Machine learning Question 1 The optimal alpha value for the ridge regression was obtained to be 1000, and the optimal alpha value for the lasso regression was obtained to be 0.0001. When you change the alpha values, the coefficients of the independent variables and the model accuracy increases for both the lasso and ridge regression. The best predictors of the models are ScreenPorch, PoolArea and MiscVal. Question 2 The ridge and lasso regression have different lambda values. To determine the best model, we will look at the accuracy of the model. The alpha value for the Lasso regression will be selected because it produces a higher regression value, i.e. it is more accurate Question 3 After rebuilding the model after excluding the five most import variables, we obtained the five most important predictors to be GarageArea, WoodDeckSF, OpenPorchSF,TotalBsmtSF and 2ndFlrSF Question The make sure that the model is robust and generalized, one should work on extreme values. The extreme values can either be the outliers or the Novelties. These absolute values in the model cause wrong prediction and also false…
Planning Practicum Hours / Learning Objectives One of the objectives of the practicum will be to ensure that all the medical undertakings underpinned are of proper scientific backing. Scientific backing in the medical field is paramount for correct diagnosis and prognosis. It is mandatory to use science-based concepts in evaluating the health care delivery system. Therefore, during the practicum, it is essential to focus on activities that will make me achieve this objective. Such include activities that emphasize the integration of theoretical learning during the internship. For example, having morning discussions on a specific aspect that will be done clinically during that practicum day is vital to grasping a concept. Group discussions and focusing on problem-based learning can be critical in medicine (Wyer, 2019) Practitioners have to embrace this by using problems as foci points during conversations, and later on doing them practically in hospital. I intend to have group discussions during the morning hours from 8 am to 11 am. These discussions will focus on understanding the concepts dealt with each day. After that, from 11 am onwards, the…
Print Books Outdo E-books in Learning Print books, also known as physical books, are made up of old school prints on paper, which is liked by many. They are physical objects, unlike e-books. Learners often go for print books as they find them appealing. It is observable on the covers of these books, which gets gorgeously designed, making them beautiful. There are print books that students like to show off after they have read. For instance, print books exhibit prints of nature, cookery, and many other genres. Correction of print books of different kinds in a student house is one way of decoration. According to the report, younger people are popularizing print books. The reason, they frequently use the. The property of the books having soft pages, to turn, makes their reader feel the paper. It explains why some learners read them as they fall asleep. Print books are always the right choice since their readers do not get exposed to eye strings, unlike in e-books. H2: Why are Print Books Better than E-books? Print books have been in popularity…
Benefits Of Learning Bible Scriptures {We all know that studying bible should be the priority given to a person who is a believer.|Anyone who is a believer need first to learn to engage in bible learning session.|Whenever one becomes a Christian believer, the first thing he/she needs to join to is bible study classes.} {In this article, some of the benefits of learning bible scriptures are explained in details.|In case you want to know the advantages brought by learning bible scriptures seek to read through this article.|Some of the benefits of engaging yourself with bible study groups are stipulated below.} {First and foremost, learning bible scriptures will enable you to differentiate between the truth and force.|Once you attend bible classes, you’ll learn some scriptures that aid you to know the truth and recognize what isn’t true.| bible study is a great way to identify the acceptable things and those that aren’t.} {Besides, it is a great way to prepare for decision making and concentrate more on what is beneficial in life.|Once yon gage in bible study groups, some…
my learning objectives using Bloom’s taxonomy as a nurse educator The nursing practice provides a good chance for students to be able to take care of real patients and families and use what is learned in classroom to patients in healthcare settings. Nurses are advocates for their patients. Therefore, nurse educators work with clinical staff to create a positive experience for students. Also, nurse educators have a demanding role in balancing the needs of students and staff. Knowledge of Bloom’s taxonomy is vital for nurse educators to ask appropriate questions at various levels (Oermann, 2016, p. 165). Therefore, having a basic knowledge of Bloom’s taxonomy assists nurse educators to develop an informational database, especially at the lowest level before moving forward to the upper levels in the cognitive domain. The tool is used to classify nursing learning objectives and to evaluate nurse student’s strengths. When an inquiry is made in word necessary to classify the test questions, particularly at the lowest level of the cognitive domain, nurse educators will provide a correct response. As such, this could be the reason…
theoretical and practical learning processes Summary Basically, learning is a process that involves several brain-based strategies meant for high student success. Over the years, the teachers have contributed to the improvement of education by launching theoretical and practical learning processes. One of the modern strategies to help students succeed in learning involves keeping a clear and concise record of what has been covered and completed. It acts like a file to record success and victory in learning and helps students to internalize what has been taught rather than forget after a while. Second, students can demonstrate what they have learned by enjoyed the capacity to choose their goal according to personal interest through what is known as the brain’s circuit reward. On the other hand, there are teacher-based strategies which have proven to be of great help in sharpening students’ mind. The first one is to employ the use of a spaced learning strategy where the teacher helps students in creating studying calendars and plans for tackling small chunks of class content and previous work since the human brain is…
Learning Learning styles differ from person to person. It is this reality that influences each individual’s approach to learning and its effectiveness. Various elements standout from my self-assessment. First, I am a moderately active learner. I enjoy group work, as it facilitates my comprehension process for multiple concepts and ideas. Secondly, I am a highly intuitive learner. It excites me to discover the relationships and possibilities that exist between various theories and concepts. I love being creative in my approach to new learning material, as well as in evaluating and analyzing it to relate to what I have already learned. Also, I am a moderately visual student. My comprehension and overall learning process are enhanced when theories, data, concepts, and other elements of learning are in the form of a visual model such as diagrams, graphs, and maps. I am also a global learner but in a balanced way. In this scenario, Although I absorb and learn some material randomly without perceiving connections and then suddenly getting it, I also depend on sequential learning a great deal – following…
Bullying in learning institutions Bulling is one of the most common social issues in the world. It can be defined as the use of power or force to harm those who are weaker, young, or smaller by nature. It’s not born or made, and it always happens at a young age, usually from 12 years to 18 years. Most bullying happens in schools, and statistics show that in the United States from grade 6 to grade 12, almost a quarter of the students experience bullying. (Kowalski et al., 2017) The three types of bullying are social, verbal, and physical, which mostly affect school children, and it also happens on social media sites. Bullying can lead to depression, isolation, rejection, and suicidal thoughts. This has become a significant problem in learning institutions and hence there several campaigns which have been started to stop this kind of issue. Physical bullying is, using one’s body to hurt other people, and examples are kicking, punching, pushing, spitting, taking other people’s properties by force, and lastly, is using mean gestures towards others. This is the…
“WHO OWN LEARNING” BY ALAN NOVEMBER Introduction This book offers a guideline for students to follow in the current digital age to ensure effective learning is achieved. The book is presented from teacher’s point of view and discusses how technology can be implemented effectively to assist students to gain most out of their learning process. The book offers real-life solutions which are considered to be effective, sufficient, and relevant, tested plus proven which are accounted by the author who is a retired teacher who was teaching in Boston during his active employment period. In the first video, the author discusses his teaching experiences serving various posts such as technology professional. The major issue in the book is interested in technology application and culture of learning. It discusses examples where teachers give students various models of learning in cases where students are motivated. There is emerging tools which are used to enable students to own their learning. Search engines provide students with tools to extract information from Google. Most students obtain their answers from the search engines which puzzles the education…
machine learning algorithms Introduction In this report, we will try to create two classification machine learning algorithms. The two classifications models that we will be going to use will try to classify the heart disease data. The two classification models will try to model the heart data in a way that the features of the patients can be classified as having the disease, or there is no disease. The two classification models will be compared after the modeling using the accuracy level. Data The data contains 303 observations and 13 variables. Here are the variables in the data, age: The person’s age in years sex: The person’s sex (1 = male, 0 = female) cp: The chest pain experienced (Value 1: typical angina, Value 2: atypical angina, Value 3: non-anginal pain, Value 4: asymptomatic) trestbps: The person’s resting blood pressure (mm Hg on admission to the hospital) chol: The person’s cholesterol measurement in mg/dl fbs: The person’s fasting blood sugar (> 120 mg/dl, 1 = true; 0 = false) restecg: Resting electrocardiographic measurement (0 = normal, 1 = having…