Drawing Literature Themes from Ancient Civilizations Art is one of the impeccable techniques of conserving history and retelling it to the later generations. In the ancient Roman and Greek civilizations, art was an essential element of telling the story of the people. The two provided materials contain ancient art with a deeply rooted history and lifestyle. Catullus poem 64: ‘On the Occasion of the Marriage of Peleus and Thetis displays an ancient royal wedding characterized by royal gifts and authority.  There is a suspension of all community activities in Thessaly due to the wedding symbolizing the importance of royalty. However, the wedding does not lead to a happy marriage as the bride ends up dumped on a lonely island pleading for shreds of tenderness from her husband, but no a veil. On the other hand, the Sarcophagus and Lid; 19th Century Crouching Lion Supports is an ancient Roman art portraying senatorial family. The art tracing its origin from Maconiana Severiana, a senatorial family, and representing an ancient royal lifestyle. Similarities between the Two Arts Both pieces of art portray a…

FAT CITY Video Analysis Introduction In the video “F.A. T CITY: A look back, a look ahead – a conversation about special education,” Richard D. Lavoie discuses suggestions and concerns about the education system concerning the students with learning disabilities. The analysis looks at some key factors being discussed in the video. “What is fairness and how it looks in the classroom,” “why does Lavoie say about assumptions concerning the students” and “particularly the key concepts that are particularly meaningful.”  These are some of the questions that will be discussed in the paper. Question 1. Using Richard D. Lavoie’s definition, he, therefore, defines fairness as “everyone gets what he or she needs.”  He meant that one student in each classroom might have only three sheets based on the homework, while another student may get six sheets of the homework, according to Richard Lavoie. However, the student having six sheets of homework shall be challenged and also the one with three sheets. If the student having three sheets essentially has six sheets to handle, it perhaps might have discouraged them as…

Critical Thinking in Reading and Writing   Homework 7 – Due Dec. 10   Reasons in arguments.  You do not need a Works Cited page.   Watch the video: https://www.ted.com/talks/rachel_botsman_we_ve_stopped_trusting_institutions_and_started_trusting_strangers#t-1012720   Do you agree with Rachel Botsman? Why do you think it’s becoming easier to trust strangers than institutions? If you disagree, why? Provide 4-5 reasons from your perspective. 10 points[unique_solution]   What assumptions are we making about strangers? 10 points   Writing skills – 5 points   Watch the video https://www.ted.com/talks/naomi_mcdougall_jones_what_it_s_like_to_be_a_woman_in_hollywood   What are 3-4 key reasons why Hollywood is not women focused? 10 points   What would bring about the change and make women oriented films more profitable? 10 points   Writing skills – 5 points   Total = 50 points   Due date: Dec. 10

Impact of Social Media on Teenager’s Life  Research Question The research question of this study is: What are the social media impacts (positive and negative) on teenager’s life?   Introduction The current world is characterized by increased use of technology which is influencing almost every aspect of our lives. Technology has made things to become easier, and it has also increased efficiency on how operations are carried out both at home and in the workplace (Rodriguez, 2011). In a nutshell, technology has influenced almost every part of life, and it has become part of us, and we cannot do without it. Notably, technology has significantly changed the mode of communication and the form of interaction among people, mainly through mobile phones, e-mails and the use of social media platforms to interact with one another (Drago, 2015). Social media has become part of almost every teenager, and some adults in the country and arguments have been raised on the impact of social media. The debate is yet to be adequately concluded. According to Anderson and Jiang (2018), 95% of teenagers in…

“Criminalizing Homelessness” by Vitale homework: Paraphrasing, interpretation and evaluation. From Vitale, Alex (2017). The End of Policing. NY: Verso.   Definitions Paraphrasing: Summarizing an author’s argument in your own words, with proper citation and page numbers.   Interpretation: Your/an author’s ideas about what the data or what other authors’ arguments and evidence mean.   Evaluation: Your/an author’s assessment of whether the arguments, methods and findings are credible (correct and believable) or flawed.[unique_solution] “Criminalizing Homelessness” by Vitale homework: Paraphrasing, interpretation and evaluation. From Vitale, Alex (2017). The End of Policing. NY: Verso.   Definitions Paraphrasing: Summarizing an author’s argument in your own words, with proper citation and page numbers.   Interpretation: Your/an author’s ideas about what the data or what other authors’ arguments and evidence mean.   Evaluation: Your/an author’s assessment of whether the arguments, methods and findings are credible (correct and believable) or flawed. “Criminalizing Homelessness” by Vitale homework: Paraphrasing, interpretation and evaluation. From Vitale, Alex (2017). The End of Policing. NY: Verso.   Definitions Paraphrasing: Summarizing an author’s argument in your own words, with proper citation and page numbers.   Interpretation: Your/an…

AN ARTICLE REVIEW Assignment This homework assignment will consist of an article review. You are required to find an article that is 4-7 pages in length and write a review on it. The topic must be within the field of American or state government and, more specifically, it must relate to elections, electoral systems, voting, or political parties. Reviews are to be 3-4 pages in length. Content Requirements Reviews must consist of four parts: 1. Bibliographic Information. Include in your review the author, title of the article, the journal title, and issue and page numbers. 2. Summary of Author’s Main Points. USING YOUR OWN WORDS, explain the main point(s) the author is trying to get across to the reader. 3. Relevance to Class Material. Explain how the article’s content relates to lecture and readings. 4. Significance of the Article. Again using your own words, indicate to me why you think the author is saying something significant. Ask yourself: what did I learn from this article that seems important? [unique_solution]Why would it be a good thing for more people to read…

Lab report paper Read the scientific paper more than once. Make sure you understand what question the biologists were asking and be able to identify the hypotheses tested. Understand what the researchers did during the experiment. Feel free to use google (or ask me!) if there’s anything you don’t understand. Read the paper BEFORE the lab next week so that you can ask me questions about the assignment if needed.   Lastly, understand the results and conclusions from this paper.   You will follow the directions on page 45 in your lab manual (summarized below): 1) Create a citation for the paper assigned. Follow the formatting on page 44 of the lab manual.   2) Is the hypothesis explicitly stated or implied? If so, define the alternative hypothesis. If not, then give a summary of what you understand the hypothesis to be.[unique_solution]   3) In a SINGLE sentence, state what the main point of this paper was.   4) Do a one-page, typed summary of this paper- explain the observation, question, hypothesis, prediction, experiment & methods of testing, and main…

The book Take This Man: A Memoir by Brando Skyhorse In the book Take This Man: A Memoir by Brando Skyhorse, the narrations revolves around the theme of change. In convincing the reader to believe the story, Skyhorse uses ethical appeal, emotional, and logical appeal to depict changes he was forced to undergo as a child. In the reading, there are several instances that highlights the theme of change. Overall, the reader is taken around a narration, where the author mentions that he grew up with five stepfathers. In reflecting on this statement, it can be argued that Skyhorse as a child underwent a lot of changes, most of which were forced into his life. Growing with five different fathers is something that can bring a lot of changes to a person’s behavior, conduct, and physical environment changes. Therefore, in taking into account the life of different characters in the reading, a lot of change can be traced. In conveying this theme, the author, Skyhorse, provides narration that screams about significant changes. At the very beginning, Brando Skyhorse narrates that…

Violent Offender Treatment in the Field 3   Running Head: Violent Offender Treatment in the Field 1                 Violent Offender Treatment in the Field   Student’s Name   Institution Affiliation                         Introduction Anyone suspected to commit a criminal offense and has a disability, or a disorder of the mind considered to be termed as a subjectively disorder offender (MDO). Within the NHS Foundation, local figures, a wide range of criminal offenses committed by MDOs. Therefore violence found by a trust is considered to be higher than another type of attack. The Trust has about 72.3% who have committed various violent crimes. This information is by top secure hospitals. Violence is the most prevalent form of convictions; similar breakdowns found in the medium secure unit (MSU). Mental disorders may include: paranoia, delusions, personality disorders, and substance misuse are examples of the high prevalence of co-morbidities mental disorders. MDOs belong to a heterogeneous group, whose mental health needs require rehabilitation after a while of…

Child Spanking Controversy Introduction Child spanking is a practice that applies physical force to cause pain to a minor to manage behavior. Although held in some communities as a good parenting practice, it is associated with several adverse effects. Proponents of spanking opine that the practice e leads to positive behavioral outcomes and improves the development of the child. Spanking is, however, connected with several psychological effects, including aggression and anti-social traits, among other externalizing behaviors. Besides, the practice is associated with a range of internalizing behaviors like depression and negative relationships with parents. Scholars in children studies have categorized spanking among Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE). The treatment of children must adhere to policy guidelines in various jurisdictions. Society can also minimize the adverse effects of spanking by investigating the factors that encourage the practice. Stakeholders in child welfare must investigate the merits and challenges of the method and develop clear guidelines to ensure that society safeguards the protection of the child. The practice of spanking of children is prevalent in different cultures in the United States. It exposes children…

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