community. The anti vax activists reportedly told people that the measles outbreak had been created by the government in order to pressure immigrant parents to vaccinate their children. One of Open Arms’ primary goals has been to counter the fear and misinformation that…
7 lessons I learned after attending TedxBankipur The line which comes to mind when anyone think of Tedx is – “Come for amazing experience, wait for interactive conversations, stay for ideas sharing, but leave with a bag full of ideas” Tedx is an event where speakers from diverse background comes to share an idea which is worth sharing with the world. The whole concept of Tedx lies in “Ideas worth spreading”. Ideas are powerful, and anyone can reap the benefit of this small thing in just few minutes – just by listening to 5-15 minutes of short speech by them. I attended the TedxBankipur in 2018 (Date – 29th July 2018) with the theme of – “Figuring out why?”. There were speakers from different walks of sphere such as Abhyanand, an IPS officer and educationist, who conceptualised Super 30 to teach poor students. He shared about the flaw in modern pedagogy and what changes can be brought in learning process. Anjali Singh, a Radio Jockey, who has received accolades in the field of Indian media promotion, shared how she take…
Best Online Bank Accounts: The Right Way to Choose One Are you looking to open a new bank account? Well, unlike in the past, when you had to walk into a bank for the process physically, things have entirely changed. The internet has opened up every business, and the banking industry is no exception. Currently, you can easily open a checking or savings bank account from the comfort of your office or home. You will enjoy all the services of a bank and more, without having to belong to a physical bank branch. And, with these changes comes, opportunities and benefits. From efficiently managing your finances to conducting your transactions on the go, an online bank account has numerous advantages. But How Do You Choose the Best Online Bank Account? Well, this is never easy, especially with the current number of banks offering the services. Also, there’s too much information bombarding your view, which may make the selection process quite tricky. But worry not. Here are some factors that will help guide you through: Interest level. Various online accounts offer…
history of feminism many countries, the history of feminism cannot be written without the inclusion of the constant but gradual struggles that aimed at ensuring equal rights (Brandt 8). In agreement, Oren (849) say that this history is not an exception in Canada. Just like many other modern Western feminist nations, Canadian feminism success to date is associated with several feminist organizations. Among the many organizations, the National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL) is one of the notable feminist organizations with immense contribution to feminist politics in Canada (857). This paper will look into the participation of the National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL) to the history of feminist politics in Canada. Precisely, it will enlighten the reader about the organization. It will look at the organization’s goal, its achievements, and challenges concerning feminist politics in Canada. About the Organization National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL) is a non-profit organization whose main aim is to ensure and promote equal rights of women. The organization promotes these rights of women through not just legal education…
Lifespan Development Introduction Lifespan development is the gradual growth of human beings, from infancy to early and middle childhood to adolescent, early and middle adulthood and eventually old age. Lifespan development is also known as Developmental Psychology, which is the scientific study of how a person changes from an infant to an adult. Some people have developed an interest in pursuing human development, particularly the stages that human being undergoes to reach old age. The changes are psychological and physical, social and cognitive. Initially, this study mostly revolved around children and infants but has since expanded to adolescents and adults. Human development is rather multidimensional as mentioned above and mostly involves physical, change in weight and height, nervous system and sensory capabilities. Social, change in interpersonal relationships, self-perception and emotions. (Lally, 2019) Cognitive, changes in memory, perception, intelligence and problem-solving techniques. The growth of all these dimensions are mostly influenced by culture learnt from our parents, teachers, peers, siblings and the society at large (Lally, 2019). The kind of values and customs displayed by our cultures end up being the…
Is it Possible to Solve the Debt Crisis? Introduction Student debt refers to the loan that a learner takes from a financial provider. The money owed to the financial institution subsists while the student is an undergraduate or after their graduation. Also, student debt may accrue in case the learner withdraws from school altogether. In the past decade, the obligation owed by the learners to the lending institutions has almost tripled the previous figure owed 15 years. In 2006, the outstanding arrears were about $500 billion. However, by 2019, this figure has shot up to around $1.5 trillion (Johnson, 2019). The interest rates on the loans seem to get higher, while most of the students remain underemployed. The current situation has been described as a debt crisis because it seems impossible for the leaners to clear the money owed to the financial lenders. Currently, about 44 million individuals have student loans that are yet to be fully paid, or they have defaulted altogether. Johnson (2019) states that the current debt is projected to rise to about $3 trillion by the…
A literature review on Divorce and Separation Introduction This literature review will examine divorce and separation as a family issue and how it affects a family unit. In addition to that it has explored conflict theory as one of the family theories its strengths and weaknesses well as its relevance in nursing and also the major problems it tackles that contribute to divorce and separation between couples. It also gives suggestion to restoring broken marriages and other areas that need more research regarding this problem. In the text, Divorce and Separation will be discussed as the major topic and how it will affect a family setup and also the members of family at large. Conflict theory as well will be explored in the review as the chosen family theory, its strength and weakness and how it applies in the family unit. Divorce and Separation. A family is a group of people who are closely related to one another either by blood or by marriage. It has some living things characteristics therefore it can develop, grow, and also change over time.…
Unrealistic goal setting resulting in an ethical dilemma within organizations: Wells Fargo Bank Case A hypothetical or actual business problem that might lend itself to action research. Unrealistic goal setting resulting in an ethical dilemma within organizations: Wells Fargo Bank Case Description of the problem One of the most common business problems in the world today is that of unrealistic goal setting resulting in an ethical dilemma within the organization. The management may push the employees to attain some unreasonable goals, and this may lead to ethical dilemma. These predetermined and imposed goals may not put into consideration the past trends, thus making them irrational in the first place. Questions needed to be answered. Which is the past trend that may be relevant in goal setting and future projections? What is the implication of the predetermined unrealistic goals for the success of the firm? What role should the employee play in the face of unreasonable goals? What is the organizational capacity to attain the set goals? Action plan Analysis of the past trends is one of the priority considerations that…
BANKINGBLACK ROCK INVESTMENT Description of product and services: There are some products and services listed below provided by black rock. Account Accessing: Account accessing helps in accessing different types of account in one place. Blackrock shareholders require 24/7 access to their accounts online and they can establish through a login ID and a passcode. They can also get access to various accounts like Personal accounts, Payroll admin access, Advisor central accounts etc within their accounts or just by going into respective login panel. Balance sheet management: BlackRock’s balance sheet Management service covers administrative approach and policies for investment securities, liquidity hazard, and interest rate risk for national banks, and also the also assessment of investment cost risks and liquidity risks for the national banking system in general. Tax information and services: This Tax information and service at Blackrock provide a valuable tax information to pay for federal and state income tax returns. Shareholders and investors can also get the past tax information and detailed explanation of how to file the tax returns providing with suitable Tax forms or…
Link: https://minniscre.com/ KW: Commercial Real Estate in Silicon Valley Can Commercial Real Estate in Silicon Valley Benefit from Crowdfunding? Real estate crowdfunding is the newest type of property investment. It has increasingly gained popularity over recent years, becoming the most preferred option for investors with massive projects to access various sources of venture capital. Whether your project comprises of single-home flips or several new commercial properties, real estate crowdfunding could be the solution you’re looking for. If you’ve invested in commercial real estate in Silicon Valley, you’re probably wondering if you can really reap the benefit of crowdfunding. The answer is, “YES.” Although it may seem more like a tech fad to many, it’s actually legit and comes with numerous benefits to borrowers. Here is everything you need to know. Benefits of Crowdfunding Over Traditional Lending Speed For a long time, bureaucracy and paperwork were two things that had always plagued the loan acquisition process. Getting money to put into real estate meant waiting for months before your application finalizes. Luckily, that’s not the case with real estate crowdfunding. All…