Persepolis novel review Throughout time Iran has been part of many conflicts not only with other countries but within their own people, causing Iran to be known as a war zone. In the novel Persepolis, written by Marjane Satrapi, Marjane talks about her childhood as a young Iranian female living during the Islamic Revolution. and the daily challenges she and her country faced. During Marjane’s childhood, everyone was in danger causing each citizen in Iran to take caution and seek for a better, safer future. The ruling of the Shah and Ayatollah were what influenced the government’s choices for citizens to follow.  Then came the Islamic Revolution causing a war between Iran and Iraq that lasted from 1779 to 1980 . Many conflicts took part causing Iranians to longer have the freedom, equity or safety they deserved. The Satrapi family chose that Marjane should move away from Iran to Austria due to the negative support women were receiving, the absence of a good education and the lack of safety in the country. To begin, for a long time now, all…

The Symbolism of the necklace in Guy de Maupassant’s The Necklace Guy de Maupassant’s The Necklace is laced with symbols and motifs that represent insights about social lives, wealth, poverty, illusions, and the struggle associated with living a life beyond one’s reach. The short story not only captures the life Mathilde Loisel desired but also highlighted the suffering she and her husband went through to finance a lifestyle they lived for a day, and never enjoyed. While necklaces and expensive clothing symbolize affluence, the necklace in this story represents the deception of appearances, and the suffering chasing illusions can cause. Appearances can be deceiving as people tend to judge others based on what they can see, and not on the value they carry. The necklace in this story causes short-lived joy for Mathilde Loisel, who was the most beautiful and elegant lady in an event at her husband’s workplace by virtue of an expensive ball-dress and a “diamond necklace.” Although she was not as affluent in real life, the necklace makes her look rich. Both Mathilde and the other people…

Public Finance Management Structural Drivers Fiscal imbalances Many budgetary problems are the result of “the mismatch of long-term revenue sources with the future stream of expenditures for existing levels of services.” Yet some costs cyclically go up, just as many local governments’s ability to fund them declines.  Service demands from high unemployment occur just as the tax base is retreating. Financial shocks Small towns that have a large single employer that goes out of business or leaves the area are particularly susceptible to insolvency. Poor financial management Sometimes the planning by those in charge is so poor that it puts the jurisdiction in jeopardy.  The classic case is Orange County, CA, in which the comptroller-treasurer Robert Citron was involved in derivatives trading that ultimately put the rich county 1.5 billion in debt. Although he served prison time for his incompetence, it did not stave off bankruptcy. Tax revenue loss At least three major reasons are important when considering the loss of revenue by jurisdictions.  Some revenue loss is relatively temporary and comes with the boom-and-bust housing and commercial real estate…

finance relationships between countries Finance is the brain, heart, and soul of any industry in the globalised world. Today, the boundaries between countries are swiftly vanishing away, so the understanding of Finance requires a more holistic and international view of the industry. Leading business executives and successful entrepreneurs have intrigued me ever since my childhood. The more I learned about their struggles and accomplishments, the more I found myself drawn to the engaging world of business. Though I could not relate myself to their stories of struggles but had an utter determination to be one among them and would often visualize myself in diverse corporate roles and try to get a feel of it. With the gradual passage of time, it became amply clear to me that I would want to pursue a strong, world-class education and started envisaging a career in business and management. I did my schooling from Dhanbad Public School, Dhanbad, Jharkhand and secured first-class marks in my board exam from CBSE, 10th– 70.20 %& 12th– 83 %. After finishing school moved to Pune andjoinedSt.Mira’s College, Maharashtra,…

The world of finance The world of finance has always fascinated me and the news of Laxmi Niwas Mittal’s takeover of Arcelor, and the Tata’s buyout of Jaguar and Land Rover from the Ford group brought to the fore, the coming of age of the Indian economy and the Indian corporation. Hailing from a business family, the state of the economy and the business environment were always topics of conversation in my mind. This cemented the idea in my mind of doing MSc in Business Management from your university (WARWICK) as my goal was always set to join your university and make my dreams come true by expanding my own business from the level where I am today since the day i left my university in INDIA i started indulging in my own business soo to know all the points where we are lacking to compete the higher brands in the market and this is the main reason i want to join your university so that I can work more on my weaknesses and strengths . Malcolm Forbes said, “Education’s…

Why Study MBBS Abroad India is a country of low doctor to patient ratio. As against the WHO recommended average of 1:1000 doctor to population ratio, India has a 1:10,189 ratio, meaning deficit of over 600,000 doctors. Unfortunately, there is no shortage of aspirants, but medical education infrastructure isn’t developed enough to produce doctors in such huge numbers in a short period. The latest data suggest that 1.3 million aspirants were competing for 60,000 seats across India, meaning 22 students for every position. The extreme competition makes it nearly impossible for aspirants to crack the entrance exam, leaving a million broken hearts every year. The sheer number of aspirants indicates that medicine is one of the most popular career choices, but the journey to be an MBBS ends before even a start. There are 494 the Medial Council of India (MCI) recognized institutions in India, and there are 407 institutes across the globe recognized by MCI to pursue MBBS courses. If you couldn’t clear the entrance exam, you have an option of private medical colleges, but it is beyond the…

Finance Investments Part 1 For this part of the assignment, you will need to use the HML factor and market excess returns from the excel sheet (in the sheet labeled “Fama-French Factors”). The HML factor is the difference in returns between the high book-to-market portfolio and the low book-to-market portfolio. 1. Report the average of HML. What is the standard error of this estimate? What is the 95% confidence interval? Is the average of HML statistically different from 0? 2. Report the CAPM beta and alpha of the HML portfolio. Are these estimates statisti- cally significant? What are the possible economic sources of this alpha? 3. Are the results in (1) or (2) better evidence that a strategy that is long value and short growth generates abnormal returns? [unique_solution]Why? Part 2: Mystery Portfolios For this part of the assignment, use the returns for the mystery mutual funds in the excel sheet. In the sheet labeled “Mystery Funds”, there are returns for three different mutual funds. The funds are: (a) iShares S&P 500 Value Index (IVE) – Large Value (b) iShares…

A service Day in Saudi Poor Community If I probably do a sampling In La Roche University of what they think of Saudi Arabia in terms of poverty, most will state things related to the vast oil field and oil is equated to wealth. If I get such answers, I will not be surprised at all because, as a citizen of Saudi Arabia, I thought most people could afford at least essential commodities. I was surprised back in May last year when I joined Insan Organization, and we visited a community in Riyadh with the majority of people struggling to get basic needs. The Insan organization gives aid to the least privileged individuals, especially those who escape catastrophes like wars. I had an argument with my friend that it is impossible to find Saudi Arabian people struggling. To clear off the discussion with my friend Aziz, he told me that all I need is to get some finance and be prepared to give service to the people I will meet. On the day we went to the outskirts of Riyadh,…

 A subculture Q1: Some actions of companies have been criticized that in trying to align themselves with values and views of subcultures, these actions are primarily aimed at making more money for the company rather than attempting to make a social statement. I agree with this criticism because whatever decision a company makes, its major focus is making profits. Other things, such as making a social statement, follow after the profit-making is achieved. Advertisements are aimed at making the products of an organization better known to the public as a way of increasing sales. It’s a marketing strategy that works out excellently, especially if the advert meets the targeted audience. The fruits of an advertisement are not reflected in its impact on people but on the rise in sales and profits that an organization makes. It is thus true that ads are aimed at making money and not impressing a particular subculture in society. Additionally, without sufficient finances, a company is unable to prosper, and this is the reason why companies focus on the central aim of making more money…

Student’s Name: Professor’s Name: Course: Date: Book Review: Being Mortal Advances in science and technology have led to the development of skills and mechanisms through which human health can be sustained and recovered from most known illnesses. This has led to the growth of the notion that medical care can heal anything and that death is mortality is as a result of medical failure. But as Atul Gawande writes in Being Mortal, death, frailty, and aging are all part of nature. Atul also indicates that the medical profession has little to offer to patients who are nearing the end of life. This essay reviews Being Mortal by Atul Gawande and seeks to establish the importance of changing the medical philosophy around death and aging. Dr. Gawande is a surgeon like his father before him, has an interest in geriatrics and hospice care (Sutton 1). With this background, Atul uses experiences as well as interviews with patients, their families, as well as caregivers who are involved in the difficult conversation involved in assuring patients that peaceful death is not the ultimate…

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