Information and technology literacy In a semester, there are quite several skills that a student acquires in their learning. The crafts vary depending on the classes that the student attends. Some skills are the main objectives to be learned in specific courses while others are just acquired freely and are not part of the targets. The skills are quite crucial to a student’s life. The learned skills help the student in their learning. Also, some of the skills help the student in life after school. Learned skills improve one experience by helping to relate with other things in a better way and decision making. They are thus quite vital. Information and technology literacy is a skill that a student gains in the semester. For sure, knowledge is power. The world is growing and evolving at a very high rate. People are inventing lots of things as each day passes. The inventions are to make this world a better place. The designs require someone to informed and technology literate. Most of the devices are automation and hence requires much knowledge in…

            Reviewing Research and Making Connections Student’s Name University Affiliation                     The topic of the research is the decline in the number of online adults that perceive the Internet as being good for society. The target audience of the research was online adults. The research was conducted to assess why the opinions of the population mentioned above group seemed to be shifting (Literacy Rochester, 2018). The research question that was answered by the information in the article was as follows: Why was the number of online adults that deemed the Internet god for society declining? The research design used in this research is the qualitative design, evidenced by the tools used to collect data for the study. Smith (2018) says that the population for the study was conducted through telephone interviews; the sample population used for the study consisted of 2,002 individuals. The population studied was from the age of 18 going forward. The research findings discovered that, as of January, 88% of online adults considered the…

  Intelligence Report                     EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This intelligence report is about a possible violent crime threat by  Buy America Direct towards Boxing Station Entertainment Inc. BAD seeks to destroy the BSE premises using explosives and network hacks due the latter’s refusal to cease importation of Box Stations from China. The case covers terrorist activities from 2019-11-01 to the current date 2020-2-23, falling under the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Investigations. The report compilation is by Agent “Students Name”, Department of Homeland Security.   ADVERSARY, MOTIVATION, AND JURISDICTION   Summary of SARS The Suspicious Activity Reports give an account of a possible violent threat to Box Station Entertainment by a criminal organization dubbed Buy American Direct. On 2019-001, Box Station Entertainment received a letter from Buy American Direct, threatening it to cease its operations of importation of Box Stations from China, failure to which they would destroy all the distribution warehouses in the United States.  The management personnel and senior executives dismissed it. 2019-002. Deputy Sheriff James Fuller observed a suspicious…

RECONSTRUCTION AFTER AFRICAN AMERICAN CIVIL WAR After the African American civil war, there were many social, economic, and political instability because of civil war. There was a need for reconciliation between these nations to retain their economic, political, and social status (Haldeman, 2016). The following were some of the social ways that used to reconcile Americans and African countries. Resettlement of slaves Slaves that captured in America freed and given civil rights. In regards, it showed a constructive step since most of them were the reason for civil war. Blacks from Africa demanded that the federal government give freed slaves land. Gen. William T. Sherman raised it. There was a large swath of land that was given to slaves in 1865 in Georgia and South Carolina. It ordered them to sell or rent the areas to freed slaves and black families. Literacy expansion and education There was a long-term engagement of the African-American community in improving access to education. It was aiming at fostering social order and expression of the need for freedom in 1879. It was also aiming at…

RESEARCH PORTFOLIO  Directions: The Research Portfolio will be developed and discussed in class throughout the semester.  Purchase a binder (or create a digital document, but keep hard copies) of all materials created for or obtained as the result of your research for the Semester Research Project.  This portfolio must accompany submission of the Final Research Paper. You will maintain a portfolio of research notes and all study-based materials (consent forms, interview guide, etc.) beginning with the process of topic selection and proposal development.  You will submit the complete portfolio at the end of the semester.  The portfolio should be organized (e.g., one section for interview guides, one section for consent forms, one section for transcriptions and/or notes) and the information in it easily located.  [unique_solution]The Research Portfolio should contain the following items based on the type of project you have chosen: Ethnographic Written Proposal, revised with any changes suggested by your instructor Interview Guides, interview notes, transcriptions Observation notes, reflections Autoethnographic Written Proposal, revised with any changes suggested by your instructor Notes, observations, dialogues, or relevant photos Rhetorical/Critical Written Proposal, revised…

 Poverty: What Counts? Background The study of poverty has, for a long time, been an area of interest to government bodies, social scientists, and community scientists, which many at times have been a result of an economic crisis.  Like other phenomena, poverty has varying understanding and perception, from different people, due to its diverse nature and background. Poverty has become an implacable and unrelenting enemy with a collection of the weapon of child death, starvation, disease, illiteracy, violence, and child trafficking (Routledge & Kegan Paul: London. 2001, p. 484). Poverty can well be as a result of groups with similar characteristics continuously undergoing deprivation with respect to fundamental necessities such as healthcare, food, shelter, clothing, education, and access to communication tools. Other people describe poverty as families or people whose earnings are under a certain threshold level regardless of their living standards. It is estimated that nearly a quarter (24%) of the population in the UK lived in Poverty twenty years ago. By 2004, this had fallen to about one in five of the community. The UK has succeeded in…

ETHICAL HACKING AND PENETRATION TESTING Introduction Penetration testing and ethical hacking are applied means of analysis or testing web applications by executing attacks which are allied to a factual attack that might transpire on a particular day. They are performed in a meticulous tactic to find as numerous security faults as imaginable and to offer a response on exactly how to alleviate the threats posed by such imperfections. However, security-conscious organizations have instigated incorporated penetration testing, susceptibility assessments, and source encryption appraisals in their software progress sequence. Thus, once they release an innovative or new application, it has previously been over several phases of analysis and remediation.  Consequently, organizations undertake penetration trials to reinforce their company protection systems, all processor structures, and accompanying the Information Technology substructure. Moreover, penetration tests aid organizations in advancing their cybersecurity. They ought to thus be conducted on an even basis since cyber delinquents continually search for new feeble points of emergent systems, packages, and applications (Bertoglio & Zorzo, 2017). Additionally, these tests might not offer complete security solutions for the organization, but meaningfully minimalize…

Fundamentals of Business Research Session 6 Validity and Reliability Content Validity Content validity focuses on the examination of the relevancy of the research tool in the study (Bell, Bryman, & Harley, 2018). The findings of my survey depict that the device incorporated throughout the analysis process was significant in the research. I utilized a questionnaire that was essential in identifying particular experiences that individuals encounter when engaging in home business. Besides, the instrument was vital in obtaining first-hand information from respondents rather than making generalizations. Criterion Related Validity The activity involves examining the correspondence of various assessments in research (Hair, 2015). I can predict the outcomes for establishing home businesses using the primary findings of my current study. For instance, the first and second respondents depicted positivity in online ventures. Many people can engage in-home businesses and thrive based on the survey results. The participants have significant knowledge in participating in online ventures because they have experience in connecting with digital agents and incorporating technology. I can utilize the survey outcomes to predict the performance of respondents in home business..…

Health care administrators A hospital’s core mandate is to offer quality healthcare to its patients. To achieve this, the hospital has to record patient’s data, including age, gender, race and ethnicity. It will form a baseline for reference, and it becomes part of the patient medical record. In an ageing population, this information will help the healthcare team communicate effectively with patients and understand their culture, which is a contributing factor to their wellness. The hospital’s purpose to collect patient’s data to enable it to plan for the future. Planning entails the type of services to offer, the number of nursing aides it will require, and the type of equipment to procure. It will also help in planning procurement for medicine. The ageing population will most likely have similar age-related conditions, so the hospital will be able to cater to their needs through efficient and rational medicine procurement. The literacy level must be put into consideration. thus, it will help determine the type of care to give. The household size will evaluate the number of people seen. Indication for the…

Social Learning Theory: a Historical Review Abstract The search for a theoretical model of sexually deviant interests has led to the emergence of many related theories. However this search has not yet found a unified theory addressing the causes of criminal behavior as related to the crime of rape, although attempts have been made to explain the same through various theories. Aker’s who was born in Jan.7, 1939 developed the theory of social learning as it applies to deviant behavior. He earned his Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Kentucky. Aker argued that human beings develop deviant behavior as a result of the environment that they live in and the people that they associate with. He argues that people learn deviant behavior behavior by observing and learning from the social considerations around them. To him criminal behavior is conditioned and not inborn. Social Learning Theory: a Historical Review William James laid the foundation for the study of human relations and the environment in the year 1890.Afred Adler in early 19000s, argued that behavior is purposeful and that it is…

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