The lowest-priced Best Trading Computers Stock trading is a high-risk business which a lot of technical overheads and unpredictable income. However, if you want to start your trading career, it is advisable to start small and cheap to scale up as your income increases. As stock trading shifted from a corporate affair to a personal profession, people needed computers that were just as fast as the big powerful ones used by companies, but also cheap enough for them to afford to work with them from home. One significant advantage of trading from home is the fact that internet speeds are according to your service provider. Cheap internet speed, coupled with cheap computers, enables home traders to compete at the same level as corporate traders working from an office. Essential features in an affordable trading computer Even though there are equally cheap and expensive computers on the market, the significant differences affecting pricing is mostly aesthetics. More expensive machines tend to have exaggerated features such as liquid cooling, gaming capabilities, strip LED lights alongside the CPU, and preferential branding on the…

 CONNECTION BETWEEN CLASS, GENDER-STEREOTYPES, AND ECONOMICS IN PLATH’S BELL JAR The Bell of Jar brings an in-depth meditation on womanhood and presents a most disturbing portrait of what is meant to be female. Esther reflects on the differences between men and women as well as on different social roles all are expected to perform. Esther’s interaction with other female characters in the novel complicates more these reflections by bringing different stances the idea of womanhood. Esther is upset by the society insisting on young women to remain virgins until marriage, while the boy given sexual freedom, she is subject to the virgin dichotomy, which is a troubling standard a community uses to value women. Dr. Gordon, Esther’s doctor, has stereotypically male characters, she thinks he will help her. However, when Esther meets the doctor and sees how he is good looking and proud, she assumes he will not help her. Society considers madness not as bad behavior and not as mental illness, and as women refuse to hide the sexuality and to tame their threatening femaleness through subjection their bodies…

Effects of Opioid Crisis on the Human Body The Opioid Crisis in America pauses a significant threat to individuals who use the drug for recreational purposes as it has been responsible for a high number of fatalities. The term opioid is derived from the opium poppy, which is a naturally occurring plant alkaloid morphine which is characterized as both an illegal and prescription drug (Liu, 2018). It is estimated that by 2025, the rate of annual overdoses will rise to 81,800 if the current trends remain the same. Therefore, to understand the impact of this crisis, it is essential to look into the effects of the drug on the human body. To address this, this paper will look into the biological effects of opioids. Biological Effects Biologically, the factors behind the addiction to opioid addiction are closely linked to the psychology of addiction and the treatment methods that are considered to be effective on the individual. The manner in which opioids interfere with the brain and cause structural and chemical changes is what builds up to its addictive nature. An…

lean thinking and JIT model for Companies Question 1 Companies are under pressure to adopt lean thinking and JIT model for various reasons. Before delving into the reasons, lean thinking is a business methodology whose sole objective is to offer a new approach to think about creating more benefits and value to society or individuals while reducing waste. JIT, which stands for Just in time model, is a management philosophy that guides manufacturing, production, or supply by allowing suppliers to deliver raw materials at the right time or as scheduled to avoid waste. Companies use both lean thinking and JIT model to increase efficiency. Companies employ these philosophies solely to become more efficient in their operations. For instance, lean thinking would increase efficiency by aligning customer satisfaction with job satisfaction. By doing the company is likely to improve its effectiveness in especially in service delivery (Caldera, Desha, & Dawes, 2017). Also, lean thinking encourages innovation, which helps the company to produce high-quality products or services in a profitable manner whilst reducing overhead costs to the environment, suppliers, and customers. Similarly,…

Family Crisis in U.S. Society Introduction Crisis in families in America is a real thing, and contrary to the belief, it is not being publicized by the media. There is a widespread crisis that indicates that something is wrong within the family setting. The marital conflict increased divorce rates, physical, emotional, and substance abuse, the increased welfare costs and anti-social behavior among children are considered some of the significant indicators of a family crisis (Mackova et al. 2019). Families are social institutions that are deemed independent subsystems within the public society, and conflict often arises when the family is unable to maintain gender and social equality. Using the social conflict theory and key sociological concepts, this paper will provide evidence to support the statement that there is a family crisis in U.S society. Social Conflict Theory The social conflict theory states that every society is faced by inequalities that are based on the social differences among dominant groups and other groups within society. It examines the family as a power relations system that reflects and reinforces social inequalities. Theorists are…

Los Angeles Bankruptcy Attorney – (Bankruptcy) Alternatives to Bankruptcy When one is facing vast amounts of debt that they do not know how to pay, it can be stressful. Being harassed by creditors because of unpaid debt can be embarrassing, especially if you previously were in a position to pay them. When facing all these financial challenges, filing for bankruptcy may be an obvious choice, given the circumstances. However, there are other better alternatives that you can explore before deciding on bankruptcy. With an experienced bankruptcy attorney, you will be able to understand the various options available and explore the best one for you. Los Angeles Bankruptcy Attorney can help in resolving your financial challenges and decide on the best choice possible. Various Options to Filing Bankruptcy The reason one would wish to file for bankruptcy is when they are faced with overwhelming debt, and they feel it is impossible to repay it. Financial challenges happen to the best among us, and your creditors understand that. Most creditors are always willing to discuss various options of getting their debt paid…

coronavirus crisis With over 68,000 deaths and 1.2 million confirmed cases, the coronavirus crisis has produced real change in the world. The occurrence of a crisis has led to severe actions that relate to the ideas that surround the facts of the disease. According to Naomi Klein, impossible ideas become possible. Here, Klein argues that crisis leads to actions that are contingent on the ideas that are lying around. The primary function of responding to an emergency, according to Klein, is developing alternatives to present policies and ensure that they are alive and available. The idea that the economy worsens would serve as a catalyst tor revolutionary change. The idea is presently visible because of the attempts to learn from the crisis hypothesis. The coronavirus crisis is a global pandemic that has stopped trading on Wall Street after a drop of 7%. Through this impossible ideas, Klein indicates that corporate lobbyists are coming up with possible solutions, such as suspension of the payroll tax. However, the approach would lead to severe economic challenges, and it would be impossible for the…

Environmental impact of Unconventional Onshore Oil and Gas Extraction Can you imagine adding more pollutants into our universe that is already choking with unfathomable pollution that is threatening the survival of every life? The ecological systems are interdependent, and affecting one component creates ripple effects that can cause fatal implications on other elements that comprise our environment. The rising trends of rampant industrialization and automation of processes in both domestic and commercial operations call for more sources of power. Still, environmental conservation should be at the core of every decision (Zehr, 2016). Otherwise, why would anyone produce energy that will lack consumers because it kills people? The unconventional oil and gas extraction (UOGE), is a threat to the environment because it has deadly effects on climate and public health both in short and long-term. UOGE involves fracking for the shale gas, underground coal gasification, and coal bed methane extraction (Bolden, Schultz, Pelch, & Kwiatkowski, 2018). The processes of UOGE are responsible for nasty pollution effects at local, national, and global level, and the entire process is against the principles of…

Is it necessary to incorporate discretionary economic policy in boosting the economy during the recession phase Introduction The main aim of the discussion in this paper is to find out if it is necessary to incorporate discretionary economic policy in boosting the economy during the recession phase. The second issue is finding out the best way of implementing the policy during a financial recession, especially when households choose to operate on the Nash equilibrium of Pareto inefficient path (Harashima &Taiji (2017). Government intervention in combating the recessive issues such as low growth of the economy and increasing rates of unemployment is also discussed.  The paper proposes different options that the government can use to participate in boosting an economy that is recessing with merits and demerits of each, as explained below. The ultimate fiscal shock causes a downward change to a country’s economic sector, which is characterized by decreased industrial production and low consumption by households. The best way to curb this challenge is through the improvement of the utilization of produced products by the citizens. Increased consumption will lead…

Reputation risk management in the banking industry Introduction Reputation risk is often known as the reputation risk because, in most instances contains the loss of company financial capital, social capital as well as market share that results in the damage of the company’s reputation. Risk reputation events are known as risk violations,risk issues, safety issues, lack of sustainability. It could potentially cost the company corporate relation that can cost the company shareholders as well as business, as well as a result of the closure. We analyze reputation risk management is banking sectors and ways that one could potentially manage the risk successfully, we analyze the potential effect of reputation risk in the banking sector   Reputation risk The banking sector are more often than not subjected to the reputation risk; this could take place due to lack of bank stability, theft, employee fraud. It has seen most banks loose corporate relations that, in most cases, shareholders pulling out their shares from the banks, and this has subjected banks to temporal and sometimes permanent closure (,2018). Reputation risk management in banking…

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