Online Savings Account Opening Done Easier with RBL Bank Thanks to the advanced digital technology where banking has moved on to its next-generation level of functioning. Gone are those days of visiting your branch and clerical work of filling up a new form to open an account. Today, the online saving account opening is much more comfortable. You can sit back at your home and open a savings account online from your smartphone or laptop. Provided you have an active internet connection you not only can open an account but also transfer funds from your account to another. Why choose an online account opening? The benefits of opening a bank account online are many. There are less processing formalities and zero charges for service. All you need is an Aadhaar and PAN number for online saving account opening with RBL bank. This is one of the best services a customer can get from a bank. So, let’s have a look at the features of opening a savings bank account online; Hassle-free processing One of the best things about mobile banking…

Case study questions     Case study Requirements: The Due date of the group case is on April 8th, 2020, at 4:00 PM.   Only Soft Copy is required, and submission should be through the safe assignment link on Blackboard.   Direct Copy and Paste from the case is NOT allowed. If plagiarism were detected, your total assignment grade would be affected. The instructor may decide on further disciplinary actions. From the case titled as “THE WEEKEND THAT CHANGED WALL STREET,” answer the following questions: QUESTION 1: What were the causes of Lehman Brothers’ failure? (20% Points) (You need to search the internet to answer this question.) Suggested readings:     QUESTION 2: Giving real-life examples differentiate between the different types of derivatives and their usage?  (20% Points)           QUESTION 3: Why didn’t the government interfere and bail out Lehman Brothers as it did with Bear Stearns? (20% Points) (You need to highlight the issue of moral hazard in the banking sector)           QUESTION 4: Examine the importance of the…

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Recyclable Materials at Home Eco-friendliness begins with individual efforts, with the implication that everyone has a role to play in keeping a clean and safe environment. One way of fulfilling this obligation is by controlling the waste that emerges as a result of daily household activities. Homes are a treasure trove with plenty of items that can be recycled, upcycled, reused, and repurposed. Some of the things that could be recycled at home include disposable coffee cups, plastic bottles, electronics, clothing, batteries, toothbrushes, aluminum cans, crayons, pens, and DVD tapes. The recycling process is often simple and less time-consuming for most of the recyclable household items. For example, one would only need to spare some time meant for leisure to recycle CDs and DVD tapes. The tape can be recycled to create a collage of reflective CDs for decoration purposes. Just like the tapes, old tires can also be put to good use within the vicinity of the modern home. They can be recycled to make tire swings and flowerbeds around the front and…

        Colombia Health System Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation                                 Colombian Healthcare System The Republic of Colombia is located  in the Northwestern of South America is considered by the United Nations as one of the most urbanized countries in the world.  It has a population of 50.7 million people, where 80.4% of its citizens are urbanized. The Ministry of Health and Social Protection is responsible for managing, monitoring and organizing the country’s health system (Alliance). Organisation and Funding of Public Health Care System      The Colombian Health system has various sources of income that support the clinics and hospitals in Colombia. Research carried out in 1991 Columbian Ministry of Health found out that the lack of finances was the main reason the health care system was inaccessible. ( Alvarez, Salmon & Swartzman) . The Colombian Health system uses a Capitation Payment Unit (UPC) to finance its health sector. The UPC which amounted to the US $260 for the year 2017 is used to workers, …

  China Economic Problems   There is a good chance that one is likely to lose money when buying a call, even if the stock market will slowly recover. Purchasing a call option means that I will purchase the underlying stock at a strike price within a certain time period. This will give me the right to purchase stock at that certain price until the predetermined date expires. However, the value of my call option will be determined by how fast the stock rise. If the stock is equal to my strike price, then I will lose my money on the call because the contract will be invaluable. Also, if the stock price is lower than the strike price, I will also lose my money, and the contract will be worthless. Therefore, for my call option to make profits, the stock price has to be more than the strike price. There is a risk at speculating stock prices at such a time. Even if the country manages to get a grip on this disease and the economy starts improving, people…

  Impact of Covid-19 on the economy of China Abstract The essay explores the economic effect of Coronavirus (Covid-19) on the economy of China. The eventual outcome of COVID-19 in China is that it will be under control after lots and lots of people are infected, and the economy has gone into recession. While the economic impact will likely not last more than three or four months, at most, it will be more profound than the worst days of the county in terms of the number of people out of work during that time and terms of the amount of the country’s loss of wealth. Of course, a large part of the losses in the stock market may be recovered if the market goes back up again. But the country will have still lost the production of the equivalent of years of output from Chinese workers, and there is nothing that can stop that. The most affected sector within the country is the tourism sector since airlines have been suspended to and from the Chinese mainland. This does affect not…

Requirements at Banks Introduction             Today, there are thousands of industries around the world. The successful running of these industries depends on various requirements in every sector. For instance, the bank industry has requirements like financial, administrative, technical, and human for it to function correctly. These requirements are categorized in different sectors for the successful running of the industry and for the ultimate customer satisfaction. Therefore, these requirements are the fundamentals in bank industries to ensure that banks are functional and that there is a smooth running of operations.  This paper seeks to explain the definition of each requirement and how it is necessary for the banks’ industry. Financial Requirements at Banks Definition Financial requirements are the requirements at banks to ensure that all financial concerns of bank customers are addressed accordingly and in the right manner. The requirements dictate that there should be specialized personnel at banks who have broad knowledge in finances to ensure that there is proper customer support on any financial concerns. The financial sector is also responsible for analyzing and addressing every financial matter of…

How to Open an SSY Account with State Bank of India?   Amongst the many initiatives taken by the Government of India, the SSY or Sukanya Samriddhi Yojna is one. It is a small savings scheme which has been designed especially for the girl child. As per the SSY scheme, parents or legal guardian of a girl child cab open the SSY account in the bank and keep on depositing the money till the girl turns 1- years. It is a part of the “Beti Bachao – Beti Padhao” initiative of the Government of India. In this blog, we will be highlighting the Sukanya Samriddhi in SBI. Besides, people can open the SSY account in post offices and some designated banks. This scheme also offers tax benefits by ensuring deductions under Section 80C for up to Rs 1.5 lakh along with a higher interest rate.   Who can open the SBI Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Account?   We have mentioned this point above, a parent or legal guardian of a girl child can open the SSY account. The account will be…

Adequacy of EU Level Banking and Supervisory Structures for Debt Crisis Response Author Note Introduction The financial crisis that happened during the years 2007 and 2008 has negatively influenced the economy of the European Union. This has more devastating effects on the United States in its market of mortgages in 2007, which came into light after the governing body named the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation highlighted that it would have no purchasing transaction regarding high-risk mortgages (Ongena et al. 2019). Moreover, another institution, the country named New Century Financial Corporation, which is one of the leading lenders in the mortgage market, had become bankrupt (Lane, 2012). The year 2008 evidenced a substantial financial crisis with the increased financial incapability of some important financial institutions in the United States. Thus, it gave birth to substantial financial crises, such as the debt crisis, affecting major economies across the globe, including the European Union. Different Reforms The increasing crisis in the European Union required a complete review of the supervisions structure of its banks, along with its regulations. With the measures taken…

This Is What Racism Sounds Like in the Banking Industry The authors of the New York Times highlight on the incidence of Jimmy Kennedy, who through his nine-year career, has been a great client of most banks. Kennedy’s attempts to develop and become a private customer at the JP Morgan chase was met with a lot of racism in this banking industry. The information provided by New York Times established that Kennedy’s conversation with an employee from JP Morgan Arizona branch indicated that as a private client, his racial backgrounds were questioned. The employee made it clear that Kennedy ought to understand the demographics of the region between blacks and whites. It resulted to Kennedy’s pull out of the majority of his money from the company. The article further highlights on the presence of few blacks in the higher levels of financial institutions. It can be indicated that the discrimination in the banking sector through mortgages. The black borrowers have been exposed to higher interest rates as compared to the rates charged on the whites. The options that are exposed…

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