A GDP Difference graph that summarizes the Consumer Spending of Singapore and Algeria The United Nations does categorize countries into developing and developed nations. The two nations get classified according to their economic status, for instance, the GDP, per capita income, GNP, and the Industrialization growth of the country. Developed nations such as Singapore are countries whose economy has advanced highly and own excellent technological infrastructure, as matched to other states. On the other hand, developing nations such as Algeria have a low human development index and little industrialization progress. In developing countries, it is not easy to deliver free health, security, and education to the citizens. It is easy to know a nation that struggles, and a one that assures its citizens have a high standard of living. Examine the economic growth and achievement A GDP Difference graph that summarizes the Consumer Spending of Singapore and Algeria The Gross Domestic Product of Algeria and Singapore has increased in the last decade but at different rates. The GDP of Singapore is about 364.16 billion U.S. dollars, which is an excellent…

INDUSTRIALIZATION HAD MORE LOSERS THAN WINNERS             The huge expansion in the manufacturing sector since industrial revolution was as a result of the increased knowledge in the production sector. However, all the benefits stunningly went disproportionately to the unskilled labour. Capital owners, innovators, land owners and human capital owners all realized modest gains, or no gain at all from such advances. The unskilled workers, specific women experienced enormous benefits. Comparing the number of people who were negatively affected by the trend with the few who benefited, concluding that the losers of industrial revolution were more than the winners won’t be challenged Modern growth was driven by the people who came up with new knowledge. But mostly, the knowledge creators did not reap many benefits from it. It was spilled out, and ended up rewarding the rest of the factors which cooperated in the production process (Harley, 160). In general, the ultimate incident technological advancement benefits could have been either with land, capital, or with unskilled labor contingent to the elasticity gauge while supplying the factors. Since industrialization recorded none of…

Case Study; Fiscal and Monetary policy. QUESTION ONE. Marginal  propensity  to  save(MPS)  is the  portion  of  income  that  is  saved  instead of  being  used   for buying  goods  and  services. MPS is  the  saving  of  that  disposable  income  after  taxation  and  spending  of  the  additional  amount  of  income. MPS is the  change  of  savings  per  change  in  income. a).        since mps = .2 and income = $1000 therefore the  amount  consumed  =1000-(0.2*1000) =$800. the  consumer  will  save  $200  after  an  expenditure  of  $800. b).        m =20% required reserve= 0.2 *1000 = $200 excess reserve =$1000 – $200 =$800 Since  MPS =0.2, and income is $1 then change in savings is given by (1/0.2 * $800)=$ 4000 increase $4000 -$1000 =$3000 QUESTION  TWO. Supply  shocks  are  events  in  the  market  that  suddenly   affect  the  supply  of  a  good  or  service  as  a result  of  price  increase  and  or  shortage  of   products  in  the  market.  this  result  in  a  shift  in  supply  curve.  Adverse   supply  shocks  negatively  affect  the  supply  of  a  commodity. They  cause  the  supply  curve  to  move  to  the  supply …

Why minimum wage isn’t enough to compensate for the standard of living in many places. The minimum wage debate has been an ongoing economic discussion over the last 100 years and while it was relevant as the global economy integrated, it is extremely important right now as jobs, industry and finances become international and borderless. Fiscal experts have regularly pointed out that a full time living wage job is insufficient to support basic needs in many places. In the US the situation is extremely perilous with most counties unable to support a minimum wage lifestyle. This discussion highlights the economic challenges that countries like the US that practice pure capitalism face. On the one hand, low minimum wages make life extremely difficult for low income earners who literally slave everyday just to put feed themselves; while on the other hand low wages are unattractive to too many able-bodied citizens who stay out of key jobs and become dependent on welfare, becoming a burden on the state. This paper will delve into the intricacies that inform the conviction that a minimum…

Migration and Diversity Introduction Humans have endeavored to comprehend the relationship between geography and population dynamics since long ago. Research has established that population numbers does grow in an exponential manner while the production of food grows in a linear way as it does not keep pace with growth in population and hence leading to natural checks such as famine or drought (Sherbinin et al, 2009). Research conducted in the Mwanza region of Tanzania which is located in the western part of Tanzania shows that accessible runoff is different in a significant way across some small region and also that population density nears the water that is available in a region (Marta, 2016). Migrants to urban centers are less likely to access water from standpipes and they are more likely to rely on wells that have not been improved. Rural-urban migration does not correlate with relative water scarcity in places that people have come from but it correlates to how near people are to roads and to towns (Marta, 2016). There is a general conclusion that high fertility which was…

Apple Inc. Marketing and SWOT Analysis Abstract Marketing strategies will differ from one organization to another. More so, the application and use of the various principles of marketing will be visible in the local as well as in the international study or analysis. For genuine disguise of our primary subject on principle of marketing we will direct our focus on one of the well doing company which has had a lot of impact on the local as well as in the international markets. The research will deeply analyze the Apple Inc. Company. The analysis will cover on three noteworthy sections; the presentation of the venture where the paper will offer the foundation history, the money related and the promoting examination. The investigation will give a SWOT examination to the organization where it talks about on the qualities, the shortcomings, dangers and the chances of the business. At long last, the examination will likewise concentrate on the opposition assessment of the undertaking, recommendations concerning the new introduced products of the company, reflection of the marketing status of the company and other…

CNA’s and why soft skills are needed and essential in the CNA training process Introduction The need for healthcare and more CNAs is growing continually. This study looks at CNA’s and examines why soft skills are needed and essential in the CNA training process. Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) are required to assist patients with their medical needs. McKay (2017) notes that RNs not only treats patients but also provide emotional support and advice to them as well as their families. RNs also educate patients along with the public about medical conditions (McKay, 2017). According to Aiken et al. (2016), a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) or Registered Nurse (RN) is responsible for CNA. At no time has was there a high need for healthcare providers and particularly CNAs to provide health services. A CNA needs to have strong soft skills to be effective. In this study, the researcher will look into the roles of the CAN and how to role-play affects their training. As part of this examination, a brief aspect of RNs and how they relate to CNAs discussed. In…

Leadership and Management of Virgin Group Part 1 In an organizational setup, both leadership and management are of crucial importance in maintaining a functional status (Smircich & Morgan, 2012, p. 259). Effective management practices are strengthened by effective leadership, therefore, creating a positive impact on the organization. The success of any given organization is dependent on its management, culture, and leadership style. The success of any given organization is usually dependent on both internal and external factors that powerfully shape the culture, structure, and performance of the company. This paper explores the relationship between leadership and the management of Virgin Group (Organization). The article also discusses the role of managers and leaders in dealing with challenges such as sustainability, gender pay gap, and cross-culture to achieve organizational objectives. The paper concludes by discussing the leadership skills and styles applied at the Virgin Group with the use of in-depth literature. Personal verdict is given on how the leadership style at Virgin Group is linked to academic theories. Virgil Group is a British venture capital limited Company founded in 1989 by a rich…

Population and Economy Mental health is one of the factors affecting the community, especially in urban areas where the population is crowded. The population affected by mental health is prone to facing the poor quality of life, challenges in advancing in education, becoming less productive in the society and being stricken  by poverty and social issues.Individuals are affected by the illness at early stages of their life hence being hindered from successfully undertaking a career. Mental disorders lead to a person being less productive in their place of work forcing their employers to fire such employees hence reducing their annual salary. Reduction in payment and lower chances of employment opportunities place the population affected by mental disorders at a higher risk of becoming poor. A risk factor for mental disease is poverty, mental illness elevates the risk of such a population remaining in poverty. This may also result into many people becoming homeless. Racism is a practice that many countries are trying to get rid of, but in some countries it is also encouraged without the consent of the ruling…

Specialty Food And Beverage:  A Case Study Of Small Business Management   ABSTRACT   Specialty Food and Beverage is facing growing pains from its rapid expansion over the last decade and more.  The case provides a summary of the challenges faced by the company in the areas of supply chain management, marketing plans, the creation of economic value, and the development of a long term strategy for profitable growth.     Keywords:  small business, supply chain, marketing     INTRODUCTION of fine teas, sat down and composed a memo to his senior staff.  SF had had superior growth over the ate one afternoon in March 2009, Tim Casey, owner of Specialty Foods and Beverage (SF), purveyor last sixteen years; this growth had caused “growing pains” in the organization structure and operations of the firm.  In the “early days” Tim made all the major decisions for the company; revenues in the very early years were shy of the $1 million mark, and most of the decisions seemed quite straightforward.   Now that revenues were nearing the $25 million mark, Tim was finding…

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