Digital literacy along with technology Digital literacy along with technology plays a considerable role in different areas of a person’s life. Social media is one of the remarkable digital network that is increasingly becoming essential for students as it boost their academic success while preparing them to face the reality in the world. It is worth noting that a good digital citizenship involved compliance with policies and netiquettes of an online, which enhances both the academic and professional goals. In particular, the selected social media network for discussion is YouTube, how it can improve the realization of personal objectives in the academic and work life, and maintenance of its privacy policy. Most of the YouTube videos upload in the Ashford University channel appears interesting and successful in conveying their intended message. One of the compelling video seeks to answer the question of “How to Get College Credit for Work and Life Experience.” The primary reason that elicited the desire to select it is the speaker and the addressed topic. In brief, Katie Scheie, the Vice President and University Registrar has…

Strategic Plan Strategic Plan Executive Summary The strategic plan is an overview of the planned health intervention activities to perform. That is in addressing the issue of diabetes. The strategic plan will run for three consecutive years. It will involve several stakeholders, including the department of health, the local community, the financiers and the state and federal government. The issue identified is a concern in many parts of the United States. The plan specifies the goals and objectives to be achieved during that period. It also lists the activities and approaches to help accomplish them. In each year, there are specific goals and objectives to achieve. Notably, each intervention in the plan has been allocated a possible timeframe to implement it. That is to ensure all activities are performed within the required time. On the same line, the persons and entities responsible for implementing each intervention have been identified. The comprehensive plan has been informed by several factors, which include planning stages, efforts to collaborate, needs assessment, data collection and reporting of the results. In addition, other aspects related to…

                         A Stock Report on Recommendations of Purchasing the Stock Charles Schwab Introduction Charles Schwab Corporation is an American multinational company that offers financial management, asset management services, portfolio management, and securities brokerage services. The company is known for investor education, brokerage accounts, and stock advice to investors. The purpose of this report is to give positive recommendations as to why investing in the Stock Charles Schwab will be beneficial to average clients. After thorough research on the stock performance of Charles Schwab, the findings were that the stock price has recorded a positive percentage gain of +9.14% and has maintained a steady rise and that recent positive price changes in earnings indicate that it is an excellent stock to buy. Further, the firm has maintained annual sales of 10.72 million dollars. The following report will cover a brief history of the company, its financial information, growth report, and investor-related information. Corporate Profile Charles Schwab Corporation was founded in the year 1971 by Charles Schwab. It is located in San Francisco, California, in the United States. Charles Schwab Corporation…

Title: Case Study Help Online | Case Study Assignment Help H1: Online case study assignment help from the real professionals Doing a case study is a crucial part of any higher learning experience. Case studies can even benefit students who are still in high school. They give you a practical learning experience and a chance to put what you have learned in class to practice. You can explore your school subject beyond what exists in the books and into the real world. Writing this paper is both exciting and daunting because it is unfamiliar territory, unlike the regular assignments you do in school. Worry not, we are here to help you navigate this new part of your studies. H2: Exploring online nursing case study help If you are studying to join the medical field, then practical lessons from the real world will help prepare you for your career before it starts. Case studies in nursing school are more severe than those in other fields because they involve researching actual diseases that affect human life. Alternatively, you could choose to focus…

Discussion: Why Vote? I tend to disagree with the statement that “any American child can grow up to be president of the United States.” In the United States, we are still far from equality, such that there is still a considerable percentage of people who always get some services as privileges, not as rights. Racial, social-economic, and even gender discrimination are still evident in the United States. There are still children who do not have access to good education, and they socially and economically disadvantaged, giving them no chance to compete with other children to become something in society. Therefore, the ideology may exist that every child in the United States could grow up to be president, but the reality is that this is very far from reality. Until the moment when all services are available to every American child equally from whichever location they are from in the United States. We cannot all fit in the government, and each one of us cannot be in a position of power of influence to impact change in our society. Therefore, we…

Concepts of depreciation I learned the concepts of depreciation, Leverage, and capital structure in this week. These are core financial concepts. I learned about capital structures, operating break-even point, break-even point, how the changing costs impact the break-even point, the concepts of operating Leverage, Financial Leverage, and total Leverage. In this week’s learning, I learned about the general income format and the types of leverages. I was also exposed to concepts of EBIT for various levels of sales revenues. I learned the formula to calculate the degree of operating Leverage. I also learned the concepts of financial Leverage, calculation of EPS for various levels of EBIT levels, and total leverage calculation. I understood the relationship between the operating, financial, and total Leverage and how all these three leverages impact a firm’s decision. EPS determines a firms’ financing decision. I learned the technique of EBIT-EPS to select the most appropriate capital structure, which would maximize the earnings per share (EPS) for certain expected earning before the calculation of interest and tax (EBIT). The shortcomings of the EBIT-EPS approach are also examined.…

Online teaching Online teaching is a method of distance learning that has gained popularity in recent years. This learning happens online where there is little or no physical interaction among the students or with professors. Class sessions occur online, course material is availed online, and assignments are submitted via designated portals within the online learning system. It can also be referred to as virtual learning. The costs of online courses are lower than those of traditional learning, giving less advantaged students a chance to get an education. Also, since a student can choose which time of learning bests suits them, they can pursue other interests and opportunities or even advance in their careers. However, the lack of face to face interaction may inadequately prepare a student for the real world, because, with learning taking place online, slower students might not get a chance to meet with a professor to request for extra tutoring. Online learning also requires more reading and assignments than in physical classes, which can be tedious for busy or lazy students. Online teaching offers the instructors flexibility…

Online identity theft                                 Abstract What exactly is the meaning of identity theft? In the days gone by, the term used to refer to the use of any other person’s confidential information without their consent. That, however, does not capture the entirety of what identity theft is all about. The exact definition is unlawful activities conducted by a person or persons using the private information of another individual or a fictitious person. Once the person has successfully created the new identity, the possibility of the crimes he/she could commit is endless. These range from small-time ones such as doing online purchases using a fraudulent credit, to big ones such as creating ghost accounts at the bank to maximize their gains. So what does an individual need to create a fake identity or take over another person’s profile? The documents and information needed are such as passports, place of birth and parents details, fingerprints, full names, taxpayer pin code, and social security numbers, among many others. Individuals must be extra cautious with this information because they could implicate themselves in significant…

            Student’s name Lecturer’s name Unit name Unit code Date of submission   Rogerian Essay on Allowing Cell Phones In High School               With the evolving technology, things nowadays are seen to be easy, and most products and information can easily be accessed from just a click of a button. The issue of a cell phone being allowed in high school has sparked a different reaction from the community, teachers, students, and regulatory bodies. With the growing technology, almost everyone owns a cell phone.  Having a cell phone has made our lives easy, and with the revolutionized technology, interconnecting through the web and social media is made possible.  It is essential to understand how having a cell phone in a school compound can affect students.  There are some benefits and disadvantages of allowing high school kids to possess a cell phone in school. We must get to understand how each plays in the growth of a student and how it impacts him or her socially.  In this paper am…

Topic: Culture Identity and Age in Japan Introduction With the development of society, in today’s increasingly precious material life, people pay more and more attention to the development of the spiritual world, notably curiosity and exploration of cultural needs. People think about whether people of different ages have different identities when they grow up in different cultural backgrounds. Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music, and arts (Zimmermann, 2017). Obviously, cultural roots are deeply rooted in our lives and have a considerable impact on human life. Culture exists in a group, and it affects the thinking and behavior of individuals, and then the thinking and practice of the entire organization. Different cultures fix age with different meanings and different values (Lumencandela, 2011). Age is also an essential factor that people consider when positioning their identity. For young adults in their teens and early 20s, turning 50 equates to hitting old age (ScienceDaily, 2018). A key finding: People’s perception of past age changes as they age, the older we…

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