The online access to healthcare Information technology is important for patient management. Online medical record access enhances the provision of patient-centered care which leads to patient satisfaction in the care they receive. They can keep track of how they have been managed hence good health performance by the patient as they can evaluate their progress. The online access to healthcare has many benefits to the patients and has some disadvantages too such as issues of confidentiality (de Lusignan et al., 2014). There are many healthcare services provided to the patients in whom some require direct patient contact and others can be provided on social media. Services like patient education can be carried out through online access if the patient is well conversant with social media. However, they are some services that cannot be provided through an online platform. This includes services like diagnosis and treatment. Such kind of services need direct patient contact to be able to identify the exact cause and type of illness before treatment commences. According to me, providing services online can only be effective for services…

L746-How to Get Most Out of The Online Courses Nowadays, the education sector utilizes technology to remodel learning modes and practices. As a result, online learning is fast, catching up as a favorite method of learning among professionals. The flexibility of online education allows students to get their degrees without having to attend a physical classroom setting. Nonetheless, there are different tactics that learners can employ to gain from online courses. How can you benefit from your online course? Read on for some tips. Understand online learning practices Online learning is a convenient way of gaining knowledge, but; it requires a lot of dedication from the learner. To be a successful online student, you must dedicate adequate time to attend to your online sessions. You should fully commit to the schedule as you would to one-on-one classes. You should also be willing to use technology more, engage in virtual classrooms, work with other students effectively, and be disciplined enough to complete assignments on time. However, if you find it had to balance a busy schedule and your online classes, visit…

Reputational risks These are risks associated with negative public opinion about an institution. Activities that consumer considers detrimental or dissatisfied possess reputational risk that could adversely affect an institution standing and reputation even if it has complied with the applicable laws and regulations. For instance, social media is greatly associated with transparency and privacy issues. This risk may come in several ways. For example, social media users may post negative comments or even hack the institution’s social media accounts and post or publish negative comments about the institution. Second, even on instances where the institution has adhered to laws regarding privacy, there is also a potential risk that a customer might post private and confidential information such as his or her account number or account statements on its social media platform. Reputational risk also arises when a financial institution fails to address a customer complaint in a timely or appropriate manner. The risk is enhanced when inappropriate or incorrect posts are made. Finally, engaging third parties to provide social media services increases a financial institution’s reputational risk. Consequently, financial institutions…

Transforming the COPD Patient into Technology Abstract The challenge of re-hospitalization in the United States and, most specifically, in the hospice care for patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) has had a lot of negative implications on the quality of healthcare outcomes on such patients. This project aims at preventing hospital readmissions in the United States hospice system of healthcare by the introduction of such technology as phone apps and healthcare websites (Erdal, 2018). Using such technology, patients in this category can access quality healthcare services from the comfort of their homes, thus reducing a myriad of associated implications such as increased cost of healthcare and contracting various germs ailments. For this project to be successful, it requires the collaboration of various interdisciplinary team members and other stakeholders in the hospice system of healthcare. The planning, design, and strategy of this individual project are also crucial to its implementation and successful completion. There exist a lot of lessons that the system of hospice care in the United States stands to learn from the successful enforcement of this project. Such…

“Train Wrecked” and “zombie Train Wrecked” behavior Patching is right when he argues that different attitudes and behaviors bring out different results in people. In this essay, the causes and effects of such practices and attitudes have been provided. Also, I have given my opinion on whether I fit into Patching’s classifications. The view has been supported by my experience relative to the textual passage. “Train Wrecked” and “zombie Train Wrecked” behavior has been contributed by the unavailability of parenting in homes and parents who are train wrecks and zombie train wrecks. Also, the conduct of such students has been dramatically influenced by the high school educational system. The teachers in secondary schools and some college professors always behave like these students. Hence, they create an environment where the students can choose to learn or not to learn. Both Train Wrecks and Zombie Train Wrecks assume that they can effectively use ‘bad science’ to answer most questions. Also, they have no interest in developing their minds, and they are always in denial. They are never ready and motivated to invest…

G Suite Versions It is rather challenging to find a person who is unaware of Google. It is a company that offers multiple online products and services. Google ranks at the top of the technology companies and holds a lions’ share in the market. It provides hardware and software solutions. Apart from this, you can access cloud computing services. Google also helps business organizations to implement and monitor online advertisement campaigns. However, the Google search engine is most popular among internet users. You can use the search engine to get relevant information on any topic. Professionals can use Google apps like G Suite. It is an app for professionals and students. G Suite Versions G Suite is a popular app that helps professionals, teachers, and students. If you use the online platform, then the G Suite can make the task easy. It contains several technical tools. These tools and software are Google products. The G Suite has several versions. The most popular versions are G Suite Basic and G Suite Business. What is G Suite Basic? It is an ideal…

Technology Replacing Managers Have you ever wondered how user-friendly applications and web site services like Amazon’s Redshift can work with very minimal personnel, or how chubbies a clothing company does not have CEO? Technological is an effective and efficient tool that can perform several managerial tasks such as customer Relationship Management (CRM), Performance management, and Six Sigma analysis (Fawad, 2020). Technology further offers easy access and retrieval of information, a more efficient and accurate process with less human time and effort as well as cost-effective means of performing tasks. The new revolution of artificial intelligence will replace managers in the performance of several functions in the workplace.’s Redshift is a user-friendly software for the storage of corporate data, examining the information, and giving the outcome as a dashboard that is adaptable for use. The Redshift is a very efficient, fully accomplished petabyte-scale information warehouse package that is manageable and cost-effective in the analysis of data employing elements of artificial intelligence. The software has a capacity to handle datasets from gigabytes to a petabyte costing less than $ 1,000 per…

Personal Statement – Online Counseling Program My passion for helping people is what inspired me to choose to study counseling. My main goal is to help people make logical choices and think in more rational ways. I want to be there for people as a tool to use to better themselves. What enthuses me the most about counseling is the idea of being able to positively influence someone going through a tough time by guiding them to make choices that will enhance the quality of their life. I am a great listener and empathetic towards others, which I am confident will contribute to my being an excellent counselor. I also find much satisfaction and pleasure in helping make a difference. I believe that getting into this program will allow me to learn more about this field and equip me with the necessary skills to professionally be of assistance to others. My short-term career goal is to become a mental health counselor in private practice in New Jersey. I want to use this as a platform for me to learn from counselors…

Can new technologies help students? In the modern life, technology is essential in the lives of many people including students. It is then clear that technology more so computers can help students to conduct their studies and other necessary things in their lives. Technology has fastened learning, and all have been made possible by the innovation of computers. Some might say that technology has disadvantages to studying students, but the advantages outweigh the disadvantage. Below are some of the benefits that computer as a form of technology that is enjoyed by students. In the modern days, computers are applied in almost all sectors, and they have significantly impacted our lives. Numerous students have exploited this technology to dissect tremendous measures of information rapidly which has helped spare a considerable measure of time and cash. Technology has made a very significant role in the community, comparing the ancient times with the modern times; we notice that technology has changed our lives in many aspects. Students are using computers to handle different task fast and easy which has led to time-saving and…

Sleeping patterns on school-going children Sleep is essential, regular sleeping patterns, for that matter. Medical reports have documented that enough sleep boosts the body’s immunity, hence overall health, besides improving an individual’s levels of productivity. With the most common sleeping disorder being insomnia, others are sleeping sickness and night terrors. This paper, therefore, focuses on teens and sleep. How does sleep contribute to a student’s success in their academics? Is there a correlation, either direct or indirect? The three articles used for this research have immensely contributed and deeply engaged my topic of research, the effects of sleeping habits on teenagers’ success academically. Moulin Kerry’s article: Technology trumping sleep: impact of electronic media and sleep in late adolescent students centers its focus on internet use and how this affects sleeping patterns to school-going adolescents. A secured online survey tool was used on 89 participants from the age bracket of 16-25. This study concluded that internet use had adverse effects on learner’s sleeping patterns due to insomnia. This further negatively affected the performance in school. Additionally, Urilla et al. jumps into…

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