Balancing finances Balancing finances is an essential aspect not only for any business but also when handling personal finances. According to 2000018, finances encompass more than just counting; rather, it covers the genuine lifeblood of a company since it provides the required finances required for the day to day operations of the business. A company which is sound financially have the ability to pay their bills on time, the staff and other operations are proceeding as planned, including purchase and distribution of goods and services. Companies must generate revenues through trade and utilizing the acquired cash by minimizing costs. Therefore, all departments in a firm need to work closely together, particularly with the finance department. This is essential in the sense that the finance department provides relevant reports that can be used to make an appropriate decision. Different departments are in charge of various activities in the firm. However, their decisions must be guided by financial reports acquired from the finance department. Additionally, the reports are used to determine the short-term and long term objectives for each section. One measure…

Smart Tips For Small Business Owners To Manage Finances In Right Way Small business owners need a diverse set of skills to operate a business. The most crucial is knowing how to manage finances. It is a challenge for many small businesses, with more than 30% failing due to cash flow problems. This is the reality of many small companies as they struggle to get a firm financial footing in the market. Performing a financial overhaul goes a long way in improving a company’s financial state and helping a business grow. Here are ways to help you do it: Create Separate Accounts for Personal and Business Expenses Mixing business and personal expenses also make it difficult to file taxes and calculate the value of the company. Separating the accounts provides a clear outlook on the incomes, revenues, and general performance of the business. It also eliminates the likelihood of developing a cash crunch caused by making numerous withdrawals for personal expenses. As such, it is essential for business owners to open a business checking account and credit card for business…

Future of Project Finance Throughout the world, humanity has established and dedicated themselves to the construction of infrastructure and the development of various projects. These projects require funding of finances, which has led to the development of project finance. These investments need organizational and financially support. However, these supports are expected to change in the future. Therefore this study looks at the aspects of the project’s finance in the future with a global perspective. The world is expected to considerably change from the technological innovation experienced, leading to a change in economics while also undermining old economic facilities. Similarly, the political and social transformation is significantly evolving, giving rise to many inevitable economic cyclical than ever (Fletcher, 2016). These changes have caused many project finance involving significant risk to become canceled. Also, the positivity of shift has increased the involvement of private entities in the project finance into projects with considerations of the environment as a resolve from the 2016 Paris Climate Agreement. The project finance has to evolve in a manner in which they will accommodate the demands by…

Covid-19 and Corporate Finance The covid-19 epidemic has negatively impacted the global economy and is threatening to cripple the operations of organizations. The current market conditions do not provide investors with an incentive to engage in risky investments and concerns because of uncertainty are making it challenging for businesses to generate regular earnings. Organizations are becoming conservative when making capital budgeting decisions, and investor confidence has significantly reduced because of the uncertainty surrounding  Covid-19 epidemic. Current Market Conditions Markets are functioning but have posted abysmal performance since Covid-19 became a global epidemic. Investors are concerned about the effect of the pandemic on the global economic conditions; thus, the sharp decline. FTSE share index Nikkei Share and the Dow Jones are some of the many stock markets that have experienced a sharp decline in recent months. Investors anticipate that financial institutions might reduce the interest rate, and traders are turning to less risky investments (Jones, Brown & Palumbo, 2020). The tremendous uncertainty and the new reality that a seismic shift is being experienced in the world have negatively affected investor confidence…

Finance discussion Section 1 By being the Chief Finance Officer, there is a need to ensure that the business is able to raise capital and issue a particular level of equity. The company then requires an approach that will be welcoming to investors who will help the business achieve its intended goals and meet also meet the desires of the investors who find value in the shares of the company that they purchase. The purchasing of these shares can be done through both common stock and preferred stock. Although the two, common stock and proffered stock, work in more similar ways, they are still different. Bratton and Wachter (2013) detail that common stock allows the investor also to have some partial ownership to the company, which then gives the investors the right to choose representatives in the company. For preferred stock, on the other hand, it is more similar to a bond since the shares allow the investor to receive a certain amount in every dollar that the company makes. The allowance of these two stocks will allow businesses to…

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Healthcare System Organization and Finance Within the healthcare sphere, the interdisciplinary concept refers to the involvement of health professionals from distinct disciplines and patients working hand-in-hand as a team (Kabene, Orchard, Howard, Soriano, & Leduc, 2006). Therefore, when discussing the interdisciplinary perspectives on healthcare organization and finance, the account of each stakeholder is profiled. The entire interdisciplinary team agrees that adequate financing of healthcare providers is essential for them to provide sufficient healthcare services to all people (ACCA, 2014). An additional mutual perspective is that the fee-for-service system, commonly abbreviated as FFS, is a retrospective payment approach. It is believed that this system often provides incentives for healthcare providers to deliver more productive care. On the organization of the healthcare system, the prevailing idea is that everyone who has a stake in the domain must provide inputs for decision-making (ACCA, 2014). These perspectives have critical implications for business principles. For example, the consensus has the potential to drive the patient and system cost factors down. The unity in the perspectives implies that there is an agreement in…

FINANCE ETHICS Business ethics are the moral principles that guide people’s behavior in a business environment, while personal ethics determines what people believe is right and wrong. Both personal and corporate ethics are essential in a business environment because they enable an employee to differentiate between good and bad decisions. Ethics are usually both written and unwritten. The organization’s culture determines the ethics practiced in a company because the culture governs decisions and actions in the organization. Corporate ethics should govern both a person and the company. I believe that corporate ethics also determine how an employee also carries themselves outside the organization. Forinstance, some companies do not expect you to carry in a manner that would tarnish their name. More specifically, when wearing their uniform. I believe this is quite appropriate because the employees are the image of the company ad should behave in the best interest of the company they work for. Ethics contributes highly to the performance of the company. They guide employees on they should deal with customers. Ethics also governs their performances. One who respects…

Healthcare in West Africa             Every government has to provide sustainable healthcare services and facilities to its citizens. Even after independence, most African nations have poor and under-developed healthcare facilities, which cannot offer quality services to their citizens. There is still high mortality for patients with critical conditions since there no quality services available for them, and in case there are, they are too expensive for an ordinary citizen. This paper will discuss the post-independence condition of health in Nigeria, Ghana, and Niger. Nigeria’s healthcare facilities are generally considered as poor since they got a poor supply of essential services such as blood and other medical supplies. The government employees and other employees in private sectors are entitled to a health insurance scheme, which is catered for by the employers (Anthony Iroju). The employees can use the insurance scheme to get the medical care they need without paying for the services. There are three levels of healthcare facilities in Nigeria, which include the state, federal, and local. There are many uncertainties in healthcare that make the cost of providing healthcare…

Effect of Diversification on Firms’ Value Introduction In the 1950s and 1960s, a majority of corporate went the way of massive programs for diversification. The process continued until the 1960s when it reached its climax with the enormous rise to prominence of substantial conglomerate firms. That trend has, however, reversed in the past 15 years. The return to specialization replaced it. The push towards focus came as a result of the view that diversification that is unrelated leads to a decrease in the value of a firm. Arguments from theory argue that diversification, however, bears both value-reducing and value-enhancing effects. The benefits that could arise as a result of operating different business lines in a similar firm is the increase in operating efficiency, decreasing or low incentive of preceding the positive net present projects, the capacity of enormous debt, and lower taxes. However, there are potential costs that arise as a result of diversification, and they include the following; the employment of the diversification at the organizational workplace leads to the improved decision-making process, improved production value, and sharing of…

White Collar Crimes Introduction Since the onset of industrialization, more sophisticated crimes have arisen. As more people joined the rat race, the crime for financial gain was no longer only violent and wasn’t only linked to people in the lower classes. Being that those who were able to secure well-paying jobs were automatically placed in the middle and upper classes, Sutherland argued that individuals could also commit crimes from all social classes, where business people used the mask of respectability to commit fraud, extort and embezzle funds for their financial gain. Sutherland’s definition was later on criticized for being plain and non- inclusive, and later on, many definitions from different sociologists and criminologists came up. From my research, I would, therefore, classify white-collar crimes as crimes committed by individuals in the course of their employment, involving deceit and concealment, which violate trust, moral or ethical obligations, and civil, criminal and regulatory laws for the individuals’ financial gain. The term white-collar crimes thus cover a wide array of crimes. It’s done in a sophisticated manner and may not be easy to…

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